'Jellifer' wrote:

I really want to see a puffin!

Would it be possible to arrange a trip to wherever those little fellas live? (Unsure if Orkneys or Shetlands or mainland but think they have Scottish accents 🙂 )

You can find come off Alderney

Hi Julia

There is a lot of competition in this market, many local established coach tour services who can pick the traveller up from home and get them to destination, offer tour days and itiineries to visit historic sites, museums etc. Also excursions out during the trip (using guides as per JY do abroad) do the porterage etc all with benefit of having one seat for whole journey and no coach changes. Event prices and hotel standard similar to JY. Doubt if JY could compete I regret to say. Best wishes.Travellite.

'Jellifer' wrote:

I really want to see a puffin!

Would it be possible to arrange a trip to wherever those little fellas live? (Unsure if Orkneys or Shetlands or mainland but think they have Scottish accents 🙂 )

I would love to see puffins too. More trips with a chance for wild life viewing would be good. I would love to see Orca killer whales, I believe they are sometimes seen around the coast and sea lochs in Scotland.