  • (Member)
Hi everyone,

many thanks to Theresa for all the info, i know what she means about the photos (I took over 1,000 in Thailand & Cambodia & got rid of about 10) thank heavens for digital cameras.

I agree with you Joyce our threads do seem lot more interesting, I feel as if I have known you for a long time, and we do seem to have a lot in common. As far as I know there are no specific vaccinations required, but like you I will be checking with my GP in good time. Glad to hear from Pauline again,sounds like we are going to have a great time. Comfy shoes are a must, the latest morning we got in Thailand was 8am (one morning), roll on September. take care


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Jennyh

Thanks for your reply, and also Theresa for relaying to us all about your holiday which sounds wonderful. I must say this webisite to me seems amazing, simply because everyone seems to be able to express themselves, and to be able to speak to someone who has actually gone on holiday with

justyou, like yourself jenny speaks volumes.

Well Jenny you are not going to believe this, but I have had a rather nasty ear infection, and had to visit my doctor, who perscribed the usual drugs, when returning home realised I had not asked about vaccinations regarding China, how stupid am I! But will sort this out within the month.

Have you consulted your Doctor?

Well Jenny we are now into May, and then it will be June, and that first week in September will be with us before we know, and then panic station how wonderful is that?

I know this holiday is fully booked is there .anyone out there who would like to join this thread.

Anyway Jenny my friend look forward to hearing from you, and hope you are keeping well.


  • (Member)
Hi Joyce

it lookes like my 1st reply got lost in the ether. Sorry to hear about your ear, hope you are on the mind, I'm fine, doing a couple of courses to improve my photography! and trying to get fit ( I am doing the race for life next month) before our big adventure, I am really looking forward to september, it will soon be here. Havn't seen doc yet, usually do it 6weeks before, there does'nt seem to be any special jabs required, other than making sure that the usual ones are up to date, but it's best to check. Agree this link is great, I feel as if I've known you for years already, Theresa's info was very useful, well that's all for now, take care get well soon.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi JennyH

Thank you for your reply, have you done your race for life yet? if so how did you get on how brave you are, for me I think I could manage a walk for life no more these days, but I do admire you. I am also impressed with photography classes, my late husband bless him was wonderful with the camera, but unfortunately it did not rub off on me, I can just about manage with my little Kodak Digital, and I will most probably make a mess of that, but you have taken all my worries away, as I will have an expert to refer to.

Have spoken with my doctor with regard to vaccinations, I am not uptodate with all mine, seeing the nurse next week.

Well Jenny our big adventure is drawing closer just over 8 weeks to go, I cannot believe that we first started to correspond in January, where on earth has the time gone to, when I start to think about the holiday, I am now getting a little bit exited, what I am going to be like in August heaven only knows.

I hope you are keeping well, look forward to hearing from you.

Pauline I also hope you are keeping well, like everyone these days, I expect you are busy.



  • (Member)
Hi everyone. It is good to catch up every now and again and see what is being posted - though I have been so busy with work that I haven't really got anything to add. I have an appt to see the nurse on Monday to ask about jabs but that is all really. I'm also wandering what will happen about our visa - I am off to Spain for a week to visit my sister in early August so will need my passport. I hope that doesn't cause a problem. What do you think ? I must say, I am REALLY looking forward to this trip and can't believe that the time is going so quickly.

Good luck with the race-for-life - good on you - I am just trying to lose a bit of weight for the holiday - that is bad enough !

Speak to you again before too long.


  • (Member)
Hi Joyce & Pauline,

good to hear from you again. Pauline I would ring just you about your visa, as last year the form was sent out about 5 weeks before departure, I think my passport was back within 10 days, but can't be sure, better to check with them. race for life is on the 28th so I'm hoping I survive it. I am seeing Dr re any jabs I may need in the next two weeks, hopefully I am up to date!. (Joyce don't rely on too much camera expertise, I've only just found out what all the buttons do.)I have found out that our tour manager is called Li Hua Drylie. Well it won't be long now and I am sure that the tree of us will have great fun.

take care, don't work too hard ladies.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi pauline

Lovely to hear from you, regarding visa like you am now starting to think about these things, I spoke on the telephone to a member of the just you staff, who informed me that around 10 weeks before we leave we will receive a pack which will involve filling in a form and having a passport photo to submit along with the form, because they have most of our details they will apply for a group visa, and therefore should not require individual passports. However, this may not be correct, as another traveller raised this question with the editor and from my reading the passport had to be submitted, so I am a little confused on this one, will have to wait for the pack to arrive, and I am sure we will all be a little wiser.

I have been retired for the last five years, but I do understand how busy you must be working, and obviously you do not have the time to spend on this website.

I cannot help thinking back to the first time I saw your message , you were thinking of booking this holiday, and we had our first little chat on this website, that was way-back, and we are now in the month of June,and getting nearer to I hope a holiday of a lifetime.

Lovely to hear from you Pauline, take care.



  • (Member)
Hi everyone

Well the confusion about the Visa seems to have been resolved. I phoned Just You and got the same response - only a photocopy of my passport was required. But I had also seen the stream on the Editors query board so also posted a query there. Olly got back to me and it appears that you only need to send in your full passport if you have a regional flight included in the package. If you are joining at Heathrow (which I am) then you only need to send in a photocopy plus a passport photo. So I should be OK to see my sister in Spain after all - and with a bit of luck will still have a bit of a tan to take to China. Can't wait.

All the best


  • (Member)
Hi everyone,

Well, I've had all my jabs now - and got away very lightly. All the usual ones were up to date (Polio, Diptheria, Tetanus) and my Hep-A lasts 20 years so I was OK with that too. I just had a Typhoid jab (and that was optional) so all sorted !

Just waiting for the visa pack now, which should be with us in the next few weeks.

All the best


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Pauline

Glad the visa confusion has now been cleared-up, off to see the practise nurse on Friday regarding my jabs, I am not sure if all mine are still up-to-date, over the last few years I have only visited europe, the last time I had vaccinations was when we visited egypt which was quite some-time ago, anyway will find-out on Friday.

Hope you have a nice time when visiting your sister in Spain.

Take care, speak to you soon.


  • (Member)
hi joyce & pauline

looks like we are nearly all organised, I am off to nurse next friday for any jabs I need, won't be long now ladies, take care


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Ladies

have now had all my jabs, like you pauline the majority were booster jabs. However, what are you all doing about the trip on the Yangtze, told at my surgery that the Yangtze was low risk regarding Malaria. Are you going to take Malaria Tablets, if we do my surgery suggested Chioroquine, if not decided on this one they suggest that we use a very strong mosquito repellant which includes DEET.

Well ladies look forward to hearing from you , with your response.

Take care.


  • (Member)
Hi, I have decided not to take malaria tablets as it only seemed that part of the cruise was low risk (Wuhan area I think). I used some good mosquito spray in Alaska (which is plagued with the blighters in summer) last year. It is 50% DEET so should be OK - also main thing is to cover up in the evenings if outside so long sleeved clothes are the best idea. Daytime is not so bad I don't think.



  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Ladies

Nice to hear from you, thanks pauline for your advice regarding malaria tablets, I was thinking along the same lines as yourself, but it is nice to have a second opinion, so will just go for a good repellent.

Speak to you soon.



  • (Member)
Hi there Joyce & Pauline,

well that's all the jabs done with, my surgery have recommended malaria tabs, but that is probably because the mossies really like me. I did survive the race for life despite the heat, not ong now, our remaining weeks will fly by, looking forward to getting the visa pack shortly.

take care both of you.



  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Jenny&Pauline

Glad to hear you race for life went well Jenny, well done'.

I have now received my visa form everything seems to be in order, so have completed same, and in the process of returning with copy of passport, and photo, the next is payment by the 15th, and then all systems go.

Hope all is well with you ladies, look forward to hearing from you, its getting closer.



  • (Member)
hi joyce & pauline

well visa & payment sent, only car parking to deal with now, but will do that when I know what the confirmed flights are. Really looking forward to meeting you both, only 8 weeks to go.

take care both


hi therese and gang -- i am on wonder of china 29 july so will let you know how i go on - pics etc etc -- there are 28 of us on the tour

therese - how early are the early starts ??? especially the train -- glad to hear hotels are fab

i was wondering do people socialise in the evenings with a few drinkies in the bar !!! hope so

therese are u on facebook ??? i would love to see your china pics - i have got 4 x 2gb sd card ready

only two weeks to go

could you make yourself understood when oredering a drink etc

thanks wend -- wonder of china july 29 xx

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Jenny

Like you all sent including payment, no backing-out now? I am travelling by National Express to Heathrow, which is fairly straight forward although very early start but who cares? I will have to wait for final flight times before definate booking time for trip to Heathrow, coming back will bemore of a problem but my family are only to willing to assist, but for some reason I would like to be independent. I know I'm a silly old person.

Well Jenny these weeks are now going to fly, and I am so looking forward to meeting you.

Take care of yourself, speak soon .


  • (Member)
Hi Joyce,

I agree with you about the independance bit, I'm the same, anyway who says we're old? that word is banned (especially for the duration of the holiday ). Am really looking forward to our trip and meeting up at Heathrow. we will have to arrange a time & place to meet up at the airport when you know your coach time.

take care
