Hi Willpower,

Really glad everything got sorted and you're looking forward to the trip 😃

There are 17 people on this trip, 8 men and 9 women. Their ages range from early 40s to early 80s.

Your Tour Manager will be Yvette Barnett.



Thank you Vickie. I'm sure other travellers on this trip will appreciate this info.


Hi Willpower

Having already booked my place on this earlier in the year I was very pleased to hear that JY managed to sort out the accommodation issue so others on hold could join too.

Thanks for seeking the update on numbers etc. Aware from this site that Yvette has done this trip before and has good feedback so am sure we will be in good hands.

Looking forward to meeting you and our other travelling companions.


  • (Member)
I’m glad the problems with this trip are now sorted, and 17 sounds a really comfortable group size - I may even get everyone’s name! Looking forward to yet another visit to this very interesting country, but currently preparing for my tour of the Baltics next week. See you all at the airport.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Looking forward to meeting and sharing the adventure with you all
Hi Vickie.

Today I received an e mail covering the itinerary and overview of the holiday and there is a bit of contradiction..

In April I asked if we were able to do both the Walvis Bay  & the Living Desert excursions as they were on the same day and you confirmed that this was possible. You also said that the Cruise could be booked at resort.

In the e mail it says, for both tours, that they must be booked at least 5 working days prior to the excursion.

Could you be so kind as to clarify, because these excursions are on day 6  with a weekend in between.    

I am guessing that to ensure participation we will need to book and pay before departure. This affects the total sum due before 17th July  so it would be good to know now..  

Thank you so much


Hi Willpower,

Apologies for the delay with this one, I'm just waiting to hear back from the team and have asked for an update today, so will get back to you ASAP.



Hi Vickie

I am due to pay this holiday too and would appreciate confirmation of excursions so I can include.

Can you please push for an update if not yet known



Hi Janet,

I have an update for you now, apologies for the delay.

The excursions are both prebookable and can be done on the same day.

The Walvis Bay cruise is in the morning and the living desert in the afternoon



Thanks Vickie

Glad to hear this. All paid up now including both excursions


Hi All,

I too am on this trip, having done many trips with JY and always found them amazing!

Is anyone going to take Malaria tablets? I know there is a small risk.

Looking forward to meeting you all.


  • (Member)
Hi Polly

I did not take any malaria tablets when I did this trip in 2015. To be honest I did not see any mosquitos at all. If I were you I would just take mosquito/insect repellent but at the end of the day the decision should be yours as to whether or not you want to take the tablets. This is a lovely trip. Have a great time.



'Jaya' wrote:

Hi Polly

I did not take any malaria tablets when I did this trip in 2015.  To be honest I did not see any mosquitos at all.  If I were you I would just take mosquito/insect repellent but at the end of the day the decision should be yours as to whether or not you want to take the tablets.  This is a lovely trip.  Have a great time.



Many thanks Jaya,

Obviously, really looking forward to it!




Hi Polly.

I am on this trip and have put in a travel form to my doctor to see what they advise. Will let you know what they recommend when I hear from them but believe it’s only Ethosha which is the high risk area on this trip.

looking forward to meeting you


Hi Polly

I had the same dilemma when I went to Peru with the Amazon add on. Basically most of the tour was outside of the Mosquito zone, but the Amazon bit was not.  I took advice from various sources and eventually decided to take the tablets .   These were to be taken for 3 days before entering the zone, during your stay and for a further week after leaving the zone. As I left the Amazon and returned to UK the following day this meant continuing to take the tablets after my return to UK.  This is because of the incubation time after any exposure.

As far as Namibia is concerned, according to most sources, the only likelihood of coming across Mosquitos is in the Etosha area  and then only from about November. They will all recommend using insect repellent and antimalarials if your itinerary calls for it.   I suggest you have a read through the 2 following sites and form you own opinion. If you are in any doubt whatsoever then I suggest you talk to your Doctor who will offer you more specific advice . 

See you soon 🙂

Hi Vickie

As the departure time fast approaches for Oct 9th, (excited)  could you please tell me if it will be possible to choose and allocate a seat on the SA Airways flights both outbound and return ?  As it's a 12 hour flight, I'm sure that some passengers would have a preference i.e aisle vs window seats.

I've done it before with Virgin on JY holidays, but don't know if the same applies with SA Airways. Do we need a special reference number ?

Thank you

Willpower 🙂

Hi Willpower,

Seats are pre-bookable with South African Airways and it costs £32.50.

I believe we can do this for you, would you like to have a seat allocated?



Hi Willpower and Polly

Polly - just to let you know that I saw the nurse at my surgery yesterday and she said that malaria tablets are not needed for our October trip but said to be sure to use a good repellent while in Etosha

Willpower - thanks for asking question about pre-booking seat. I hadn’t thought of that but very useful to know the option is there, particularly as I cannot usually sleep on a plane

Looking forward to meeting you both
