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(Member) (Topic Starter)
With less than a month to go I think it may be time for a little panic...

Can anyone give me some idea of what clothes to pack? Will it be hot or cold and is there much walking involved? As it is a tour I assume there won't be any opportunities to change along the way if you make a bad decision first thing in the morning!

Any advice on this or other aspects of the trip from previous / fellow travellers would be greatly appreciated!


  • (Member)
Hi Deb :)

I did this trip in March and it was absolutely amazing. Whilst it was very cold when I was there I would still recommend wearing layers as there are a lot of early morning starts when it is likely to be more chilly. I think there were only 3 or 4 evenings when we had a chance to change before dinner, and even then I mostly just put a new top on. It's pretty non-stop the whole 10 days, but totally worth it.

Have a fabulous time.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Beesky' wrote:

Hi Deb :)

I did this trip in March and it was absolutely amazing. Whilst it was very cold when I was there I would still recommend wearing layers as there are a lot of early morning starts when it is likely to be more chilly. I think there were only 3 or 4 evenings when we had a chance to change before dinner, and even then I mostly just put a new top on. It's pretty non-stop the whole 10 days, but totally worth it.

Have a fabulous time.


Thanks for your reply, Sarah. Sounds pretty full-on! I'm thinking light trousers and t-shirts will be the mainstay of my wardrobe, with maybe a warm jumper / fleece for the early mornings, as you suggest. And comfy shoes...:)


  • (Member)
Hi Deb, I did the trip in september last year it was amazing, my first time with JY and have booked for eygpt this year. It was very warm was bit cold early morning or late evening, layers are best and the bus is with you all the time so you can leave things while you tour the temples and great wall etc, Recommend trainers or comfortable shoes. also recommend taking enough cash for soveniors, hotel exchange sterling but crisp new notes only, ATM's are few. Loo roll / wipes in handbag, a big memory card for your camera as I took over 1000 pictures, the main thing is to relax and enjoy its the most amazing trip which I would tell anyone to go on, everyone was friendly, the hotels were really good, I thought the food was good, different place everyday, real chinese for lunch and dinner, chopsticks too if you want. Have a great time let us know how you get on when you get back ENJOY sue 55
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Beesky' wrote:

Hi Deb :)

I did this trip in March and it was absolutely amazing. Whilst it was very cold when I was there I would still recommend wearing layers as there are a lot of early morning starts when it is likely to be more chilly. I think there were only 3 or 4 evenings when we had a chance to change before dinner, and even then I mostly just put a new top on. It's pretty non-stop the whole 10 days, but totally worth it.

Have a fabulous time.


Thanks, Sarah. I did respond to this yesterday but it hasn't appeared so apologies if there is just some sort of delay and I reply twice!

Thank you for your advice - the trip sounds pretty full-on! Guess I will just take light trousers and t-shirts and follow your suggestion with a fleece / jumper for the early mornings. Was there much hard walking or just wandering around the sights? I would prefer not to wear trainers if I can avoid it, preferring flipflops or sandals if I can get away with it - does that sound realistic?

Any other tips you may have would be greatly appreciated!

Kind regards,
