  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Afternoon everyone. I'm a newbie and was after feedback from people who have been on a Just You holiday. I've been looking at the site for ages but not booked anything. I want to book something this year. I'm a little nervous of turning up on my own as I've never done it before. I have travelled alot but normally with friends. My friends are all settled and can't commit time or money to lots of holidays so ice decided to take the plunge. I'm 39' nearing the big 40 and after something different. Thanks for reading 😉
  • (Member)
There are plenty of posts n here abut traveling with JY...can I just say. Have my 9th booked started using JY in 2006,great holidays and a great mix of people to meet from young and old and in between I am now 54...

Look at what is on offer and there are many types of breaks to pick from and then go for it book the tour that appeals to you..Life's to short to dither about.

Have fun


  • (Member)

I spent my 40th birthday in Australia with JY, my 41st last year with JY in Zambia. I started doing these trips in my early 30's in the same situation as you - my travelling companion got engaged and my other friends were either settled in a relationship or unable to afford these holidays. I've even continued to go on these holidays when I've been in a relationship (of course leaving him at home!).

It is normal to be nervous about taking such a big step but if you have a look through other posts you will see that the nerves soon disappear once you start your holiday. The company really looks after you - everything is organised for you, nothing is too much trouble for the Tour Managers.

The best way to start is to think of where you have always wanted to go. You can help settle your pre-holiday nerves by thinking if all else fails at least you get to go to a dream location. Once you've decided on a location don't think about it -just book it. If you're lucky you will find someone on the forum going on the same holiday and you can get chatting beforehand.

Be brave and take the plunge - I promise you won't regret it and will have the time of your life.


  • (Member)
Hello Paula

I totally agree with both Cidy and Sally. Just pick a destination you always wanted to see and book it. This is exactly what I did when I decided to go on holiday on my own. I always wanted to see Petra so I booked the Jordan trip. Life is too short so go ahead and book something and enjoy. Travelling with Just You is fantastic as you do not have to worry about anything at all. You are looked after from start to finish.



Mick W
  • (Member)
Hi Paula,

Think we are all apprehnsive before our first singles holiday, it doesn't last though. Once I'd done my first trip I got home and booked another (enjoyed it that much). I've got my 9th & 10th holidays booked this year.

My advice is just go for whatever takes your fancy, doubt very much you'll regret it.



I'm going on the Treasures of Andalucia trip on 16 May. Like you, this will be my first holiday on my own although I've done a reasonable amount of travelling before. I'm 41 but whatever the age range on my holiday I'm looking forward to meeting everyone and hopefully making new friends.

Go for it!


Hi Paula

I'm in a similar position to yourself. I'm 38 and have just booked my first Just You Holiday to Andalucia in August. It'll be my first time going on holiday on my own and am a bit apprehensive about it but read so many good reviews and recommendations that I thought I'd give it a go. I chose Andalucia for my first trip as it's not too far away, has a mixture of time to chill out in a nice hotel and interesting day trips to go on. If it goes well I plan on venturing further afield next year :-)


Hi Paula

i booked my first holiday with JY a couple of months ago to Australia in November, somewhere i always wanted to go and came across this site, the good thing about going with JY you need not be on your own and you can still have your own space if you wish, i will be 55 this year and thought i'd do it now whilst i still can, in 2009 i came back from Sri Lanka with friends feeling unwell and spent a week in the Royal Shrewsbury hospital so since then i thought i shall live life to the full, if you fancy somewhere then i say go for it i'm sure you won't look back, i have been with the Travelsphere group many times in the past and you do also meet new friends

all the best


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks all for the lovely feedback. Now my mission is to find the right holiday 🙂
Hi Paula

I'm 55, first time travelling alone and have been doing the same as you, spent the last year looking and thinking about it and finally took the plunge last week and booked a week in Tuscany in October.

If all goes well and I enjoy it then thinking about going a bit further afield and maybe going for Grand Canyon next year.

Hope you find your perfect holiday.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Trish. I have booked to go to Tuscany too, but in September. So excited 🙂
I'm glad you found a holiday to go on^_^

My first this year in September too :))

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