'Moderator' wrote:

Hi Bosuncat,

I am still waiting for a response, I should hear back from them today or tomorrow so I will pass this information over to you as soon as possible.

Kindest regards,


Hi Monty,

I have now received my confirmation invoice letter. The flight times and numbers definitely relate to Croatia Airlines’ Saturday flights.

Interesting to see the options:

- Keep these flights (although I can’t see that they have been booked/reserved as they don’t exist for the travel dates) and move the trip to Saturdays, may not suit some travellers and obviously hotel bookings will be affected (and Thomson only fly from Manchester on Fridays)

- Stick with Heathrow, but Friday flights arrive on Saturday (both to and from) as the flight goes via Zagreb; 8.00p.m. flight taking just over two hours then you sit for over 7 hours before taking the 50 minute flight to Split (then to travel 2 hours to the hotel probably arriving about 10.00a.m.) – amusing to note that you can drive from Zagreb to Petrcane in about 3 hours. The biggest problem is the 12 hours lay over on the way back which given you arrive in Zagreb at 8.35p.m. means you couldn’t even spend the time sightseeing

- Third option, revert to Gatwick flights, direct and arrives at 7.45p.m. so as the itinerary states late supper 10.00p.m.ish

Now I understand there will be a lot of discussion on the matter and work to resolve it, but I do think JY should at least advise travellers (booked or not) that there is an issue, especially for travellers booking all the extras which generally come cheaper if bought on a non-refundable basis and because JY states it will tell customers of changes “as soon as possible” (and they may not know what the change is, but they do know there will be one.)

Happy to go from Gatwick not a significant change.

(And yes I have too much time on my hands)


Hi All,

I am afraid there was an error, you will be flying from Gatwick. All of those who have already booked this tour will be advised shortly.

Sorry for this inconvenience.

Kindest regards,
