  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
hie all

have just joined and would like to start with a weekend, any suggestions

  • (Member)

Welcome I have not done these weekends my first tour was to USA.... Good Luck


  • (Member)
I started with week long holidays, 4 of them, and then did a weekend, and personally although the weekend was enjoyable, I did not find it as relaxing as a full holiday, as the time is so short to get to know people it became a bit frenetic.

If you are hoping to judge whether or not you will enjoy a full holiday it all depends on the people in your tour group, so really a weekend is not necessarily a good barometer. Just choose a destination you want to visit and go for it

Ange S

  • (Member)
Hello and Welcome

Like Cindy, I did not do a weekend, just took the plunge and booked Jordan. I have not looked back since and have been on two more Just You holidays with a fourth booked for October. I would say, just pick a destination you always wanted to see and book it. You will have a great time.


  • (Member)
Hi, just joined too and jumped in at the deep end, just booked a cruise to the Caribbean in December. First holiday on my own and first cruise, really looking forward to it.


  • (Member)
hi all! I also just joined and i am just looking at opportunities to go for short breaks and weekends:)


  • (Member)
Hello Lesey and Janiy

You both have cetainly come to the right place to enjoy great holidays. Enjoy your cruise Lesey. Janiy, hopefully you too will find something interesting and book.


Hi Sangria

I did a short 5 day holiday to Germany as a taster sort of thing, And infact had already done 3 holidays before venturing onto one of The Discovery weekends. I am Scottish so please dont ask me to explain my logic behind this. I have been told that I am a bit of a enigma wrapped inside a mystery. Anyway I digress.

I can certainly recommend if you have the chance to venture onto the Peterborough Weekend as it is very enjoyable.

But to be honest, I dont really think you need the weekend break, As all the Just You trips are fine the ones I Have Been on.

But my tip, Is pick something that is not too far perhaps in Europe. As only a few hours away there are ample places to explore and experience.

Austria is a fine place to start. However Its up to you. To choose somewhere you either like or have never been before. Give it a go
