  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Just a short review on the above holiday as one was already posted on the forum a while ago and it was this review which resulted in me going on this holiday! The journey from Naples Airport to Grand Hotel San Michele is approximately 4 hours - a long journey, but not too bad with comfort stops. We had one stop on the way there and two stops on the way back. San Michele is a lovely hotel set in acres of magnificent grounds. I had a lovely bedroom called the 'garden room' which was not in the main building but down a flight of about 42 steps. The guided walk through the gardens and the estate on day 2 was lovely. It was a hot and humid day, but the pace was relaxing. At the end of the walk we ended up in the host's kitchen (I have forgotten her name) sampling delicious wines, liquers, olive oil and jams, which are all produced here. You can buy these products from the hotel reception. I bought 3 jars - chilli jam is delicious with cheese and I have already used it to make sandwiches to take to work! All the jams were served for breakfast so you had plenty of opportunity to try them all. I love fresh figs and there were plenty available each morning at breakfast. There were 3 choices of starters, mains and dessert for dinner. Be aware - first course was big and I personally could not eat both first and main courses. They were happy to serve a nice salad with mozarella if you wanted it instead of first or main course or if you fancied it, you could have two first courses. Nothing was set in stone. We were quite lucky with the weather. We had thunderstorms, but mainly in the evenings or during the night. When we visited Diamante, the weather was a mixture or sunshine, rain and a mini tornado. The hotel runs a minibus service to Cetraro for €5 return. I enjoyed all the excursions. There are plenty of steps and steep slopes to negotiate on most excursions and also the hotel. Good for getting fit! There is a lift which takes you to the private beach where there are plenty of sunbeds to relax. You have to pay €5 for a towel for the swimming pool or the beach or you can take your own if you wish. You must try the lovely Italian homemade icecreams whilst out and about. They are delicious. I found Calabria to be a lot cheaper than other parts of Italy. Walk through the Sila National Park was lovely. Despite the rain on the way there, it was quite hot and sunny whilst we were there. On the way back we stopped to view the giant trees which were hundreds of years old. Very fascinating indeed. There were 25 of us in the group - 19 women and 6 men - and everyone was very friendly. We all got on well. Sandra was our tour manager. She was quietly spoken, friendly and helpful. The return flight was delayed by 2 hours due to Italian Traffic controllers strike, but everyone remained cheerful. A great holiday with wonderful people. Calabria is lovely and I thoroughly recommend this holiday.


Thank you Jaya, great review! Heading to Calabria in just 2 days time! Really looking forward to it and intend to write my own review on my return as a first timer to Just You holiday's.

Did wonder if any of the group suffered with insect bites? Mosquitoes tend to love me.



  • (Member)

Thanks for putting your review up, and it sounds like you have had a good holiday with good company, Sorry you had a 2hr delay on way home.


Lovely review as always Jaya.

It's one I still want to do but the many steps and steep slopes may not work for me.

  • (Member)
Thanks for this really detailed and positive review. You are brilliant at conveying how much you enjoyed Calabria! It was on my shortlist for this Summer (Lake Garda and the Florence city break won out in the end). I suspect Calabria may win next time!! Thanks again.
  • (Member)

The short answer is yes. I am on my last day in Calabria (sob!) and the only negative thing to say about this fantastic holiday is the insect bites. The downside of alfresco dining I suppose. Bring lots of repellant and bite cream. Jaya - the owners name is Ornella and you are spot on with your review - an incredible hotel with amazing staff and not enough superlatives to describe the holiday.

You are guaranteed a great week Susan.


Damn was really hoping for a insect bite free hols!

Thanks for the responses! Sally, shame we'll miss each other, wishing you a safe journey home.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Sally

So sorry to hear about insect bites. There were some who got bitten while I was there, but I did not. I guess my blood is not sweet enough. Hope you have enjoyed some nice weather as it was raining when we left and pouring down in Naples when we arrived at the airport.

Susan you are in for a good time. Hope you also get good weather.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Bosuncat

You can still go to Calabria especially if you just want a relaxing holiday by the pool and on the beach. We had one lady, Wendy who did not come on any excursions but spent her time mostly on the beach. In fact she was staying for 2 weeks. You can still go on excursions as well and only do what you can manage. For example, when we went to Sila Mountains, not everyone came for the nature walk. They stayed behind and relaxed by the lake. There is a lovely museum as well to while away the time.


Mel P
  • (Member)
Dear all

I am so glad that you both had a lovely time in Calabria. It awaits you Susan and Elaine. Calabria is a country of plateaus and peaks and as such I did find it tricky at times going down hill. My travelling companion wasn't good on going up hill and I had trouble down hill so we helped each other.It worked well!

Mozzies are persistent. I got bitten on my arm. I needn't have worried though as between them my fellow travellers had a whole medicine cabinet to try out on me!

By the way.. Guess what I am published! My review is included in the Just You literature. Do I get commission?

Best wishes to all.


Yes it's the steep downhill slopes and lots of steps going down that bothers me, Mel and Jaya. Something that I have suffered from all my life unfortunately, it's not just an age thing. :)

Calabria is still in the back of my mind, particulary the thought of that lovely hotel.