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(Member) (Topic Starter)

Its the time of year when I start Perusing (looking) for next years holiday.

This will be my 5th JY holiday, all of which have been in North America. Done New Orleans, Memphis etc etc. Wonderful history lesson on the music of the Southern U S A.. Done Grand Canyon and Las Vegas. Great Tour Guide and Driver. Did Canadian Rockies with a lovely group of people. ( Got to be the best from scenery to companionship). Did Texas early this year and was disapointed. My fault, for some reason I was uninterested and the tour was not what I expected it to be.

Now, I really want to do Route 66 but, doing it, will cause me more problems than the others I've been on from personal and organisation. The 16 days it takes will mean a lot of sorting other worries out and, if I do go the extra cost sorting them out will mean, probably, no holiday the following year. Now what I really need a bit of help on, is it going to be worth all the extra or could I be disapointed as I was with Texas, by not being quite what I expected. I suppose what I need is someone to say do it, its one of the 100 things to do before you die. Plus, if I don't do it, where do I go. Love mountains, valleys, wild animals etc. Hate buildings, Town and City Tours. Not interested in flat for miles countryside(France!!). Thanks for reading.



  • (Member)
Hi Steve

A couple of suggestions from me...

Have you considered staying in the Americas but going further north or south?

Canada has some amazing scenery - have a look at the pictures of Banff and Jasper National Park.

Click here for more details: 

Alternatively, how about Peru? You'll be enjoying the beauty of the Andes mountains (not to mention Machu Picchu) plus llamas and alpacas.

Click here for more details: 

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

Hi Steve,

Route 66 - do it!

Or if not - how about Austria, Germany or Poland - all lovely scenery - and not so far to travel (or so expensive). But then I can recommend Russia, China, Cuba too. Or how about Peru - not been yet (but booked for next March) - the world is your oyster!!! I am sure some of the others can give you a few more ideas.

Still think you should do R66 though - so iconic - but then I campaigned for it to be included from next year so I could be biased. September for me.

Best wishes,

Lesley :angel:

Hi Olly,

Were you reading my mind - re Peru?

Also I have done Canada (3 times) and it is an amazing country. I can recommend the Rocky Mountaineer (particularly travelling Gold Leaf)

Best wishes,

Lesley :angel:

  • (Member)

mmmmmm what a dilema you have on your hands...and sorry I cannot help you as it is really up to you to make the choice. What I would say is have a really good in depth look at what route 66 has to offer from a tour point of veiw, that might help, as sometimes on the USA tours I skim over and when I get there it's not always what I thought it was going to be. BUT I have never been disapointed infact have enjoyed all 3 of them very much. Even if I need to sleep for a week when I get back.

So good luck..


  • (Member)
Hi Lesley

Peru is amazing - I'm sure you are going to enjoy it.

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

  • (Member)
Hi Steve,

if you like scenery and wildlife, then I strongly recommend the South African explorer - it is a fantastic hol, the best I've ever been on! Stunning coastal scenery, amazing landscapes and the game drives were wonderful, so exciting spotting the Big Five and lots more! It is a long tour, a full 2 weeks and just 3 weeks if you do the Victoria Falls add-on (which was even more incredible!) and it is expensive but if it was a toss up between it and Route 66, there is no contest - do the SA Explorer, I'm sure you wouldn't regret it!



  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

Problem is time really. The longer I go on holiday the more it costs us. If I do decide on 2+ weeks or thereabouts instead of 10 - 11 days then I will probably choose Route 66. ( Tell Lisa I've learnt the words!!). The thing is, or was, if I am going to spend a lot of time and money sorting it so that I can go, I need to know I will enjoy it and its worth it. I note from stories left by other JY travellers that different holidays can mean different things to different people. (Different is todays word). I did not enjoy Texas at all, but other people have reported on how good it is, or was. But then Canadian Rockies was superb I think, yet there have been slightly 'not so good' (can't think of word I want) reports from some people who've been. I think I shall work towards Route 66 for next September but shall require some 'good' reports on it from those who go in May. Now where did I put the 'Piggy Bank'!!!


Chloesonic :)
Hi steve :)

reading your question i think you should save the big one for next time and go on a small holiday prob about half the price that way you can still have a holiday and pay for the things you need to sort out.

as if you go on the 16 day holiday you wont enjoy it as you will be worrying about the other things for when you get back and therefore be uninterested making it a waste of money.

then like you say no holiday for the year after.

so have a small one this year maybe europe, pay for the other things and still be saving up for route 66 the year after. everyone wins all round 🙂 make sence 🙂

hope you get it sorted out and still have a nice holiday

chloe xx