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Well I have just booked my 3rd JY holiday

China with the add on, anybody out there going on the 9th October,

seems a very long time to wait but just testing the water to see who else is travelling?

So far Venice and Iceland 2012, so lets see if China trip is up to the high standard to which JY has shown so far.

I have also just booked this for the same date so we will be fellow travellers. its my first major holiday on my own and confess to being a bit nervous but decided only way to find out if its for me is to go. Must confess to really looking forward to seeing new places and experiencing new adventures.


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'karensymonds' wrote:

I have also just booked this for the same date so we will be fellow travellers. its my first major holiday on my own and confess to being a bit nervous but decided only way to find out if its for me is to go. Must confess to really looking forward to seeing new places and experiencing new adventures.


My first JY holiday was a just press the book button and see moment.

The two trips I have been on have been very good, well organised, any minor issues (other travellers not me) have been sorted quickly, and the tour manager / guides, have been to a high standard and are there if you need them or a travelling companion if you do not.

Being nervous is to be expected, but you will find as soon as the

group is brought together that soon disappears.

So see you in October for the Chinese adventure.

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
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I know of three of us now,

who are going in October, anyone else?

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Ben has now informed me we now are 7 on this trip.

Come on all you post readers get booking for China in October,

only 13 places left for the 9th.

  • (Member)
[/size][/font]I too have booked my first Inspirational China holiday in October. JY Holidays were recomended to me by a friend. This will be my first experience on a single traveller holiday any tips from those of you who have been to China will be welcome. Kaate
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(Member) (Topic Starter)
According to my count down app, yes I know a bit sad, we have only

169 days to go.

So fellow china travellers lets see if we can find out who's travelling in October?

Anyone who's just been on the tour in the last few months could give any hints or tips, to us poor travellers who have to wait till 9th October.

I know I have asked before, and also not all people like to post, but it helps to break the ice trying to place the user name to the face on the first day, as we play spot the JY luggage tag at the airport.

My first JY trip was to Venice, tag hidden, second trip to Iceland, tag on show to all fellow travellers.

I know its fun spotting that light blue tag and playing shall I say hello

or wait till the first meal etc. but come on lets get to know who our fellow travellers are.

I am Simon and this trip is my birthday present to myself this year,

I know one other fellow traveller Kaate, and hope to meet the rest of you soon.

  • (Member)
Hi Sim:

Well you can possibly add me to your short list. I say ‘possibly’ as my booking just made this morning is subject to an “On Request” application to the airline.

It was fortuitous for me that I happened upon your new thread this morning and was amazed to see your claim that ‘only’ three people were booked for the 9 October departure, later amended to seven by Ben. It prompted me to do a ‘trial’ booking and reached the payment stage, by which time I decide to call in once more.

‘Amazed’ because I was advised only twice last week, that despite what showed in the Availability panel, this trip with the Yangtze add-on “unavailable” for the 9th. I was even placed on a new Waiting List in case any cancellation request was received for my preferred date. Meanwhile I had no option but to keep checking the next available date, 23 October, if I was to travel this year.

I remain puzzled by the confusion but this morning’s very helpful advisor could only suggest that the booking situation with the airline was the only reason for the erroneous information I was provided with earlier. But it does make me wonder if it is always the wisest course to book on-line rather than directly over the phone! And yet, come to think of it, it was over the phone I was also told of its capacity having been reached!

So hopefully, this time next week, I shall be in a position to confirm my presence amongst you. I, too, shall be a first-timer with JustYou, (though well-used to travelling alone), rather ambitiously choosing what I gather will be quite a strenuous but fabulous trip. I have long wanted to visit China and shall look forward to it as much as anyone else.

  • (Member)
There's nothing sad in my book with a countdown app!
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
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Hi Rich21,

the post about 3 people booked amended to 7 by Ben, was quite a long time ago. What happened was that via another post I found out

this trip required at least 15 people to make it run.

My holiday dates are fixed, also I wanted to go to China, I noticed that approx. 150 people had looked at my original post at the time, so

pointed out the available places in the hope people would book, selfish I know, but it worked.

I believe but not 100% sure the tour without the add on has vacancies, its just the inspirational China + the add on, that is fully booked for the 9th October.

I am not the best one for writing explanations, but I hope that helped.

Hope you get it sorted and may see you on the tour.

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(Member) (Topic Starter)
'sallyc' wrote:

There's nothing sad in my book with a countdown app!

Thanks for the support SallyC, but you should see the number on the

countdown to retirement, that is too huge and even sadder.

Shouldn't wish my life away I just look at it as days to earn money to go on more trips.

  • (Member)
'sim1' wrote:

Hi Rich21,

the post about 3 people booked amended to 7 by Ben, was quite a long time ago. What happened was that via another post I found out

this trip required at least 15 people to make it run.....

.....I believe but not 100% sure the tour without the add on has vacancies, its just the inspirational China + the add on, that is fully booked for the 9th October.....

Hi Sim1:

Who’s this “Rich21” guy you’re writing to then?! I think the ‘21’ bit suggests you were replying to me!

Yes, the last time I looked, only the China Inspiration Tour had vacancies; it was the one with the Yangtze add-on which was “unavailable” when I looked. At least until I called JY on Tuesday. [see #8 above].

More surprises today! I had to check my bank balance for entirely separate reasons this morning and was surprised to see over £400 had been taken out already and credited to JY. As I had been told it would be 5-6 working days before confirmation might be received, I was impatient to find out and called the company pronto. It is always assumed that companies don’t take deposits until a booking is confirmed. Even so...

I was delighted to hear that my flight had been confirmed so quickly and therefore my first extensive tour with JustYou too, on the date I wanted after all. I’m sure any remaining places will soon be snapped up as it’s so far off. Though it’ll come round soon enough. See you then – then!

Mike (21!)

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Mike21' wrote:

'sim1' wrote:

Hi Rich21,

the post about 3 people booked amended to 7 by Ben, was quite a long time ago. What happened was that via another post I found out

this trip required at least 15 people to make it run.....

.....I believe but not 100% sure the tour without the add on has vacancies, its just the inspirational China + the add on, that is fully booked for the 9th October.....

Hi Sim1:

Who’s this “Rich21” guy you’re writing to then?! I think the ‘21’ bit suggests you were replying to me!

Yes, the last time I looked, only the China Inspiration Tour had vacancies; it was the one with the Yangtze add-on which was “unavailable” when I looked. At least until I called JY on Tuesday. [see #8 above].

More surprises today! I had to check my bank balance for entirely separate reasons this morning and was surprised to see over £400 had been taken out already and credited to JY. As I had been told it would be 5-6 working days before confirmation might be received, I was impatient to find out and called the company pronto. It is always assumed that companies don’t take deposits until a booking is confirmed. Even so...

I was delighted to hear that my flight had been confirmed so quickly and therefore my first extensive tour with JustYou too, on the date I wanted after all. I’m sure any remaining places will soon be snapped up as it’s so far off. Though it’ll come round soon enough. See you then – then!

Mike (21!)

Sorry Mike, had various emails etc to do that day, must have got me Rich's and Mike's mixed, see you on the trip.

I'm expecting the weather to be a bit like our Autumn, does anyone know any different?
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I believe via various web sites it should be around the 20 c or below mark, most sites

advice taking a few light layers just in case and the usual waterproof something.

Don't quote me on it, check, as I have occasinally been known to be wrong.

And yes it will be autumn so hopefully some autuminal colours around the great wall

and pandas etc. see you in october.

  • (Member)
'sim1' wrote:

According to my count down app, yes I know a bit sad, we have only

169 days to go.

So fellow china travellers lets see if we can find out who's travelling in October?

Anyone who's just been on the tour in the last few months could give any hints or tips, to us poor travellers who have to wait till 9th October.

I know I have asked before, and also not all people like to post, but it helps to break the ice trying to place the user name to the face on the first day, as we play spot the JY luggage tag at the airport.

My first JY trip was to Venice, tag hidden, second trip to Iceland, tag on show to all fellow travellers.

I know its fun spotting that light blue tag and playing shall I say hello

or wait till the first meal etc. but come on lets get to know who our fellow travellers are.

I am Simon and this trip is my birthday present to myself this year,

I know one other fellow traveller Kaate, and hope to meet the rest of you soon.

Hello from Kaate also looking forward to meeting fellow travellers going to China on 9th October. First time for me with JY, I'm sure it won't be the last!


  • (Member)
Hi fellow-travellers!

Just had occasion to speak with Just You this morning and took the opportunity to check on the numbers going to China on 9 October. Thought I’d pass the details on to the others reading this thread (and hope you want to know!):

As of today, the group numbers 24 in size with an age range of between 50 and 78. This group comprises six gentlemen and eighteen ladies.

Still seems a long way off doesn’t it but the greater speed with which time has been flying this year, it’ll be here before we know it. See you then and look forward to meeting y’all.

China in October

I have booked this holiday some time ago ... Didn't find these messages until today.

Really looking forward to my first holiday with JY

Does anyone know if jabs are required ?

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Freshwaterfishingwoman' wrote:

China in October

I have booked this holiday some time ago ... Didn't find these messages until today.

Really looking forward to my first holiday with JY

Does anyone know if jabs are required ?

Hi, I would speak to your practise nurse or doctor, as everyone has different health issues, but when I went last year, they advised me to have, tetanus, hepatitis, and I'm sorry another booster which I can't recall now, these aren't compulsory but advisable. On our trip, some people had them others did not and one lady seemed to have additional jabs. Also you can check on the nhs and other web sites for advice. I would suggest going to your GP for them, as most are free, where as going to some of these travel clinics, they charge quite high prices.

For instance for my next trip I've been advised to have yellow fever jab. GP £50 travel clinic over a £100.

It's a great trip, my other advise would be to take extra memory cards for your camera, you will need them.

Hi all you lucky people booked for this holiday. I got back from it less than two weeks ago. I see that you have asked for anyone with information to write in. feel free to ask any questions.

I also did the river cruise and advise you to upgrade. It was ok for the two that didn't but we had a better choice of meals, no pushing for food at eating times. Free tea/coffee/ water in private lounge anytime and a private sun deck. (there are no kettles in cabins) There are a lot of Chinese people having their holidays on the boat and they don't do queuing!

Don't bother with dressing up clothes as there is no time to get changed. We usually had 30 min at end of each trip to get ready at hotel before going out to eat. It is nice to dress a bit 'posher' on the boat though.

The days are exhausting but it is the only way to fit everything in. If you are very tired you can miss a day out and rest in the hotel as you stay at least 2 nights in each one. It is not like most JY holidays as there is virtually no free time to explore so make the most of the hour or so you are given to look around a market on a trip.

Hopefully you will have Lisa as the tour manager. Very professional and from China though now living in England. Can deal with any problems/health issues making you feel safe at all times.

I just got my photos developed today. Managed to reduce from the over 500 pictures I took to 200. Have a great time:thumbup: