  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello all 

I was just wondering if anyone was doing the USA 18day western wonders tour in September? I am a newbie never done a solo tour and a bit anxious. I was originally doing a different tour in October but just amended to this and wanted to reach out to see who else was doing this one. 

Debbie D
Hi Dawn, I'm also going on this trip as is Sue who I met on the Canada's Eastern Wonders trip last year.  This will be my 4th Just You trip and am sure we'll have a great time.  Will see you in the lounge at Heathrow!
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
That's great looking forward to meeting you both. It's my first trip so a little anxious as all will be new to me? However I am looking forward to it. ☺️
Hi all I'm not going on this holiday I'll be doing the national parks tour in September but just wanted to say I did this tour September 2019 and loved it (my last holiday before covid hit). You'll all have a lovely time. Enjoy it. I made great friends on my trip and we kept in touch throughout covid checking in on each other and are still in touch now. 


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thank you for posting on my thread. So pleased to hear you enjoyed it. I am a newbie but looking forward to it and hoping to make some friends along the way. ☺️
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Afternoon all

i am looking forward to this holiday and meeting those on it.. I am looking at upgrading my flight to economy delight on the way for more leg room and faster boarding and premium on the way back for a more comfortable seat.. is anyone else thinking of this option? 
