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If I ever pluck up the courage to book something, would I fit in?

I'm in my early 50s and although I will be a solo traveller I am not single so simply looking for a holiday where I won't be on my own all the time but won't stand out like a sore thumb :huh:

  • (Member)
Hi Brigitte

If you like seeing the world and enjoy meeting people, I'm sure you will fit in just fine.

Many of our customers are nervous before their first single holiday but the vast majority are amazed by how quickly they relax and start enjoying themselves. Remember that many people in your group will be having the same thoughts as you. And quite a few of our customers are in a relationship but take holidays separately for various reasons.

I hope you will give us a try!

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

  • (Member)

I have a HUBBY for the last 30 years..and I leave him at home while I travel the world, so not every one is single so to speak. We do holiday together, but he likes golf I DON'T so he does that sort of thing, and he cannot stand touring which I rather like to do, it works for us.


Brigitte, i have been on 12 holidays with JY over the past 9 years and it is irelevant whether you are married,single, divorced or widowed. People go on these trips to have a holiday and see the world,we are not all brave enough to travel completely alone and it is nice to be in a group. JY is not a dating agency as some people appear to think but it allows single travellers to be in a group of like minded people.

Book a trip and you will be pleasantly surprised!

My husband is off to the Isle of Man for the TT with his biking friends. I prefer to relax on a beach and meet new people, that's why I have booked.
I'm a newly single 24-year-old and want to travel during the summer holiday (i'm a teacher). My qualms are whether I'll stand out because I'm too young. :S

I've wanted to travel alone and 'discover myself ' as well as the world for years and now I have the opportunity.

Is there anyone else in their mid-twenties on here? Not that that would completely put me off if there weren't.


  • (Member)
Hi Laura

The majority of our customers are in their 50s and 60s but we also have many customers in every other age group from 20s through to 80s. It's likely that you would be the youngest in your group but I'm sure you would find that you fitted in well regardless. Age isn't really an issue - it's more about enjoying meeting people and the chance to see new places.

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

  • (Member)
I share a house with my 28 year old daughter-we have just returned from a week in Boston but she was at home with the cat when I did the Jordan/ Egypt trip last September. Had such a great time and thoroughly enjoyed myself. Off to Italy in 2 weeks -first time ever at the ripe old age of 54. She did say I could bring back an Italian if I wanted and I expect his brother for her!!!


hi Laura, im 38 and had similiar thought but i agree with the posters on here in most cases its more about sharing experiences with other people who share a passion for travel.

ive always wanted to see South Amerrica, Asia, and Central America but id never travel alone to these places so a group tour sounds safer and more interesting.
