'sim1' wrote:

'Freshwaterfishingwoman' wrote:

China in October

I have booked this holiday some time ago ... Didn't find these messages until today.

Really looking forward to my first holiday with JY

Does anyone know if jabs are required ?

Hi, I would speak to your practise nurse or doctor, as everyone has different health issues, but when I went last year, they advised me to have, tetanus, hepatitis, and I'm sorry another booster which I can't recall now, these aren't compulsory but advisable. On our trip, some people had them others did not and one lady seemed to have additional jabs. Also you can check on the nhs and other web sites for advice. I would suggest going to your GP for them, as most are free, where as going to some of these travel clinics, they charge quite high prices.

For instance for my next trip I've been advised to have yellow fever jab. GP £50 travel clinic over a £100.

It's a great trip, my other advise would be to take extra memory cards for your camera, you will need them.

Thanks for that ...will do as you say ... Not a lover of jabs or pills so a hint that I don't have to will probably be enough for me not to have them. At least those jabs that can have side effects anyway. It's so good to see posts from others also going and to realise that we all have similar thoughts and feelings about it.

Thank you for advice re jabs ...Just need to see GP ...oddly I have the trip starting on we'd the 8th October .. Best check that I guess . Very, very excited but worried about the pace ... I usually travel alone or with laid back friends and we take our time ... Will have to get fit then ....