  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Vicki,

Any news on when this section is likely to be up and running?  Seems to have been undergoing changes for a long time.



Hi Sylvia,

The web team are hard at work and it should be up and running by the end of December 🙂

Many thanks,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Vickie' wrote:

Hi Sylvia,

The web team are hard at work and it should be up and running by the end of December 🙂

Many thanks,


Thanks Vickie,

That is a long time.  Probably takes a lot of testing though.


Hi - is this area still being worked on?

I can login but it says a I have No up-coming holidays (I have two!) and it only shows one of my previous trips.

Thanks Paula

  • (Member)
Hi Paula,

The Manage My Booking area of the site is still work in progress at the moment and will have a number of updates over coming months.

I can see that you have taken quite a few trips with us in the past and I do have a theory as to why only one of your previous trips is showing. Would you be able to send me an email to with the name of the tour that you can see in the Manage My Booking area of the site and I'll pick up with the relevant team here at JYHQ.

Kindest regards,


Hi Julia

Thanks for your help - email sent.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Paula,

You are lucky I cannot even login.  All I get is a circle of grey dots going round, and round, and round............


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Vickie,

I see that PaulaH can login to Manage My Booking.  I can't.  All I get is a circle of grey dots going round, and round, and round, and............

Any ideas as to why?


  • (Member)
Hi Sylvia,

Sorry to hear you are having problems logging into Manage My Booking.

Would you be able to advise what internet brower you are using and we can try and get our developers to replicate the problem.

Many thanks,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Julia' wrote:

Hi Sylvia,

Sorry to hear you are having problems logging into Manage My Booking.

Would you be able to advise what internet brower you are using and we can try and get our developers to replicate the problem.

Many thanks,


Hi Julia,

I am using a MacBook Air running Catalina 10.15.2.  I have tried using Firefox 71.0 and Safari 13.0.4.  I have also tried both of these browsers on my iPhone but could not find the MMB option.  All cookies for this site are accepted.

I get the top purple banner with Manage My Booking in the middle, then a white gap with the grey circle of dots, and under that the text info re contacts etc.  I can send a screen shot by email if you wish.

Incidentally, I also notice that when I open the Community page, whether logged in or not, I have the words Just You Logo in purple and underlined and not the logo itself in the top left hand corner.  Not sure whether this is relevant or not.

Hope this information helps. 


'Julia' wrote:

Hi Sylvia,

Sorry to hear you are having problems logging into Manage My Booking.

Would you be able to advise what internet brower you are using and we can try and get our developers to replicate the problem.

Many thanks,


Hello Julia, 

I am having the same problem as Sylvia. I am using an iPad with safari internet.


  • (Member)
Hi Sylvia and Sandra,

Thank you both for sharing the device and broswers that you are using that is a huge help and I'll share with the dev team.

Sylvia, if you could send me a screenshot that would be great ( and I'll also share that with the team.

Many thanks for your patience


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Julia' wrote:

Hi Sylvia and Sandra,

Thank you both for sharing the device and broswers that you are using that is a huge help and I'll share with the dev team.

Sylvia, if you could send me a screenshot that would be great ( and I'll also share that with the team.

Many thanks for your patience


Screenshot sent Julia.

  • (Member)
Many thanks Sylvia - this has been shared with our development team to investigate.

Kindest regards,


Hi Julia

I'm also having trouble accessing Manage My Booking. I use Firefox or Explorer on my laptop and  have an Android phone. All I get is the circle of dots as if it's trying to load.



  • (Member)
Hi Liz,

Sorry to hear that you are having some issues - would you be able to email me with details of what verision of Firefox/Explorer you are using?

my email address is

Many thanks


  • (Member)
Hi Julia

I cannot access my account either.  I am using Microsoft Edge.



  • (Member)
Many thanks all for sharing your the devices/browsers that you are having issues with. I appreciate it is extremely frustrating not being able to access your account.

In terms of the grey dots going round, we have managed to replicate this issue and shared it with our IT team to investigate and fix.

Kindest regards,


Well I have in my bookings 3 x Amazing Australia all with different reference numbers it's rediculous and it should make no difference what browser your using and half my other and current bookings are missing it is a right mess 


I'm having the same problem both on Edge and Chrome. Had to phone to update insurance details on next holiday. Hope the issue is resolved soon.