  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
I have been many holidays with JY - indeed not long returned from Canada and Rocky Mountaineer which was fab!However I have been looking to go away at Christmas, and , as I do, been enquiring with a few companies to check on availability etc.  I really liked the JY holiday in Andalucia and found to my dismay it only flew from Gatwick. I would have been happy flying from Glasgow to Malaga and making my own way to the hotel however this was not possible. I had previously called another holiday company who were able to offer me flights from Glasgow to another destination  in Europe at Christmas and although I would have to pay for my own transport to hotel this was certainly going to be less  expensive than paying for hotel accommodation and  return flights to Gatwick from Glasgow! I was really disappointed that JY could not be more flexible - if other companies can do it why cant JY? So,  no Andalucia for me at Christmas! 😞 Where is Santa and his sleigh when you need him?