Barb W
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

I am booked on this tour & would like to say hello to anyone on the forum who is also travelling to China on this date. Also have any previous travellers got any tips to share?



  • (Member)
Hi Barb

I did this tour in 2014. If you put 'China' into the search function at the top right of the page, you'll find a number of reviews, including one from Bob Gray. It's a super, full on tour with lots to see and photograph.

My tips would be to take plenty of wet wipes and tissues plus throat sweets and cold/flu tablets as the pollution gets in the back of your throat (most of my group went down with a cough or sore throat by the end of the trip).

The only downside for you is that I believe that they no longer offer the 'Panda Keeper Experience' (i.e. Panda hugging) at the Chengdu Panda Research Centre. I got the chance to do it and it was truly life affirming - something that I will remember for ever. But don't worry, you will still get to see dozens of these amazing creatures (and their weird cousins, the red pandas!)

Have an amazing time - happy to help if you have any other questions once you've read the reviews.

All the best


Barb W
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Mandy

Thank you for the information, I will certainly read the reviews & take your advice on what to take with me. I did read about the panda's but I'm just happy to see & photograph them.

I have recently been to Liverpool & visited the Terracotta Warriors Exhibition, it was amazing, & now I can't wait to visit Xian to see more!

Kind Regards
