  • (Member)
'Auntie D' wrote:

'Mick W' wrote:

From the experience of my many trips over the years I think I've got packing my hand luggage down to a fine art.

But you can always learn from others so be interesting to see what people put in their hand luggage.

I actually use a rucksack style bag because I find it easier to handle when also got my main luggage with me, just sling it over the shoulder and you only one bag to concentrate on.

Will add I'm a little old fashioned and don't believe hand luggage should have wheels, especially some of the larger items people clutter the shelf with nowadays.

I actually never empty mine just clear out old paperwork and stuff after a trip, a lot of items i only use for travel stay in there, dont get lost that way.

So here is my list (i'll start with the obvious) :-

1. Passport

2. Spare wallet with foreign cash

3. Travel documents

4. Insurance documents

5. photocopy of passport (also in main luggage).

6. Spare clothes (undies, socks, t shirt, etc) - this proved a very good idea when my luggage flew to Denver as I went to Rapid City on my last trip. The T Shirt provided by Delta in their overnight pack wouldn't wintoo many fasion awards.

7. Spare shoes - learnt this when m heel came away from a shoe many years ago, 2nd benefit is it takes weight out of your main luggage as some airlines restrictions are tight.

8. Spare reading glasses, just cheap ones in case i lose mine.

9. Puzzle Books - Not a big reader so its things like suduku, logic problems, wordsearch for me to pass the hours on long flights.

10 - Music Player - Have a cheap mp3 player i got from argos with abut 1000 songs on, only use on hol but wouldn't be without it for flight and chilling by the pool.

11. Plasters - Cut myself in budapest so bought a box of them, stay in my bag and have used and provided for others a few times.

12 - Valuables - Camera, like it with me dont trust putting that sort of thing in the main case in case it vanishes.

13 - plastic cable ties - use to seal my main case before handing over, some airlines dont like locks.

14 - Sewing kit - dont laugh its just a pack with a cople of needles and some cotton that fell in my bag from a hotel room, only used once when a button came off mybest shirt.

15- Note Book - Well need something to put the email address of all the new friends i make.

16 - Pens - Always handy

I'm sure I've forgotton something, so what do you take ?

Well done Mick W!!

What an extremely comprehensive list.

I've thought of a rucksack style myself but was afraid it might be to easily get-in-able if I wore it on my back and a bit clumsy, just wearing on one shoulder.

Think I might stick to my Kipling "Tardis"-like bag.   It fits everything I need, including underwear (learned that the hard way after luggage went missing en route to Las Vegas {not with JY I hasten to add!} although the airline did provide toiletries).

Well done you.




A very useful list, but I am surprised that it didn't include prescription medicines. Perhaps you are all healthy and don't need one. Along with my passport etc, my medicine would be the met important thing to carry in my hand luggage. 


  • (Member)
Thank you Mick.  As a first time single traveller I found that very useful and I will look out for tips from others as

well.  HMT

'Mick W' wrote:

From the experience of my many trips over the years I think I've got packing my hand luggage down to a fine art.

But you can always learn from others so be interesting to see what people put in their hand luggage.

I actually use a rucksack style bag because I find it easier to handle when also got my main luggage with me, just sling it over the shoulder and you only one bag to concentrate on.

Will add I'm a little old fashioned and don't believe hand luggage should have wheels, especially some of the larger items people clutter the shelf with nowadays.

I actually never empty mine just clear out old paperwork and stuff after a trip, a lot of items i only use for travel stay in there, dont get lost that way.

So here is my list (i'll start with the obvious) :-

1. Passport

2. Spare wallet with foreign cash

3. Travel documents

4. Insurance documents

5. photocopy of passport (also in main luggage).

6. Spare clothes (undies, socks, t shirt, etc) - this proved a very good idea when my luggage flew to Denver as I went to Rapid City on my last trip. The T Shirt provided by Delta in their overnight pack wouldn't wintoo many fasion awards.

7. Spare shoes - learnt this when m heel came away from a shoe many years ago, 2nd benefit is it takes weight out of your main luggage as some airlines restrictions are tight.

8. Spare reading glasses, just cheap ones in case i lose mine.

9. Puzzle Books - Not a big reader so its things like suduku, logic problems, wordsearch for me to pass the hours on long flights.

10 - Music Player - Have a cheap mp3 player i got from argos with abut 1000 songs on, only use on hol but wouldn't be without it for flight and chilling by the pool.

11. Plasters - Cut myself in budapest so bought a box of them, stay in my bag and have used and provided for others a few times.

12 - Valuables - Camera, like it with me dont trust putting that sort of thing in the main case in case it vanishes.

13 - plastic cable ties - use to seal my main case before handing over, some airlines dont like locks.

14 - Sewing kit - dont laugh its just a pack with a cople of needles and some cotton that fell in my bag from a hotel room, only used once when a button came off mybest shirt.

15- Note Book - Well need something to put the email address of all the new friends i make.

16 - Pens - Always handy

I'm sure I've forgotton something, so what do you take ?

Cuddly toy?

All my medication, but most importantly my eye drops.  Even on short flights I have to use them, otherwise I end up like Dracula for the first few days of my holiday!!
For long hauls I add my flight socks to be put on at the last possible moment, some real throw away or hotel-type slippers for comfort, something warm for a night flight when even the blanket given might not seem enough, & my mobile phone charger....in truth I've never needed the last one but it did help a fellow passenger once when his battery was running flat & he topped up sufficiently at a stopover so that he had enough power to speak to the taxi driver on arrival. Otherwise I agree with the previous suggestions, especially regarding some basic underwear etc if luggage goes missing....which happens more frequently than one would wish.....or in the event that arrival at the hotel is much earlier than check-in time.


  • (Member)

Just to add to the list, as I have had the misfortune to have my main luggage go for its own holiday - I put ALL my chargers (phone, camera etc.) in my hand luggage, along with the universal adaptor to take them all! My cameras (and I can take up to 3!) also come in my hand luggage, as well as any valuables which I can't live without!

Happy packing!



Personally I would prefer people to use wheeled small cabin cases, I've been hit on the head/in the face too many times by backpacks lol.
For me, charger leads are essential nowadays, especially with a camera, kindle and phones.


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