Sue I
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Vickie

I’d like to go on the Tiger Trail holiday but I’m not sure when is the best all round time of year to go.

I’ve been to Swaziland, S E Asia, Borneo, Belize and so I’m not averse to heat and can tolerate humidity...Would like to see a tiger or two.

Any info on different experiences at different months of the year would be appreciated.

Many thanks


  • (Member)
Hi Sue,

This tour only started operating at the back end of last year so there is only October/November from last year to talk about at the moment, but the team tend to operate dates that won't be too uncomfortable in terms of heat: January - March and October & November have average tempeartures of 24-29 degrees as you move around (although Panna is slightly cooler in January). May is the warmest time to go where you'll see average temperatures hit around 39 degrees in the national parks.

Many of our tour managers send in pictures of their groups and local sights on tour - we have a lovely selection of tiger photos from last year that have been shared so they were lucky enough to see a tiger or two. Our first departure for 2020 will have landed back yesterday so we'll be keeping an eye out for feedback from that tour over the next couple of weeks. Hopefully there is someone on the community who has taken this trip and will be able to share their experience with you.

Kindest regards.


  • (Member)
Hi Sue

You would not want to visit India in the summer. October - March are the best months to go.



Sue I
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Julia' wrote:

Hi Sue,

This tour only started operating at the back end of last year so there is only October/November from last year to talk about at the moment, but the team tend to operate dates that won't be too uncomfortable in terms of heat: January - March and October & November have average tempeartures of 24-29 degrees as you move around (although Panna is slightly cooler in January). May is the warmest time to go where you'll see average temperatures hit around 39 degrees in the national parks.

Many of our tour managers send in pictures of their groups and local sights on tour - we have a lovely selection of tiger photos from last year that have been shared so they were lucky enough to see a tiger or two. Our first departure for 2020 will have landed back yesterday so we'll be keeping an eye out for feedback from that tour over the next couple of weeks. Hopefully there is someone on the community who has taken this trip and will be able to share their experience with you.

Kindest regards.


Thank you for this information Julia. I've seen some dreadful reviews about the Chitwan jungle lodge on tripadvisor. Admittedly they date back some years but there is mention of appalling treatment of elephants and awful accommodation. I would need to be 100% sure that animals are not abused here and that the who!e p!ace has had a change of management and philosophy before I consider booking the trip.

Please could you look into this and rep!y? 

Many thanks


Sue I
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Julia' wrote:

Hi Sue,

This tour only started operating at the back end of last year so there is only October/November from last year to talk about at the moment, but the team tend to operate dates that won't be too uncomfortable in terms of heat: January - March and October & November have average tempeartures of 24-29 degrees as you move around (although Panna is slightly cooler in January). May is the warmest time to go where you'll see average temperatures hit around 39 degrees in the national parks.

Many of our tour managers send in pictures of their groups and local sights on tour - we have a lovely selection of tiger photos from last year that have been shared so they were lucky enough to see a tiger or two. Our first departure for 2020 will have landed back yesterday so we'll be keeping an eye out for feedback from that tour over the next couple of weeks. Hopefully there is someone on the community who has taken this trip and will be able to share their experience with you.

Kindest regards.


My apologies Julia. I have seen that I had looked at reviews of chitwan in Nepal and NOT Chitvan in India which has excellent reviews.

Sorry. My mistake

Thank you
