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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi I am thinking of booking a holiday for next summer.  This is a new concept for me and am a bit nervous. I am sure many of you have felt the same and needing some advice and what to expect. Thinking of the holiday to France and Italy Monaco Monte Carlo and Portofino. Thanks
'Kitty123' wrote:

Hi I am thinking of booking a holiday for next summer.  This is a new concept for me and am a bit nervous. I am sure many of you have felt the same and needing some advice and what to expect. Thinking of the holiday to France and Italy Monaco Monte Carlo and Portofino. Thanks

Hi I was the same last year and took the plunge to go to  Cilento Italy  .had an amazing time,everything sorted for you so no worries,so nice to have people to sit with when enjoying a meal.also when you want time alone it’s no problem you don’t have to go on every now booked to go to India next year and have a list of future destinations.

'Kitty123' wrote:

Hi I am thinking of booking a holiday for next summer.  This is a new concept for me and am a bit nervous. I am sure many of you have felt the same and needing some advice and what to expect. Thinking of the holiday to France and Italy Monaco Monte Carlo and Portofino. Thanks

My advice is to jump in and book it!  I was really nervous the first time I booked, but from the very first moment I met the group I had a wonderful time. I have had some amazing holidays with Just You and always look forward to the next one. I have made some lovely friends who I still keep in touch with.


Sue I
  • (Member)
As long as you choose a destination that you are really interested in, you will immediately have one thing in common with all those on your trip. Everyone is ‘solo’ so my experience is that everyone is keen to chat with others. All in the same boat, so to speak!

My first trip was Borneo, the second was Cambodia and Laos. Both fantastic experiences. Everything is well organised. You’ll have company whenever you want it and time on your own if you want that too. It’s a perfect way to holiday in safety and comfort whilst visiting really interesting places and having great fun.

Have a great holiday. You won’t regret going but you may regret not going!!


Paul N
'Kitty123' wrote:

Hi I am thinking of booking a holiday for next summer.  This is a new concept for me and am a bit nervous. I am sure many of you have felt the same and needing some advice and what to expect. Thinking of the holiday to France and Italy Monaco Monte Carlo and Portofino. Thanks

Hi Kitty

Welcome to Just You I agree with all the others and Rose is right be careful it is ADDICTIVE. I like to think I am fairly laid back in fact some say nearly horizontal (the old ones are the best!!) but I was a little apprehensive for my first trip 3 years ago but certainly didn't need to be. Everything sorted from the departure airport throughout the holiday and back home. I have also made a lot of friends from these trips. The beauty is single travellers (not necessarily single people) and an excellent age range so conversations are wide and varied and you will meet some lovely people guaranteed.

So as I have said before on here Pick it, Book it, Get excited about it and most important ENJOY it will be hard not to.

Happy travels wherever you decide to go.

You never know we may bump into one another (not certain if that's good or bad)


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Rose1999' wrote:

'Kitty123' wrote:

Hi I am thinking of booking a holiday for next summer.  This is a new concept for me and am a bit nervous. I am sure many of you have felt the same and needing some advice and what to expect. Thinking of the holiday to France and Italy Monaco Monte Carlo and Portofino. Thanks

Hi Kitty,

Welcome to solo travel. I am booked for that trip in April next year, it looks very interesting.

You're correct, most (if not all) of us have felt the same way as you do now. There's a great thread on here called something like 'reassurance for all first timers' which has a lot of very good advice on what to expect.

But basically you can expect a group of like minded, friendly people. Occasionally you get someone who wants to keep themselves to themselves, but that's fine, no-one is forced into anything they don't want to do (unless it's going home, we have to do that however much we want to stay!!)

There are usually (not always) many more ladies than men in each group and there are people of all ages, I have been on groups where ages ranged from late 20s to late 80s, but it makes no difference as we're all of similar mindset so age is generally irrelevant.

Take the plunge, if you like the sound of the holiday then book it and get excited about it!!  On  the day, turn upon at the airport making sure you have a JY label on your hand luggage, if you see anyone with a similar label go and say hello, if they see your label they'll say hello to you. It's daunting when you think about it (and we all overthink it) but when you actually do it you'll wonder why you ever worried, people are nice!

Just one word of warning ----------- it's addictive  😉

Happy travels


Hi thank you for your response. I am hoping to go in June. It's reassuring to get feedback from people who have experienced the holidays. I am 99% certain that I will book soon. Would be great to hear how you get on in April. This tour has a few places on my to do list so ticks some boxes for me. Thanks again for your reply.

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(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Pauline71' wrote:

'Kitty123' wrote:

Hi I am thinking of booking a holiday for next summer.  This is a new concept for me and am a bit nervous. I am sure many of you have felt the same and needing some advice and what to expect. Thinking of the holiday to France and Italy Monaco Monte Carlo and Portofino. Thanks

My advice is to jump in and book it!  I was really nervous the first time I booked, but from the very first moment I met the group I had a wonderful time. I have had some amazing holidays with Just You and always look forward to the next one. I have made some lovely friends who I still keep in touch with.


Hi thanks for your response good to get the benefit of others experiences. Pretty sure I will book soon. Thank you.

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Lespud' wrote:

'Kitty123' wrote:

Hi I am thinking of booking a holiday for next summer.  This is a new concept for me and am a bit nervous. I am sure many of you have felt the same and needing some advice and what to expect. Thinking of the holiday to France and Italy Monaco Monte Carlo and Portofino. Thanks

Hi I was the same last year and took the plunge to go to  Cilento Italy  .had an amazing time,everything sorted for you so no worries,so nice to have people to sit with when enjoying a meal.also when you want time alone it’s no problem you don’t have to go on every now booked to go to India next year and have a list of future destinations.

Hi thank you it's just a scary thought but feel braver now and will book soon.