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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi, This will be my first single holiday and it would be nice to hear from anyone else going on this one, or anyone who has already been. I would be especially glad to hear from anyone flying from Glasgow like myself. Hope to hear from you. Anne
  • (Member)
Hi Anne

Iam just back from Northern Cyprus as a first timer and had a great time in great company of new friends made. I went to the pre meet get together which proved worthwhile.

I am considering Punta Cumbria on 29/09/08 but have not yet booked. Are you going direct or, to the pre - get together? I'd be interested to know.


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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Bill, I'm delighted to get your message, and pleased to hear you enjoyed your first JY holiday. No denying it's a bit scary! I am flying from Glasgow direct to Faro (think it's Faro) and have been assured someone will meet me at the airport even if I'm arriving at a different time from everyone else. I will just have to meet everyone when I get there. I've been told there are already people booked for this holiday, but at middle of April there was still only me flying from Glasgow. I do hope you book! It would be nice to have chatted to someone before the holiday. Where would you be flying from if you do decide to go? I hope you'll let me know if/when you book. Look forward very much to hearing from you again. Best regards, Anne
Hi Anne!

I am now booked for Punta Umbria on 29th September also froom Glasgow the same as yourself.

Keep in touch and we can make some arrangement nearer the time. You can be sure that you will be meeting new friends who are kindred spirits and in similar circumstances to ourselves. So have no fears regarding your first time.



  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Bill, I couldn't be more delighted that you are booked and flying from Glasgow! Purely selfish reasons of course - I won't have to go on my own after all! Do we just keep in touch on here every now and again up until we make whatever arrangement to hopefully meet up at Glasgow Airport? Anyway, I'm very happy to hear from you and I feel so much better about going now that I "know" someone. Yes, do please keep in touch. I usually have a look on here most days to see if anyone else is going on this one so I will be able to reply to you quite quickly. Look forward to meeting you. Best regards, Anne
Hi Anne,

I look in this site most nights and I'll keep monitoring our Puta Umbria holiday. Incidentally, when I made my booking my contact confirmed there were currently 26 already booked on this holiday and that it was JY only and not included in Travelsphere etc. This means that regardless of what you may think of joe bloggs here, you will never be stuck for company and in my experience there is always good alternative companions. So HAVE NO FEAR.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Bill,

I thought the holiday might well be full as they are now only showing a later date for it. I'm sure it will be fine and looking forward to it. I have travelled on my own to Australia three times (not with JY, independently) but was staying with relatives once there. Anyway, keep in touch Joe Bloggs!!

Regards, Anne

hello, I'm also recently booked on to this one, flying from Bristol. anyone else going from there? never done one of these before, looking forward to it, if a bit scared! would love to hear from anyone going too. Cathy
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Cathy, Nice to hear from another first timer! I'm flying from Glasgow, same as Bill. Looking forward to it, and it's good to talk to others who are going before we meet up. Can't wait! Keep in touch. Regards, Anne
Hi Cathy,

As you can see, I have made contact with Anne who is also going to Punta Umbria on Sep. 29th. It's good that you have found this particular message board and now at least have the names of two (2) others going on this holiday. This is my 2nd. Just back from Northern Cyprus. Have no fears as said before to Anne. The mix of personalities will ensure you will find kindred spirits. Keep referring to this location in the message board for any other new friends going at this time.

Look forward to meeting you then.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello again Bill. Hope you don't mind my asking and I know it's early days yet, but since you are just back from Cyprus you may have a better idea of what's best the way to go - taking cash with you, or travellers cheques, or relying on finding a cashpoint while you're there? I haven't been back to Spain for around 11 years now and used to take travellers cheques but what do you think? I'd be glad to know what others find the best way. Thanks, Anne

Hi Anne,

Having used travellers cheques for many years and done all the record keeping involved for every one cashed, recent experience found cash to be far more convenient. No passports necessary and can usually be changed favourably even in some retail outlets. The obvoius risk involved is that any losses are not covered by insurance. That's why along with cash (English currency of course) I also take my Visa card. I also make sure I use any secure facilities offered by the hotel.

All I can say is that everyone works things the way that gives them most piece of mind. Hope this helps. But when all is said and done, have a nice day NICEDAY.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Bill, Thanks for the advice and for wishing me a 'nice day'! Unfortunately I am stuck in my office at work, as usual, with too much to do, also as usual! Roll on this holiday! Regards, Anne
Hi Anne!

I feel sorry for you slaving away at work. I have joined the leisure group. 'Retirement' is a word that is not in my dictionary. I hope you get to try it quite soon. Time is rapidly closing in our our holiday and the longest day is next weekend. Looks like we will be meeting up sooner rather than later.

Take care and as the yanks say 'Have a Nice Day now'.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
I've hopefully a few years to go yet Bill, I'm only a youngster of 52.5! Sounds like you are enjoying the leisure group though! The time is indeed passing quickly - hope the holiday doesn't go in so fast! Best wishes, Anne
Hi Anne!

Don't worry about the age of the group, even if we are the only ones from Bonnie Scotland. We have now reached the summer solstice, so daylight will start downwards towards winter, but also closer to our holiday. Keep well and take care, Niceday.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Bill. I don't believe it will matter about age in the group, good company is more important I think. Wonder if we really are the only two from Bonnie Scotland? Apart from Cathy we haven't heard from anyone else who is going at all! I've been looking at the new brochures again and there are some really tempting places. Have you thought about another one yet? Hope you are well and still enjoying the leisure group! Best regards, Anne

Hi Anne!

I am thinking my next holiday will be in Spring next year, all being well. Let's see how September works out first. These times fit in with the breaks between my summer and winter activities. There may be short interim breaks between times, but that's what works for me. So far I have been very satisfied the way things seem to be working out.

Catherine! Hope you have not lost touch with us and that things are still OK with you for the holiday in September.

Best to all and any others who are booked on this holiday and it will not be long till we all meet up.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Me again Bill. If you haven't already seen it, maybe you'd like to check out this website - and click on the virtual tour. Gives really good views of the hotel. Cheers, Anne

Hi Anne!

I never thought to look further than the brochure. You must be more investigative than me. I've had a look and I'm impressed. Thanks for the tip. It's getting closer!!!!!!

Take care and have a 'Nice Day'.
