Paul N
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Vickie 

I have just got my email ref Final Travel Docs. The flight times on website and documentation have never really agreed. Initial booking confirmation 0630 (August) /Website 0800 for 9th May trip only and then changed to 0915 Travel information Docs 0800 (January) now FINAL travel docs 0800. I have just checked in with Ryanair to find flight time is 0915 is it unreasonable to expect FINAL DOCS to include correct details. I appreciate the airlines govern flight times. If I had decided not to check in until 48 hours before flight my airport taxi would have been a touch early. I don't know if Ryanair has changed website recently but I couldn't find a 'CHECK IN' button it is now a 'MY BOOKINGS' button and then on next screen 'No account? check in here'.

Also could you confirm that on day 3 (Sila Mountains) Itinerary says 'head to local restaurant for dinner this evening'. I thought I had read somewhere on this forum that JY had said that due to customer feedback all included dinners would now be taken in the Hotel. 

Having said all that 3 weeks today Italian sunshine here we are  :cool: . 

Many thanks


Hi Paul,

Apologies for the delay, I've been getting to the bottom of this one.

Hopefully you should have now received an email showing the correct flight information?

To check-in please go to the Ryanair website. Click on the “My Bookings” section then on the right-hand side of the screen complete the “No account Check-in here" section. Enter your reservation number and the email address:

For day 3 dinner, yes you will still go to the local restaurant that evening 🙂

Many thanks,


  • (Member)
'Vickie' wrote:

Hi Paul,

Apologies for the delay, I've been getting to the bottom of this one.

Hopefully you should have now received an email showing the correct flight information?

To check-in please go to the Ryanair website. Click on the “My Bookings” section then on the right-hand side of the screen complete the “No account Check-in here" section. Enter your reservation number and the email address:

For day 3 dinner, yes you will still go to the local restaurant that evening 🙂

Many thanks,


Hi Vickie,

The same as Paul, I have just printed my boarding passes and the flight time is 9:15 out and 13:40 back. As a result I have had to extend my parking time "just in case"! 

I haven't received an email from you with the different times.


Hi Alan,

Apologies, we have had some customers with the incorrect information for this trip.

We are contacting everyone and your Travel Agent will be in touch with the correct information.

Many thanks,


Paul N
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Vickie' wrote:

Hi Alan,

Apologies, we have had some customers with the incorrect information for this trip.

We are contacting everyone and your Travel Agent will be in touch with the correct information.

Many thanks,


Hi Vickie

Did my reply not register

Many thanks Paul

Hi Paul,

Apologies no I don't think it did as I can't see a post from you. Would you like to re-post, please?

Many thanks,
