  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
As you know, we very much value the opinion of our community members – you have helped shape our collection of holidays by suggesting your preferred destinations and even recommended tweaks to existing itineraries. So if you don’t mind we’d like to call upon your thoughts once again.


You may be aware that we offer a few different UK breaks – for example we have our walking holidays in the Dales and the Cotswolds and for the past couple of years have hosted a King Richard III weekend break. What we’d like to know is, would you be interested to see us add more to our UK collection of holidays and if so, what sort of holidays would you like us to add, more walking/active holidays? experience weekends? or perhaps longer UK tours?


Why not have your say in the comments below.


Kindest regards


  • (Member)
Hi Julia,

As I live in Ireland, the UK is abroad for me!!  I have holidayed in the UK many times over the years, with family, but I certainly would be interested in a UK holiday at some stage - although I have to admit it's not at the top of my wish list at present: too much of the world to see while I can!  However, I would love to visit the Isle of Skye as it looks gorgeous and a tour of some of the finest stately homes of England would interest me (with some fun activities thrown in, to mix things up a bit) - if we stayed in a really nice hotel with some fine dining thrown in that could be a winner for me!  I presume such UK trips would be "make your own way" which would put me off, however - if they were to run, it would be helpful for me (and presumably for some others at least), if there was a meeting point that was central and within easy reach of an airport or with easy transport links from a major airport, rather than me having to make complicated travel plans to join the group.  



  • (Member)
Hello Julia,

I would be interested in a trip to Scotland and the Hebridean Islands. I would love to see more of this beautiful part of the UK.


erHello Julia,

While I'm mostly trying to get to as many faraway places as I can at the moment, I do also look at what's available in the UK.  The walking trips JY do would be something I'd do if I could fit in. 

A few years ago I did an art tour of NW England with another tour group which worked well for me. However, my issue is organised UK trips feel very expensive for what you get - so eg last year I organised my own short break in York booking 4 nights at a Premier Inn.  Whilst I will pay a bit of a premium, sometimes the cost just feels too steep.  I don't know if JY can take advantage of some out of season deals with hotels to keep costs down to make the cost feel bearable.

That said I live in London and I would like to see more of Scotland, especially the ancient sites right in the North, some of the Islands, the castles, etc.  I had thought of organising my own trip, and using some short term tours to cover different areas, even found a tour group Rabbies, to do it with.  But unlikely to have enough time to fit anything in this year, so if JY can put together something interesting for next year would look at that.

There are many other areas in the UK I would look at as well, especially including gardens, stately homes, architecture, heritage railways or experiences - eg. food tours, stained glass making etc.


  • (Member)
Yes I could be interested.  I did the Isle of Man tour and enjoyed that. Far north of Scotland and Northern Ireland would do it for me.  Travelling by rail would be good

I would be interested in touring holidays of must visit places in Scotland, Wales and NI. I have been living in UK since 1973 and have visited many interesting location in England only!!??, hence will definitely be interested in other parts of the Union.

So far I have done four tours with JY abroad, all long hauls purely because I enjoy traveling with the group, thanks.


intrepid traveller
Not sure, need temptation!  'Make your own way' a bit of a put off.  How about Christmas Markets?
  • (Member)
Hi Julia

Although not strictly all 'UK', have JY thought of re-introducing the 'Tale of Two Cities' (Dublin/Belfast) trip that you rested a few years ago?

I did it in 2012 and although sadly the TM was disappointing and very scatty, the basic itinerary was good and, with a bit more thought and a few additions, could be really super.

Also - just a thought - how about putting together a 'UK Explorer' coach/train trip from John O'Groats to Lands End, stopping off at some historic cities and beauty spots along the way?

All the best


  • (Member)
Just my thought but why would making your own way put anyone off a UK break.  Most of us make our own way to the airport and I have rarely met anyone at hotels I have stayed at pre-flight.  When flying regionally it is not unusual to be alone until the destination airport.
  • (Member)
I can understand 'make your own way' can put some travellers off, especially the ones who have not travelled a lot on their own. I would have been put off by this a few years ago, but I am now more confident having travelled with Just You since 2009. Not everyone is confident making their own way.



  • (Member)
Hello Everyone,

Have done Richard 111 and Leicester- great holiday. Jacobean Steam Trains staying at Inverness, not so good on a 15 hour coach trip overnight and return, then someone said to fly to Glasgow or Edinburgh then pick up the coach :dodgy:  agggggghhhhhhh. However the holiday was great and I tasted Cullen Skink for the first time :heart: The other holiday was walking the Yorkshire Dales. All 3 holidays involved me driving from the South Coast.

I have seen much of this land, my favourite would be the Lake District- not been back in over 30 years. Would love to go back on a holiday. Someone suggested the Dublin/ Belfast trip- could not make that one as I was out in Canada twice for 2 weddings. Would love to do that one. Can we have Wales and Cornwall as well?


Hi All

I would love to go on breaks in the UK but currently, like others, I'm trying to do all the long hauls and Europe first. So no time for UK just yet unless tempted by something - Dublin/Belfast, Isle of Man, Isles of Scilly and Wales.



I've been to the Isles of Scilly a few times.  That would be a great one.

May I put a word in for the Isle of Wight please?  It would make a great walking holiday for JY.  🙂

I really want to see a puffin!

Would it be possible to arrange a trip to wherever those little fellas live? (Unsure if Orkneys or Shetlands or mainland but think they have Scottish accents 🙂 )

  • (Member)
Oooh yes. Isle of Scilly has long been on my wish list.
I would like to go the Scilly Isles, Isle of Man, Edinburgh and Ireland. Unfortunately the walking tours you offer aren't for me as I have knee problems.
I’d be interestested in more short walking breaks in the UK- for example- I’m disappointed to see that currently the west coast of Ireland isn’t on for 2018- Scotland and Ireland walking breaks would really interest me and provide a good relatively inexpensive additional break to long haul tours
  • (Member)

I would love

to do a tour of Scotland .Especially  are there is little inbthecwaynof singles trips for that destination. Please consider this.

Also maybe spa breaks?


'Jellifer' wrote:

I really want to see a puffin!

Would it be possible to arrange a trip to wherever those little fellas live? (Unsure if Orkneys or Shetlands or mainland but think they have Scottish accents 🙂 )


Ralph M
I would certainly consider a UK holiday break especially if it included a few walks and was of 5 -7+ days length.

Living in the South East I very rarely get to travel North or West but have an advantage that I can get to most places via London Central Train stations

How about the Norfolk Coast?