Jenny R
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Anyone doing this trip? With or without add ons, or overnight Heathrow on 11th.
  • (Member)

Yes, I'm going as well. No extensions - just the night before. It was too much of a challenge to try to get to the airport in time from Northumberland. Really looking forward to it.

Jenny R
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi, nice to know someone else is going. I am not doing any add ons. Haven't decided on the hotel the night before yet. In theory I only live 50mins from Heathrow but that 50 mins is mainly on the M25 at rush hour so will possibly book the hotel

Jenny R

Going on the holiday to Australia on the 12th October 2009. Flying from Manchester to London the day before. Anyone else flying from Manchester.

Cathy W


Getting a bit apprehensive about this trip, first holiday alone, no spring chicken, but quite fit. Hope everyone is as nice as their emails

See you soon.

Cathy W

Hi. This will be my first holiday as a single. Like Cathyw I am no spring chicken but am looking foreward to it. I have chosen to spend the night before departure at the heathrow hotel as the M25/M3 during the rush hour is not the place to be.Mike
Jenny R
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
as a not so young spring chicken I managed to get on the Great wall of china last year so Australia should be a doddle!!!!!!! (Famous last words) See you all at the Heathrow get together. Decided that the road works on the M25 were the last straw

Jenny R

Looks like a few ladies going but not so many men? I am joining you all in Perth as I will already be there visiting my family.

See you all in Perth on th 13th.


  • (Member)
Well that's it! The money's gone from my bank account so I'm committed. All I have to do now is get a suitcase and decide what to put in it. Aaarrgh. Can't wait for the holiday, though. See you all in eight and a bit weeks.

No trouble packing the suitcase,as little as possible for me,any lady golfers or bridge players,going on this trip not that I will be spending my time doing these things,but it would mean we had something in common.

Looking foreward to seeing you all.

Cathy W