  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hope this gets on the message board, having some difficuly, have just booked wonders of china holiday, with add on, this will be my first justyou holiday, and I am nervous to say the least, I know this is a long way off, but would love to hear from anyone thinking of going, or maybe booked.


  • (Member)
I haven't booked this yet but I am seriously thinking about it. I haven't been on a singles holiday before so I am a bit unsure. But the testimonials on this website are quite reassuring. I just need to think about it for a bit longer .... I'll let you know when I've finally decided. Pauline
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Pauline

I have not done anything like this before, but was so excited to even have a reply. Like you, I have been thinking about china for a long time. I did book to go on a similar type of holiday but had to cancel. I went on two holidays last year - one to Croatia which was lovely, and everyone made me feel so part of the holiday, but when you are on your own you feel as if you are imposing. The second was a singles holiday which I did not enjoy. It was, I think, just like a dating agency, which is most definitely not my scene. Anyway, I am a 65 year old retired lady, but please do not let my age put you off. I am fit, like a laugh, like a glass of wine, and want to see as much of the world as I can. I most definitely like this website - I look forward to hearing from you. I think China sounds an amazing once in a lifetime experience, especially with the Yangtze add-on.

Well Pauline go for it I hope I have not put you off with my age etc. You only live once.


  • (Member)
Hi Joyce - well, I've done it ! All booked departing 9th September. And I'm so excited. I even bought a guide book on Amazon so that I can read up beforehand. Don't worry about your age. Even though I am a mere youngster compared to you at only 55 🙂 I really don't think it will make a jot of difference. I too like the odd glass of wine and as newly single and not looking for romance, just a good holiday seeing some interesting places, it sounds like we should get on like a house on fire. I am pleased that we have made contact and must keep in touch to share the excitement before we go. Pauline
  • (Member)
hi there I too am booked for this trip, it will be my 2nd just you, did thailand and cambodia in Nov 08 and it was great, so don't worry about ages, our group was 30's to 70's and we all got on. I myself am in my 60's. hope to hear from you both.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Pauline and Jennyh

Firstly so glad you decided to take the plunge Pauline, I was so exited to find your message, and thank you for replying, and even more thrilled to find someone else also going like Jenny, and this gives a little more security, as Jenny has travelled with just you before, so they must be fairly reputable. Well I hope we will all keep in touch on this message board, and share our exitement and any queries we might have as time goes on. I check this board fairly regulary, and have an urge to keep sending messages, but must restrain myself. Heaven knows what this board is going to look like in a few months time, but who cares? Look forward to hearing from you both.


  • (Member)
hi joyce & pauline,

nice to hear from you, I am hoping that we keep in touch and even possibly meet up before the big event. Have been reading up on china already, the more I read the more I am looking forward to the trip.

take care


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
hi jennyh

lovely to receive your message, and as you have travelled to thailand etc: you will have a much better knowledge of what we might expect. although I do have a fair idea as my son spent 2 years in Hong Kong, but that is not the same as having experienced, as you have the real thing.

like you I am reading all I can about china, to me it is so interesting, and so exiting, september cannot come quick-enough.

Yes I would love to meet-up before we travel, but I live in wales, but way-down southwales, but normally when I try and explain where I live the majority even welsh people do not know the area beyond swansea. well I live as far south west as you can go any further and you would fall into the the irish sea, but it is a very beautiful part of the country.

so at this stage I am looking to travel to heathrow by national express coach which should get me there mid-day in plenty of time,how i get home that is more difficult, most probably one of the family will oblige.

reading all the testimonials on this particular holiday, because it it so hectic clothes etc would seem to be casual/comfortable, but i am not sure about the cruise, i may be wrong but as it is only 4 nights, and a river cruise it seems to me dress might be smart/casual. went to norway last year on a cruise which sometimes was a little dressy.

i know we have plenty of time but would like to hear your response.



area the prembrokeshire coastline, i am very lucky to havle been brought-up in this area

  • (Member)
Hi Joyce & Jenny - so there will be at least 3 of us - super ! I am trying to be patient but I really can't wait. Have been looking at the messages about earlier trips and there seems to be lots of advice - I particularly like the one about not packing too much to leave plenty of room in your case for all the bargains 🙂 As regards meeting up, I live in Cambridge so couldn't be much further away from West Wales without falling into the North Sea ! So I think we'll have to wait until we meet at Heathrow. But we can keep in touch via the message board before then.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello Pauline

Lovely to hear from you, we could not be further apart if we tried, but who cares, I think we have chosen and exiting once in a lifetime holiday, and it is now March and the first time we corresponded was in January, so it is getting closer.

I agree this holiday sounds amazing like you I have been reading the messages from previous travellers, when the time comes for packing will try and leave a little space, for all the bargains.

The Yangtze cruise do you think this will be quite casual/dress etc, I am thinking it will be but I could be wrong.

Have you looked at the photo/album site there are some lovely photos from various people especially china, everyone makes remarks with regard to the wonderful food, and how wonderful and friendly the people are.

Well Pauline I am exited now heaven knows what I am going to be like when I have paid the final balance, but please keep in regular touch, I certainly will,I know there will be further queries I will have as time goes on.

hopefully we will have some newcomers to share our exitement with. Please take care of yourself.

Regards joyce

  • (Member)
Hi Joyce & Pauline,

I did reply to Joyces last posting, but it seems to have vanished into the eather. I am sure that the three of us will have a great time. dress should be mostly practical & comfy, expect the ship bit to be the same. I found that a skirt and a couple of slightly "posher" tops catered for evenings okay, during the day it was usually shorts or trousers. I myself am based in the midlands. but do a fair part of South West Wales, (we had our boat at Milford Haven).

anyway take care both, keep in touch.

Jenny H

Hi ladies,

I have just been reading your messages and can understand why you are getting excited. I too am going to China, bit I'm going TOMMOROW morning! How excited am I?

Just thought I would take a last minute look at the website to see if I can pick up any last minute tips. Obviously I won't be writing anything for the next 10 days but will update you on my experiences when I get back.

Joyce, I too am from S.Wales and will be getting the National Express from Bridgend, I have caught it to Gatwick in the past and it has been fine. Take note of your flight times as ours has just been brought forward 3 hours which meant changing taxi and coach times/tickets etc. Had been away at the weekend so I have only just discovered the change.

Keep on communicating ladies, it's great to think that we can now travel in safety thanks to companies like this.

Catch up soon

Roll on 9.00am!

Best wishes


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Jenny

Well well, your last message, all that came at me was MILFORDHAVEN, I was brought-up in Milford,which at that time was a lovely town, and a great fishing port which my father sailed from, and has a wonderful history, both happy, and sad for me.

Unfortunately I am not one of the marina set, which occupies the docklands these days, please do not think I am getting at you for having a boat on the marina, my own family have,it is just I grew up as a child remembering Milford Haven as a vibrant fishing community. Unfortunately I am a retired lady with not much money still for some reason paying taxes, and having to save for my holidays.

It is indeed a small world and I look forward to meeting you Jenny, and i Know we will have lots to talk about.

Thank you for your comments with regard to dress on the boat, which I initially thought like you, but it is nice to have a second opinion.

It seems at this time there are only three of us , I know there will be more, but I do not know how you feel ,but I am sure when the three of us actually meet, we will surely have some sort of bond.

Today I had a brochure from JustYou outlining holidays. China-Yangtze add-on with dates available, the 9 September was not on the list which makes me wonder if it is sold-out or nearly full, at this stage havenot checked the net.

Thank you for your reply, and please keep in touch. take care.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Helloe Theresa

Firstly please let me apoligize for not responding to your message before the one from jennyh. but i honestly did not see your message.

However, please let us know how you get-on with regard to this holiday when you return, your views, and any tips would b e greatly


Once again sorry for the delay in responding, looking forward to your return, and reply on this site.

Take care.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Theresa

Have you returned safely, not sure if you were on the 10 day holiday only, or had the yangtze add on.

So looking forward to your response with regard to the holiday, and I know I will need your advice on so many things.

Look forward to hearing from you


  • (Member)
Hi Joyce, & Theresa (if your back yet).

Like Joyce, I did'nt see Theresa's message, but it will be good to hear how she got on.

Like you Joyce I too have bittersweet memories of Milford, (but that's another story). I no longer have the boat, or sail, I havn't had the heart since Michael died. Like you I am retired, and really hate having to pay **tax. Never mind, I am sure that when we three finally meet we will have a great time, and have lots of laughs. I suspect that our trip is fully booked. Roll on September 9th! i am even trying to get fit ready for all the walking we will be doing. Have you ever read The Wild Swans by Jung Chang, its about three generations of women in china, from before the revolution through to modern times, I found it really good.

well must go now, take care and keep messaging.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
hi jenny

I feel an absolute heel for my last correspondence, please believe me when I say I do understand perhaps how you feel, having lost my husband so very suddenly on weekend away. I do tend to put all my feelings in writing, and they do not always come-out as I want.

I do hope we hear from Theresa, when she returns, and thank you for your comments regarding Wild Swans, I haved today ordered a copy from Smiths.

My next question, as you have travelled to that part of the world,did you have any vaccinations, obviously. I will consult my doctor, but just wondered what you did.

I wonder if we are going to hear from Pauline soon, when looking at the other posts on the site they seem short, and to the point. Ours seem to tell a life story, but if you don't care I certainly do not, looking at all the other threads ours are so much more interesting.

I am so exited now in April, what ever am I going to be like in 3 months time.

Look forward to hearing from you Jenny, hopefully soon, I know at this stage there is not a lot to talk about, but just a reply keeps-up the exitement.

Take care.


Hi ladies, I'm home!!

All I can say is wow, what a place! I've been home a week now and am still in awe of the experience. What an amazing holiday, you are in for a treat! I had to keep pinching myself as it was like a dream.

Be warned, as mentioned by others, the holiday is very tiring, it's not just the walking but there are a lot of early starts,(the tour manager arranges early morning calls) it was all worth every minute though. Hopefully you will have Lisa, she is absolutely briliant and what she doesn't know isn't worth knowing.

The hotels are great, you want for nothing, I was especially impressed with some of the toiletries etc, dressing gown and slippers were included in all the hotels we stayed in. They all have hairdryers too.

I just did the 10 day trip but would love to go back and do more. I feel I want to do it all again so that I can take more in. I took over 600 photographs with the intention of deleting any rubbish but have only deleted five.

There was a great age range with the youngest being approx 28ish and the oldest being 80, quite a few around the 70 mark too. I would say the average was around 50 - 65 on our trip. There was always the option of the easy route if walking is difficult. You don't need to worry about losing the rest of the group when visiting places either, as the guide and tour manager are constantly looking out for you and taking a head count.

I have to say I felt completely safe the whole time we were there, even when a couple of us found a little side street market late one night we felt safe. The Chinese people are so friendly, they do tend to stare though as some have never seen a Western person (or big nose as we're known). Expect people to ask you to have photo's taken with them as they are facinated with us, you feel like a celebrity at times.

Anyway ladies, better catch up on a few things now but feel free to ask anything and i will respond the best I can. I wish I was coming with you, who knows, I might get back to China again one day, I certainly hope so.

Best wishes

Therese x

  • (Member)
Hi All,

I have been a bit busy for a while and could not believe the number of postings on this thread in the meantime. How wonderful that we have heard from Theresa who has actually been on the trip. It sounds wonderful. From the sound of it comfy footwear is essential !

I haven't give wardrobe too much thought but I am sure casual will be the order of the day - with a few nice tops for evening (whatever I can fit into the luggage allowance). My son is travelling through South America for 6 months at the moment and he and his girlfriend barely took more than 20kgs between them - so I am sure I will manage for 2 weeks. Travelling light has never been my strength though ...

Better go now, but I'll try to keep in touch more regularly from now on.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi All

Firstly I would like to thank Theresa for taking the trouble to give us her amazing story of the holiday in China, which sounds absolutely beyond belief, I for one cannot wait. Thank you Theresa You did not have to do this, not many would, keep in touch on this webb site, let us know where you are thinking of going 2010 if I am stil here might do Americas, Canyons holiday.

Nice to hear from you Pauline, and you are keeping fine.

Jenny,& Pauline have just found-out that our holiday is fully booked with 21 people. How exiting is that.

Take care.
