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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Last week I was closely following the threads regarding the change in policy about disclosing passenger numbers.  I didn't join in, firstly because I was still getting over the shock of thinking my holiday had been cancelled, and secondly so many people had expressed my own views on the subject.  Thankfully normal service has been resumed but my first thought on reading Julia's initial announcement was that this was a measure imposed to enable the Moderators to keep up with the vast number of posts they seem to be currently receiving, leaving some of us hanging on for a long time for the reply.  I had a look through some of the questions being posted and it struck me that a good few were asking questions that can easily be found on the internet is one knows where to look.  This prompted me to have a look at the websites I use when researching a holiday and thought this might be a good time to share them with the Community and find out what other websites people use.

So here goes my list:-


Travel health

Country advice

Hotel reviews

Aircraft / Airline reviews

net (useful tips - baggage allowance)

Travel forums

I'd love to hear about any other websites which people find useful.


  • (Member)

Thanks for this information, very helpful.

I am looking forward to meeting up with you and elaine.


Some very useful sites there from Sally but having just done some trawling through the JY site I must give the reviews section of this site & those who take the time to post reviews an enormous thumbs up.

I am booked next month with TS on their "Unmissable China & Mighty Yangtze cruise" & I have recently gone through several of the forum threads picking up on some of the details on what to expect.

There is lots of very useful information there and I cite meals as just one example. The brochure says that these are inclusive but gives no detail on the practicalities whereas from the forum I have picked up that there have been tables for the group, dishes on a lazy susan, what sort of dishes to expect, what drinks are included & how much extra things like wine cost.

Also there is a lot of useful other information there about the reality of the trips and the optionals which are by no means deal breakers do help in the planning of what to expect.

So keep those reviews coming - especially updating any changes that have occurred.

Thanks from me Sally.  :)

I know that a lot of people don't like Trip Advisor but I do find it useful.

  • (Member)
Hi Sally,

This is a great post and very helpful, many thanks!  I use the weather2travel website, it is most helpful as it is one of the very few to give humidity levels as well as temperatures.  I do look at TripAdvisor but take the reviews with a pinch of salt as many of them are not objective!

All the best,


Thanks Sally some really useful information.  As Bob says tripadvisor can be useful if taken with a pinch of salt!  but the reviews  can give useful  information on the location of hotels  and any nearby attractions.  As has been said the hints and  tips posted on the reviews  section of this site are really helpful  please keep them coming.
Hi sally, thanks for the list.  I use some of the websites you suggested but will look at the weather ones you've listed to ensure they're included in my internet "favourites"  - I don't like very hot weather, and check temperatures before I book anything.  I do also have a look on trip advisor, for hotel reviews; often wish I hadn't, but at least you can be forewarned.

The one website I do use a lot is  - I am starting to travel a bit more in Europe, and by train, and it can be really useful. Also currently checking it out as I would like to get round New England and there is a good train system there.



You share some useful information, who are intrested to going for tour.


Traveling To Bhutan 

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

The post from manojkeshwar brings up a query I've been pondering for a while. Do you in JY HQ check any links before they are posted. Absolutely no offence is intended but I see that this is the first time manojkeshwar has posted and we all know that we have to be careful what links we click on in case it downloads an unwanted virus, so I was just wondering if anyone checks them out first.



Hi Sally,

Yes, I inspect all the links and make sure they are safe before I post them on the community in order to protect the community members from unwanted viruses.

Kind Regards,


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