Sue Southampton
(Member) (Topic Starter)

I have just come back from Canada with a fair amount of currency left over. If anyone is going there and would like some at a good rate compared to banks etc let JY know and we can exchange email addresses. I will have to hold on to it otherwise as it is not good for selling back at the moment.

Sue Southampton

Ann C
  • (Member)
Hello Sue,

Hope you enjoyed you holiday. I'm going on 10 September and really looking forward to.

Happy to chat with you about your currency and I will ask Julia to exchange our email addresses.

Kind regards


  • (Member)
Hi Sue,

Can you just drop me a confirmation post that you are happy to receive Ann's email address and I will send this across to you as soon as possible.

Kindest regards,


Sue Southampton
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Julia' wrote:

Hi Sue,

Can you just drop me a confirmation post that you are happy to receive Ann's email address and I will send this across to you as soon as possible.

Kindest regards,


Dear Julia

Yes I am happy to exchange email addresses with Ann

Thanks Sue

  • (Member)
Hi Sue,

I have dropped you an email with Anns email address.

Kindest regards,


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