• (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

Have just taken the plunge and booked my first holiday alone,lost my other half 14 months ago now to cancer, this is the first step to getting on with my life (as he so wanted me to do) have never travelled alone before so would love to hear from anyone else who is also going on this trip, or who have experienced travelling alone for the first time.

Best Wishes Karen

  • (Member)

Good for you for booking this great trip, I have done Australia and just loved the country..I have done 4 JY Holidays and have 1 booked for May...I will of travelled 3 times on my own and twice with people I have met on JY Holidays so its a great way to make holiday friendships. They are just so much fun, and interesting people, and very very busy days. Have a great time


  • (Member)
Hello, It will be nice to meet you in Oz, I'm already overexcited, goodness knows what I will be like the week before. Really do not worry about travelling alone everybody is so friendly on singles hols.
  • (Member)
Hi Val and Karen.

I'm also booked on the Australia trip on 2nd Nov. Are either of you doing the Hong Kong add on? I'm also really excited about this trip as I've wanted to do Oz for ages - just need to save up now. I've done lots of JY trips and particularly enjoyed the long haul tours. I'm sure we'll have a brilliant time.


  • (Member)
Hi, I am stopping in Singapore first, there was too much choice would like to have done all 3 and NZ, guess I'm just greedy.


  • (Member)
Hi Val

Hope you enjoy Singaore - I would also have liked to do all the extras but limited by time and money, so plumped for Hong Kong. I presume those stopping in Singapore leave a few days before the main holiday and we catch up with you when we change planes. Whatever, I'm sure it's going to be a brilliant holiday. See you there.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

Nice to hear from you, was begining to think I was the only one booked on the trip! I am not doing the extra stop overs as I am not coming home with the party am flying back to Sydney to spend another week with friends, so will be away a whole month 🙂 cant wait!!!

  • (Member)
Hi Karen

What a great idea to spend 3 weeks touring and finish off with friends/family. I think the holilday is fully booked now and, even though it's a long way off, I'm really excited as it is a trip of a lifetime for me. I know we'll have a wonderful time and there will be lots of like minded people. I'm divorced myself but on other JY holidays there have been several recently widowed people. I've actually become very good friends with a recent widow I met on my first JY trip - she found the support of others really helpful and also had really good fun along the way.

See you in Oz.


  • (Member)

I have booked the Australia tour for November 2nd but I am flying out on the 26th October to spend some time with my sister in Mandurah (south of Perth).

I am really looking forward to the trip , it is my first holiday on my own but because I will not meet up with you all until we meet at the hotel in Perth , I would like to to say 'Hi' on this message board.

from Helena

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

My first time too, am really looking forward to it now, see you in Perth!

  • (Member)
Hi folks.

Just returned from Russia with JY so now got the post holiday blues. Met lots of people on the trip who had 'done' Australia so really can't wait to go. I really must start saving hard now. Look forward to meeting you in November.


I am excited about going to Australia in November. It will be the second time that I have travelled with Justyou and know that our group will be made up of single people, like myself, who will have a fabulous time together. All the same I am daunted by the prospect of spending 22 days away from home alone. It was reassuring to find that other people were going to Australia and that they were getting in touch with each other via the message board.

Regards from Heather

  • (Member)
Hi, Me again,

Thanks for replying to my message. This is a great idea to get to know your fellow travellers , I already feel more relaxed about who I will be spending time with.

Is any of you planning to go on a 'pre-holiday get together'?


  • (Member)
Hi all.

I will be flying from Manchester but not sure yet whether connecting flight will be early morning on the 2nd or the night before. If it is the night before I'll probably do the pre tour get together. I've never been away for so long before and am a bit apprehensive about this but am sure the trip will be so exciting I will want it to go on and on. I'm most worried about the Hong Kong add on I've booked as I've had very little information about it and not sure how many others have booked this.


Arriving in Gatwick from Isle of Man on Sunday night. I am looking forward to meeting up with some of you in the executive lounge on Monday morning. Lin, you say that you think the holiday is fully booked now, do you know how many people make up the group? I am the only person up to now who is just doing 22 days and I thought that was a long time! I need to get more adventurous.


  • (Member)

I'm only assuming the holiday is fully booked as the date is no longer available on the holiday search page. Group sizes seem to be getting bigger than they used to be - my last 2 JY trips have been 35 and 42 (at one time they were limited to 30 max). I can't believe I was allowed to take 4 weeks off work in one stretch so making the most of it as I don't think I'll get the opportunity again until I retire and then I won't have enough money!

November seems ages away but hopefully it will come around quickly and most of us will be meeting in the executive lounge.


Hi all,

I was looking at Australia for next year, the dates are in there but I don't see any add-ons, Hong Kong for example. Have they stopped them or am I looking in the wrong place.


Page 95 of the 2009/10 brochure has Singapore, Hong Kong and New Zealand add-ons for the Australia tour.
Hi Heather,

O.k., thanks. I was only looking at the website, I don’t have the actual brochure. I will download it and have a look.


  • (Member)
Hi there.

I have booked the Australian trip with Singapore add-on for March 2010. I would be very interested to hear about your experiences when you get back.

Enjoy the trip of a lifetime.
