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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Saw our practice nurse today to get advice on necessary jabs. I am travelling on 9th September. She said rabies cover was 'up to me'. That said she did indicate that when travelling in asia (although not China)she had opted for it 'to be on the safe side'.

Anyone got any advice please. I would rather pay up and be safe but am I being over cautious


Hi Fran

I travel a lot - near and far.

My practice nurse offered a rabies jab. Which I readily accepted.

You would still need to get medical help if you get bitten but having

that first shot buys time. It cost a bit over £50.

Personally I take anything on offer!

If you're travelling in remote areas where there are no hospitals anywhere near then you can have the complete course.

Hi Fran

I have not been to China but I think the decision is up to you. The following websites might assist you: 



  • (Member)

I hope some one who has been on this tour answers you.

If it was me I would say better to be safe than sorry!


I had several injections, as recommended by my practice nurse, for China, but not rabies. It's best to consult your own GP practice in good time before you set off, as some injections need more than one jab. One of the hepatitis vaccinations , I think hep B, was strongly recommended but N'S guidance changes all the time, so best to take the latest advice. You will have an great time it's a full on tour, but well worth it to see so much of an amazing country.
Hi Fran I did the China tour and Yangtze on tour in August 2013 and confirm I didn't have the rabies jab. It's entirely up to you obviously but if I were to go again I wouldn't deem it necessary to have the jab myself. I've put some helpful tips on the site re China tour if you search for it but feel free to ask me any other questions if I can help. Regards, Marie
I did the tour and add on in the autumn of 2013 and I don't remember the practice nurse even mentioning rabies. I certainly haven't had a rabies jab and the nearest I remember getting to animals was when we went to see the pandas, and they were well the other side of the barriers.


It is very personal. I was scratched very badly by a stray cat on a beach on the Red Sea - it was scary as the nearest hospital was 100k away. I ended up having the complete course of Rabies vac. which I finished when I got back to UK. I now prefer to travel with some degree of protection. Peace of mind always wins with me!
  • (Member)
I think rabies jab is advisable if you are going to come into contact with animals or bats. You are usually told not to stroke any stray cats or dogs. The nurse at my doctor's surgery told me that rabies jab cost £160! I decided not to have one at the moment, but may do so in future.


Hello Jaya. That sounds like the price for the whole course.

Which is advisable for some kinds of travel where you would be a long way away from medical facilities. My nurse offered just a single shot which I guess would be the first shot in the course (to 'buy time'). She had me down as 'high risk'! That made me feel very important! Anyway it's all very confusing - isn't it always the way - that the more you research something - the less you understand it :s

  • (Member)
Hi Fleur

I will have to ask the nurse next time I see her to find out if a single shot is cheaper. She just told me that the cost was £160. I guess if you are going to get the jab, then it is best to have the full course. Did you have to pay for your single shot?


Hi Jaya - it might be because I'd had a full course of rabies shots some years

earlier that I needed only the boost. Worth asking.

I thought that the single shot offered some initial protection.

But I might be wrong. £160 would make me hesitate.

Yes, rabies is the only travel shot I've ever had to pay for.


  • (Member)
My surgery charges for Hep B vaccines, but Hep A and Typhoid were free. You have to pay for Rabies and Yellow Fever jabs. A few years ago even Hep B was free. I am thinking of doing the South Africa / Zambia trip next year so will have to get the Yellow Fever jab unless I am advised not to on medical grounds. Not sure if Yellow Fever is a 'live' vaccine or not as I have been advised not to have any 'live' vaccines following my stem cell transplant. I had the Yellow Fever jab in 1965 when we left Kenya to go to live in India and still have the certificate though it will not be valid now!


Yes, of course. Go see your doc in plenty of time. There've been times when they've had supply problems of certain vaccines and had to offer the 'live' version.
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi everyone

Thanks for your replies. Think I will play safe as i tend to be the (un)lucky bunny things happen to (if they happen to anyone at all). Trip sounds so amazing I don't want any worries to spoil it. Would rather 'go over the top' caution wise then no worries.