  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

am thinking of doing the eastern canada explorer or america's gold west coast holiday at the start of september.

am 36 - this will be my first holiday with JY and in fact my first holiday away alone!

would be great to hear from anyone else thinking of one of the above in september. or anyone who has been - i hear the weather at that time in west US is great but canada is more mild than warm?

thanks, vina

Cheryl- your editor
Hi Vina,

Many thanks for your message!

September is a great time to visit Canada. The weather is comfortable and the fall foliage is spectacular. June to September is the summer season with clear, sunny, warm days, but the nights are still cool. The weather can be a little unpredictable and can change from sunshine to rain to strong winds all in one day, so be prepared! I'd reccommend layers, and maybe pack a waterproof jacket just in case!

The west coast of America does have great weather in September. Fall in San Francisco is truly the best time of year for weather. Days are warm and sunny, sometimes blisteringly so, and nights are mild and clear. Los Angeles experiences clear days and little fog in September and again, is one of the best times of year to visit the city.

Hope this helps and you decide to book - both tours look fantastic and i'm sure you'll have a great time!

Warm regards,

Cheryl, your editor

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Cheryl

Many thanks for your message to.

The weather in SF does look good and I have to admit that tour is sounding tempting. I have heard great stories from friends who have been that way before.

I was thinking on China or Jordan - love places like that with culture but people tell me that perhaps those are not such 'safe' places?

I just have to pluck up the courage now!

Best wishes, vina

Cheryl- your editor
Hi Vina,

We offer an extensive range of trips to both China and Jordan. Currently there are trips to both available on the website. We have always had excellent feedback from fellow travellers and no safety issues have ever been reported on either trips! As you are aware, Just You provide the best possible care for our customers and are always on hand to help throughout your holiday.

I hope this has helped, its just deciding

which one now!

Do let me know when you decide or if you need anymore information regarding your holiday.

Kind Regards

Cheryl, your editor.

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

Thank you Cheryl.

Would you be able to tell me if the America's golden west and eastern Canada explorer holidays are definately planned to go ahead and how many are booked to travel so far. And out of interest what is the age range and how big a group normally goes?

Many thanks again, vina

Cheryl- your editor
Hi Vina,

America's Golden West tour still has availablity, on 3 dates. However they are filling up fast!

Eastern Canada Explorer is also very popular with availability on only 2 dates, so I would advise to book soon on either tour to avoid disappointment.

Average group size for both tours will be approx 35 and ages range between 25-65 so you are sure to meet alot of different characters!

Do let me know when you have made your decision , I would love to know which one you choose. It goes without saying that I hope you have a lovely time and be sure to tell us all about it when you get back!

Warm wishes

Cheryl, your editor