  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
After months of pondering and finding every excuse under the sun have now taken the plunge and booked my first trip - going to Cyprus 18 Oct.

So here goes - nothing ventured nothing gained - a good break from work and good company is my aim.

Looking forward with some trepidation but now have extra purpose to my long overdue fitness/diet plan.

Will be 54 by then - not sure where that fits in the "usual age groups" but then again not really worried about that.

Will be travelling from Heathrow & would be glad to make contact ahead of then with any others doing the same trip.

Hi, After pondering for weeks should I or should I not book a holiday. The prospect of travelling alone and possibly changing planes terrifys me. What should I do
Sharon H
'suejj' wrote:

After months of pondering and finding every excuse under the sun have now taken the plunge and booked my first trip - going to Cyprus 18 Oct.

So here goes - nothing ventured nothing gained - a good break from work and good company is my aim.

Looking forward with some trepidation but now have extra purpose to my long overdue fitness/diet plan.

Will be 54 by then - not sure where that fits in the "usual age groups" but then again not really worried about that.

Will be travelling from Heathrow & would be glad to make contact ahead of then with any others doing the same trip.

Well done you - welcome! I have yet to book my first holiday but will probably go to Luxembourg as I haven't been there before and I don't like flying.

Hope you enjoy your holiday!

  • (Member)
I've done a Cyprus trip (not with with JY) lovely country.

I've done several JY holidays and all have been fab. Age ranges have been anywhere between 30's to late 70's Women tend to outnumber the men. Groups sizes smallest has been 13 largest 40.

People mix regardless of the above - you'll have a good time


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Your feedback is very encouraging. Any idea what temperature in Cyprus is mid October?:rolleyes:
  • (Member)
When I went it was September and it was about 35 celsius.

I've dug out my rough guide doesn't give for October but says September is max 33 min 18 and Nov max 24 min 10 celsius

Hope this of same use


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Annam' wrote:

When I went it was September and it was about 35 celsius.

I've dug out my rough guide doesn't give for October but says September is max 33 min 18 and Nov max 24 min 10 celsius

Hope this of same use


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Annam' wrote:

When I went it was September and it was about 35 celsius.

I've dug out my rough guide doesn't give for October but says September is max 33 min 18 and Nov max 24 min 10 celsius

Hope this of same use


Wow warmer than I thought - thank you:thumbup:

  • (Member)
Hi! Like you after much putting off I have finally taken the plunge and booked my first trip. I'm also off to Cyprus on the 18th from Heathrow and now filled with a mixture of excitement and anticipation!

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Nicw,

I'm going from Heathrow as well! Now beginning to look forward to the trip. No doubt see you at the airport.

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Nicw,

I'm going from Heathrow as well! Now beginning to look forward to the trip. No doubt see you at the airport.