  • (Member)
Hi Mick,

I've had a quick chat with James, and he'll give you a call directly so that you can quiz him further.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Mike, thanks for your comments and well spotted! I look forward to hearing of your conversation with James and hope he can clear everything up for you.



  • (Member)
Hi Bob,

Just to let you know that James called me yesterday regarding my concerns about the Banana Beach hotel. He explained to me the complexities involved in arranging hotel accommodation in Central America, in as much as hotels will not sign binding contracts until much nearer the departure date - which has unfortunately led to the hotel changes in Belize.

In Monty's reply to you on 28th Sept, I think she unintentionally gave us (or me anyway!) the impression that the Sunbreeze hotel was a done deal which it obviously wasn't, and I was keen to get to the bottom of why we had to change again from what seemed like a really nice hotel.

I still hope that JY can source a better hotel for us than Banana Beach, but we're obviously not going to know that until we get our final travel documents. James also said that the team would keep under review the progress on the renovation of the Iberostar Tucan in Playa Del Carmen. Although he was very confident that the restoration would be completed and the hotel running as normal by next February, he said that JY would not hesitate to change our accommodation if the repairs overran.

So to summarise, I guess we'll just have to keep our fingers crossed and trust in JY to sort everything out. It's not an ideal scenario but meanwhile I'll be positive and look forward to seeing you, Sally and the rest of the group in February!

Cheers for now


  • (Member)
Hello Everybody

I can understand everyone's concerns, but personally I just go along with the flow and remain positive. I have every faith in Just You and am sure that all problems will be ironed out and we all will have a wonderful experience. There is plenty of time yet before the first group flies out. My only little 'moan' is that we are flying British Airways!!


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Mike (and Jaya),

That's pretty much what James told me - it looks like JY will be keeping a very close eye on this holiday, which can only benefit us! I'm glad we had this discussion, it's certainly helped me to understand more about the complexities of organizing tours to developing countries. Like you (and Jaya) I have faith that JY are very much on the case and that all will go well. I am sure a lot of people will be interested in our comments when we return from the tour!!



  • (Member)
Hi All

Thank you for the information on hotels etc as i wasn't even aware there were any problems. It was good to get various reassurances from the JY team and it surely is in there interests to get it right and make sure that the tour is a successful and happy one. On the two JY tours i have done Cuba and the National Parks in the US there were a variety of hotels/motels with varying standards but all were clean and comfortable and basically we are only sleeping in them before moving on. I am content that JY would not jeopardise there reputation and will make sure everything goes to plan. Looking forward to meeting everyone on what should be a cracking tour.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi everyone!

I'd been doing a lot of thinking about this tour, even before I learned about the changes in hotels! I am not a swimmer or a snorkeler so I am hoping that some others in the group will join me for a wander around San Pedro on our free day there? Or perhaps we might find something else to do? This is one of the things I brought up with James, that I hope we do end up in a decent hotel in a central location in San Pedro for those of us who aren't doing the snorkeling optional excursion. The Banana Beach hotel is nearly a 30 minute walk from the centre of town. I mentioned this to James and he said he would make sure the local agents are aware of this.

The other thing I wanted to mention to those of us who are doing the add-on is the excursions that may be on offer. As some of you may recall, I did ask Julia/Monty about this a while back and eventually we were given a sample list of optionals which may be subject to change. They included theme parks Xel-Ha and Xcaret and a snorkeling trip to Cozumel. To be honest, none of these really appeals that much to me although I might consider the day to Xcaret if everyone else was doing it (it seems a very long day there but ends with a spectacular cultural show - google it and see what you think!). After doing a bit of research online I came across a trip to Cozumel to go on the Atlantis submarine, which sounds wonderful. If you don't want to snorkel, this would be a great way of seeing the reef! If any of you are interested, have a look at their website:


Now I asked James what the story would be regarding the add-on and he said the tour manager would meet with those of us doing it before the end of the main tour and talk about excursions, airport transfer etc. I thought we would be visited by a local guide during the add-on, but seemingly all we get is a phone number to contact if needed. My suggestion to the those who are doing the add-on is that if you are interested in doing the submarine, please let me know and we can ask Monty would it be possible to have it added onto the list of excursions. If not, I think I will bring the info with me and ask our tour manager if he/she can arrange it with the local agent while we are in Playa del Carmen. I really wouldn't want to go by myself but I don't want two full days at the hotel with nothing to do either! So please do let me know what you think. I know Sally is in Cuba at the moment, so don't expect to hear from her for a while!



  • (Member)

I have only added on to a tour on Kenya, and recently New England New York add on, both times those left behind fended for themselves there was no one to hand hold so to speak, I did enjoy the freedom to source what I wanted to do, both times the main JY tour manager came back with the main party. Kenya JY arranged transport to the airport this was in the holiday price, with New York we had to find and fund our own way back to JFK Airport.

I am sure there will be plenty to do, like you no way would I go snorkelling with my fear of the sea.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks Cindy, but now that this tour is "under review" I feel back to square one regarding confidence if it's going ahead at all and if it does, whether all will go smoothly! It's very frustrating not knowing if this tour will run or not and it doesn't exactly fill me with confidence all this chopping and changing. Just last week James reassured us that all would be well for this tour; now it's been taken off sale and is being reviewed. I am feeling pretty fed up....



Hello Bob, am also booked on this tour and add on. Also don't do snorkelling so would be interested in what else is on offer, will have a look at the theme parks you mentioned. But would be happy just chilling for a bit of time during the add on, as I suspect the tour may be busy.

I've a note the final balance is due to be paid on 16th November, so I guess we will find out if the tour is due to go ahead by then. I'm a bit of a fatalist about whether or not the tour is going ahead, its the only holiday I've got booked at the moment and maybe its not meant to be. So I guess I should be looking at what other choices I have in case of cancellation, as its starting to look a bit iffy - but there's not much choice in February.


  • (Member)
Hi Bob

I was trying to find out on the website how many places were remaining for Feb and couldn't find the tour listed and now i see you are saying it is under review. I don't know how you get all the info but i am glad you do and are keeping us informed many thanks for that.

Just to let you know i also won't be snorkelling and i am sure some others won't be as well so you are not alone.


  • (Member)
Hi Bob,

Wow! - I've just read your latest message that this tour is now 'under review'. When I spoke to James just a few days ago he gave me no indication that this might happen and, from what you've said, I'm guessing that he didn't mention this possibility to you either.

So this is all news to me and I would request that a final decision is made within the next week on whether this tour is going to run. The balance of this holiday is due no later than 16th Nov, and the longer this is drawn out the more difficult it will be to possibly transfer to another tour if this one gets cancelled.

Even if the tour does go ahead, I have very little confidence that all will be well. I'm finding it very difficult to have any faith or trust in JY's local agents, and it seems to me that JY are flying by the seat of their pants on this one. Another phone conversation with James would seem to be in order so I'll give him a call and let you know what I can find out.



  • (Member)

Let's hope JY come to a decision ASAP so you know which way things are going. Fingers crossed it will go ahead.


Hi Bob

Thanks for your comments re: soon be meeting for Borneo I can't wait am off to Vietnam next week, sorry so long putting oz review up but it appeared it was the name of the local pub in Cairns which caused it to be rejected, something so simple, hope you get your Belize trip sorted and it goes ahead but with work you need to know dates as if you're not messing your employers round by changing dates if you have to change location

look forward to hearing all about it in May wherever you end up

all the best


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi everyone!

Many thanks for your replies and I am glad that there are a few that aren't interested in snorkeling so I hopefully won't be alone either in San Pedro or in Playa del Carmen for the add on - IF the tour goes ahead!

On the thread I put up today entitled "Mexico - where's it gone?" Monty commented that it's been pulled at the moment as the team are "having a think about it" and she indicated that it wasn't too serious. However, like Katy and Mike I'm also thinking about a plan B just in case. To my knowledge, not too many tours that are put "under review" tend to operate in the end (Monty, correct me if I've got that wrong!) but perhaps this one will be the exception! Mike, if you chat to James about this I would be very interested in hearing the response! Monty has promised to keep us up to date, so I'm sure they will make a decision as soon as they can.

Que sera sera....



  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Monty,

I see this tour is back on the website, does this mean that the review is over and this tour will definitely go ahead?



Not so nice to see that the "review" added £300! Nothing else seems to have changed.
  • (Member)
Hi All

I see that the tour has come online again but the from price has increased by £300. I trust those that have already booked will not be penalised but it could put people off booking the remaining places.


Hi Everyone, I can fully understand some of concerns when you noticed that this tour has been taken off sale for a couple of days.

I would like to reassure all our customers that are booked on the 8th February 2016 departure that this date is now confirmed as operating and are hopeful of picking up a least a couple more bookings before the tour departs.

The reason for us taking this tour off sale for a few days is due to on Monday we received correspondence from our local agents to advise that they needed to increase the room rates from what we had originally been quoted. This increase was too high for us to be able to absorb for all customers that may want to travel on this tour in 2016 as depending on departure date it is in the region of £350-400pp extra.

So at present we have had to increase the selling price for any new bookings that book after today but obviously any of the current bookings we have will continue to pay the price that they agreed at the time of booking.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi James, many thanks for your post clarifying things. I know that JY would not increase the price of a holiday for anyone after they have booked. However I did notice that the website still has us staying on Caye Caulker, although the map was changed some time ago to show San Pedro instead...

I am looking forward to receiving the 15 week mailing and ultimately the final documents to see what has finally been decided!

Can I formally request that the Atlantis Submarine experience on Cozumel be added as an optional tour for the Playa del Carmen add-on please?? I really want to do this but don't want to have to organise it myself - I would find this quite nerve-wracking at the end of a busy tour to have to find my way there and back!! Please let me know if this would be possible.

Best wishes,
