  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Julia

When Ben was editor, he was bombarded (slight exaggeration!) with requests from travellers saying they did not receive brochures, despite requesting them and even being long standing customers.

I've been following posts from travellers saying they have received their Christmas brochure and some have even booked their Christmas holiday.

Can I just say that yet again, I have not received a brochure, despite using JY for Christmas holidays for the past three years. Perhaps its time to start using a different company?!!



  • (Member)
Hi Sylvia,

I'm really sorry to learn that you haven't received a brochure from us - I have noticed that you have travelled with us on a number of occasions and we would usually send this information to you.

I would like to get to the bottom of this - would you be able to drop me an email with your contact details ( and I will go and speak to some colleagues to find out why you have not received this latest Christmas brochure from us.

Kindest regards,


Kindest regards,


  • (Member)
I to am late on getting brochures, when I know there around I just request one of the web site to be sent to me that works or ring up.


  • (Member)
Hi Sylvia,

I have the same problem.

Normally have to request something 2 or 3 times.


  • (Member)
Hi all, same here I'm afraid! I always have to ring up and order one, or request it on the back of a holiday questionnaire. At least four times I've asked to be put on the mailing list - Ben assured me he had done this some months back. I'm not bothered about the Christmas/New Year brochure as I won't be going away then, but I'll be disappointed if I don't get the new brochure in June. Tell you what, if it does arrive in the post without me having to ring up/put a post up on here, I'll start a thread congratulating JY on adding me to their mailing list! It seems to be a very exclusive club!!



  • (Member)

I'm personally going to make sure that you are on the list!

Today we had a break-though as to why some people may not be receiving brochures - it won't apply to everyone but if you have ever travelled with Travelsphere and opted out to receiving their mailings, so we don't breach any data laws, you would have been excluded from ALL group mailings. We have a new system and one of my colleagues is trying to make sure those who want to receive Just You brochures will get them in the future.

So if ANYONE has experienced difficulties with receiving brochures in the past - please email me your contact address and I will look into this for you (

Kindest regards,


  • (Member)
Hi Julia, many thanks I have great faith in you! I certainly don't fall into that category but seeing as I have had files disappear from my computer after saving them, I think anything can happen as far as technology is concerned!

Looking forward to receiving my brochure!!

All the best,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Julia

Thanks for looking in to this. I've now sent you an email with my details.

I understand others saying they ring up for a brochure etc but if you are a regular traveller and therefore spend lots of money with the company they should not then forget about you.

Many thanks


  • (Member)

I have sent you an e mail just to make sure my name IS on the list..

Thank you


  • (Member)
Thanks to everyone who has sent me their contact details, I'll pass these on to the data team and make sure you are on the list to receive future brochures.

Kindest regards,


  • (Member)
Hi Julia

I too have just sent you an email as I do not receive brochures automatically. I do get them if I request them via your website.




  • (Member)
I can't get them via the website as you need to put in a postcode and we don't have them in Ireland (yet)!

Very excited about the prospect of the new brochure, less than two months to go now!!



  • (Member)
Hi Julia,

I sent you an email as soon as this appeared, asking again to be put on the mailing list (can't believe that after at least a dozen trips I still have to do this) and asking for the Christmas brochure which seems to have been sent to other people.

Thanks for your efforts on our behalf, but you may still have a job to do here as no Christmas brochure has arrived as yet.

  • (Member)
Hi Maddy,

I am determined to get all of this sorted before I hand over the reigns to the new editor (even if it means attaching stamps myself).

I have just spoken to the data team and you have been opted in to receive all the mailings now - they will try getting this out to you again. Can you let me know in a few days if you still haven't received this.

Kindest regards,


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