  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi I have just booked my first holiday with JY in fact it's my first holiday as a single traveller and must say I am so excited but also a bit nervous. Is anybody else booked on this trip or anyone been on the trip? Any tips greatly appreciated. Karen
Hi Karen, I did this trip in August 2013 and have posted some tips which may be useful if you do a search on the forum. It was my first time with Just You and I had a fantastic holiday; I'm sure you will too. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Marie x
Hi Karen, I'm booked on this trip (without the cruise add-on) so it won't be Just You. :thumbup:

It's my first time using JY too, but it's been awhile since I had a proper holiday so I can't wait. 🙂

Hi Karen and all on this thread. I have just booked my first holiday with JY and am also nervous & excited! I've never travelled on my own before and look forward to making new friends. Could you let me know what to expect weather-wise in China in August please. Are there any mosquitos? Thanks x
Hi Karen. I have just booked for the 6th August too. I'm new to JY and travelling on my own. Like you, I'm excited & nervous at the same time! From the posts I've read it looks to be quite a holiday! Going to book my vaccinations tomorrow ......
'Nutz123' wrote:

Hi Karen and all on this thread. I have just booked my first holiday with JY and am also nervous & excited! I've never travelled on my own before and look forward to making new friends. Could you let me know what to expect weather-wise in China in August please. Are there any mosquitos? Thanks x

Apparently it's hot! As for the mosquitos, I've read different accounts as to how often we'll need to use repellent but I'm taking enough deet and 'incognito' to repel a small Chinese dragon just in case. :cool:

Hi I shall be on this trip also. Not doing the cruise. but looking forward to every moment. Hope to see you at the airport. Plenty of tips for the trip on the forum. Anne
  • (Member)
Hello everyone!

I am also booked on the 6th august. Look forward to meeting you all in just over 7 weeks

Anyone interested in meeting up in the Gatwick area for a meal on the evening of the 5th? 😃
Hi everyone!

I'm on the 6th August China trip too! It's my first one - can't wait!

I won't be at Gatwick the evening before as I don't live too far away, but looking forward to meeting you all on the day.

If any of you think of anything useful to bring that may not be on the obvious 'to pack' list, leave a message on here just in case 🙂

See you all soon!
