  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Maz, thanks for your message. It's very reassuring to hear good reports of a holiday before you go somewhere new, especially for a first timer like me, so thanks again.

Bill - only 12 weeks to go now (not that I'm counting!!).

Hi Anne!

Just received invoice for holiday balance, and it looks like our flight leaves Glasgow at 13:50 on the 29th Sept.. You will probably have received the same info. Obviously the details will be shown on our joining instructions when they arrive.

Time is passing quickly, but not too quickly when we get there.

Will make contact later.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Bill! I haven't received the invoice yet, unless it's arrived today while I'm at work. Sorry, I didn't realise you didn't have flight times. They gave me these at the time of booking but they did say times could be changed in the interim, so at least you've got it confirmed. Time is flying by, I really hope it slows down during our holiday! Keep in touch in the meantime so we can still meet up at the airport. It was nice of Maz to tell us how much she enjoyed her holilday to PU. Take care, Anne

Hi Anne!

Just received my Invoice confirming payment. There is no turning back now. Only 10 weeks to go. It would be nice if a few others were inputting dialogue on this board. I think it's great that it is available and that more use should be made of it. Anonimity is key and it means that when finally meeting in person, it is not necessary for private details to be exchanged unless the individuals chose to do so. That's OK as well. The message board has still served it's purpose. If our rep is as good as Linda was on my Northern Cyprus holiday you can be sure you will be well looked after. Don't expect too much. Just take each day at a time, let relationships with fellow travellers develop and enjoy to the full. I am sure you will not be disappointed.

As they say in the good old US of A. 'Just you take care now and have a nice day.

Be seeing you quite soon now.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks for the lovely message Bill. I go from looking forward to it immensely to being a bag of nerves and back again! I still haven't received any invoice or anything, should I be concerned do you think? It runs in my mind they told me 10th August the balance would be due but I will have to check where I scribbled it all down at the time I booked. It is a bit odd that no-one else has left messages (where did Cathy go?!) but I'm very glad you and I did anyway! Funny how the only two blethers are flying from Glasgow! Hope you are enjoying your 'leisure' while I'm working my fingers to the bone here. See you soon, Anne
  • (Member)
Hi Anne & Bill,

Please post a message when you return.

I am thinking about this holiday for next year and would be grateful for any info. you can give me. I am also from Scotland and am going on the Classic Cities of Italy tour this year.


Hi Anne!

Good to hear from you again. Please don't work your fingers to the bone, It wouldn't go very well with your sun tan or your swim suit. Don't wory about your invoice, It will arrive on schedule as per your booking. I did my booking by telephone and also the payment. So, all I now have is the confirmation of payment invoice. I will receive my joining instructions with my e-ticket at the approptaite time. All I will say is 'Dinnae fash yersell lassie'. As always, take care and genuinely 'have a nice day'.

Bill a.

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Trish, when we get back I will definitely let you know how this holiday turned out. We already had a good report from someone who's been on this one so I'm very hopeful!

Regards, Anne

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Bill, You're right, the bony finger look is not attractive, I'll try to work a little less hard! Can't believe it's only 9 weeks to go. Still haven't got the invoice or paid the balance, but I'm following your advice and trying to stay un-fashed! In the meantime "Lang may yer lum reek"!! Anne

  • (Member)
Thanks Anne,

I took the 'tour' on the web site you suggested. Looks good. Enjoy your holiday.


Hi Anne!

The nights are drawing in already and time is marching on. It will not be long now. I will be in touch when my joining papers arrive, and we will come to some arrangement to meet at G/gow airport. Billa.

Hi Trish!

Nice to hear from you. When we return, either Anne or myself will give you feedback in the testimonial part of the message board. If my last holiday is anything to go by it will all be positive.

Keep looking.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Bill, Only seven weeks come Monday! However, the balance still hasn't been taken off my card tho' the confirmation said "4th August or shortly after". I'll give it 'til the beginning of next week and phone to check all is ok. Not often you actually want someone to take your money! I will let you know on here next week. See you soon, Anne

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
All ok Bill, balance has been paid so now I can just look forward to our holiday and meeting you at the airport. Keep in touch meantime. Best regards, Anne

Hi Anne!

Just got my payment confirmation in the mail this morning including the flight details for our holiday. I see we are going out on the regular Globespan schedule. I have used them quite often recently without complaint so far and they are good flights without any trimmings. You will be able to buy drinks and sandwiches if you want any, but I would recommend something to eat at the airport before departure. We will receive our detailed itinery about a fortnight before we depart. Give me your thoughts an meeting up for that so we become aquainted before we go. Or, perhaps you may wish to link up before even depositing our luggage and try to arrange seating together then go for a coffee etc.

I will be missing for next week but will be on line on Thursday night when I return.

No doubt we will be able to come to some sort of arrangement.

Look forward to meeting you.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Bill, I've got my confirmation in too. I think we should meet up before we check in the luggage so we can get seats together, and then I will definitely be ready for a cup of tea or two! We probably should eat before we go as you say, as by the time we get to the hotel and dinner I know I'll be pretty hungry. Can you think of some landmark in the airport where we can arrange to meet? Not the check-in queue!! Only 6 weeks today to go! I'm very much looking forward to meeting you. Best regards, Anne
Hi Anne!

I agree with you. When we receive our tickets etc. and have all of the details, I will be better able to suggest our meeting point. Meantime I will continue to monitort this message board for any othre input from any other source.

If Cath is reading these, we will at least have another name to link up with when we get there. Hope all is still OK with both you and Cath. The time is passing so quickly that it will be here before we realise it. Be in touch soon.


Hi Anne!

You are right. It won't be long now. Just a little tip: When taking any money abroad, you generally take english pounds sterling. Very often, this has to be ordered if the bank does not carry the amount you need. If you already have a sum in mind and use you cash line card at an HSBC machine, it dispense english currency only. Just a thought. Contact you later.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Bill, Don't know if Cathy is still going on this holiday or not. I saw a message from her back in June saying she may have to cancel, but don't know if she did. I expect to just take Euros with me. Hopefully easy enough to get to cash machines once there?
Hi Anne,

I've just looked in at the Testimonial page and Ann P has been there and said it was great, to the extent that she is going back in September. I mentioned our dialogue on this board and suggested she have a look. We may be hearing from her.

Incidentally, regardless of currency, all location have secure deposit boxes available for a charge of course, but well worth the peace of mind.

Bill A.

Hi Anne!

Time is rapidly running towards our holiday. Less than 5 weeks to go. It is my intention to arrive at the airport before the designated opening of the check-in. Unless we can come up with a better spot, I suggest that we meet in the area of the Globespan check-in desks at the rear end of the queuing area. With our luggage tags on display. We can firm up on times etc. once we get our joining kit. The way our summer has been so far, the weather can only be better than here. Hope so anyway.

Just don't you exhaust yourself or get too stressed out leading up to our break or, it will take you the whole holiday just to wind down. Stay cool Just You nice day cat.

Keep in touch and feel free to make any alternative rendevous arrangements that may suit better.

Bill A.