  • (Member)
Hooray - has anyone tried this out yet?
'jonah' wrote:

Hooray - has anyone tried this out yet?

Doesn't work  😠

Good Afternoon Chris,

I'm sorry to hear that- can you tell me what exactly the problem is so I can try to help you?

Kind Regards,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Successfully paid online last night. ?

Holiday details updated to 'paid in full' and money out of my account today. No problems. ?

Thanks JY - so much easier this way.

Hi All

I tried to pay my final balance on 11 June via manage my booking but it failed so I resorted to going to the bank to make a payment there! I am so pleased that it is presumed up and running now...



Can't say I'm much impressed with on-line payments. Just tried to pay my balance and tried via Manage my Bookings and Bank Transfer as on e-mail instructions. Neither would go through. Resorted to phoning to make payment and there was  no problem at all. I know which I will be using in future 😉  


  • (Member)

     Just managed to pay balance for Croatian Coastal Explorer 16/09/17. Using manage my booking. Glad it up and running again.


TonyW :cool:

Keep travelling this is real life not a rehearsal

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi. I paid my final balance successfully online last week. Should I expect an e-mail confirmation / updated invoice in relation to this?

My account is showing, paid in full but I haven't received anything else.


Good Afternoon PaulaH,

We are currently working on the confirmation emails- they should be running soon so at the moment, there are no email confirmations.

Kind Regards,


Jenny P
Tried to pay on line and after typing in my holiday details came up 'not found'. Cheque is in the post
  • (Member)
Hi Jenny P,

I'm so sorry to hear that you have experienced problems with your holiday not showing in your account to enable you to pay online.

I had a similar problem myself a couple of weeks ago, then, within a few hours it showed up. Would you be able to advise whether or not your holiday is showing in your account?

Kindest regards,


Hi Julia

is the online payment working ok now as I plan to my for my Chile tour online later



  • (Member)
Hi Dave,

If you can see your holiday in the 'Manage my Booking' section of the website, you should be able to pay without issue.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member)
Hi Julia

I had problems booking online last week and ended up having to ring in.  I booked the Cambodia, Laos & Vietnam add on for November 2018 booking ref A****** and this is not showing in my manage my bookings account.

In fact currently only my holiday to Russia in October is showing.  I had a problem with this about a year ago and the explanation was that somehow two accounts had been created but I was told that this had been resolved and until recently most of my holidays were listed.

Can this be looked at please as it is really useful to be able to refer back to previous holidays when filling  in visa applications and I would prefer to be able to pay online.

Many thanks

*edited to remove booking information

  • (Member)
Hi Jonah,

We did have a problem with duplicate customer records being created when holidays were booked online and I believe this had been fixed (and as all holidays were showing in your account, it would seem it had).

I've raised the issue with one of my colleagues who I hope will be able point me in the right direction of getting this fixed for you.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member)
Jenny P
'Julia' wrote:

Hi Jenny P,

I'm so sorry to hear that you have experienced problems with your holiday not showing in your account to enable you to pay online.

I had a similar problem myself a couple of weeks ago, then, within a few hours it showed up. Would you be able to advise whether or not your holiday is showing in your account?

Kindest regards,


Hi Julia

It is now showing, but as I said, I have already sent a cheque to you.



  • (Member)
Hi Julia/Amy

Following on from my post of 15th August my account is still not showing the Cambodia holiday I booked several weeks ago which was booked by phone ref XXXXXX (removed for privacy protection) .  It is now showing 6 of the 10 holidays I have done so thanks for sorting this although it would be good if all my holidays could appear.  I do need the latest booking to show so that I can pay online.

Many thanks

Hi Jonah,

I have recently sent you an email regarding your question so if you could reply, that would be fantastic!

Kindest Regards,


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