  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Bill, just checking you are still there! Can't believe we are down to three weeks on Monday - we'll be meeting at the airport before we know it. I'm still trying to think of a 'landmark' on the ground floor which stands out, but I'm stumped so far. Let me know if you come up with any ideas. Cheers! Anne
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Don't know what happened with my last message, didn't come up on the board. Hope to hear from you soon Bill, not long now! Best regards, Anne
Hi Anne!

Haven't heard from you for a while. Has anything unexpected turned up?

On the assumption that all is still OK, I believe our best meeting point would be at the seats nearest the escalators. The toilets are handy there as well. Les than 4 weeks now.

Hope the's nothing wrong.

Keep well and get in touch soonest.

Perhaps there will be some 'nice days' on holiday cause there sure as heck hasn't been many here this summer.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Bill, I'm still here! Think our messages have passed each other in cyberspace. I've been at home all this week so not on the computer so much as usual. Only two weeks come Monday Bill! Got my final documents in today. The foot of the escalators it is then, and once we're checked in we're off on the start of our holiday with a cup of tea at least! I see the luggage labels I got today are quite a distinctive colour so hopefully that will help me to find you and I won't accost some innocent man at the escalator! Take care & keep in touch, regards, Anne
Hi Anne!

I have my documentation in too. My aim is to be there before the desks are open for luggage. More details later.

I was in that area when in Portugal a few years ago and I would suggest that you take a cardigan or light jacket for the evenings since there is usually a cool breeze at night.

You should be starting to decide what you are packing by now and sorting things out.

Don't be looking for a big six-footer, or a little man using a zimmer. I'm somewhere in between. You are right - the luggage tags are distinctive and since I have surplus, I will wear a tag in my straw 'soft' hat. That's how you will identify me.

I will be booking my car in to a long-stay car park and taking it from there.

It is coming around so fast now it is hard to believe it's so close. So SEE YOU SOON.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Bill. Haven't started packing just yet, in fact haven't organised euros or anything else so far. Have to get on to it this weekend or I'll be running at the last minute. I've been holidaying abroad since the mid 80's, so I should have it down to a fine art by now, but if there's one thing I can't stand (after spiders) it's packing! See you soon, Anne

Hi Anne!

Just got another letter in showing a slight change on departure time from G/gow.

Given the world financial situation, there is too much panic going on at the moment and speculators are making a killing by causing this and the yuppies were too greedy creaming big bonuses till the bubble burst. Unfortunately this is now affecting a lot of jobs and not only in the finance sector. I hope you are unaffected by this. You really don't want to think about early retirement just yet. It would not be a good time to do it.

It is just as well our holiday is coming soon and we will forget things even for a little while.

I hope you have started packing by now.

See you soon.

Bill A.

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Bill, Yes I got the letter with the new flight times. Early retirement? Nothing could be further from my mind - I'm not even 53 'til next month! A week on Monday - let me know what time to meet at the airport. I must have a look at that packing this weekend...!! See you soon, Anne

Hi Anne!

Given flight departure is 1430 and the desks are opened 2 hours before, it is my intention to be there as close to 12 noon as I can.

I WILL be wearing the straw hat with the 'JY' label on the band. I have not decided what I will be wearing for travel yet, but I will be dressed for comfort. I'll let you know before the weekend. Look forward very much to meeting up and making your aquaintance before setting off.

See you soon.

Bill A.

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Bill, So are we saying meet up at 12 noon at the seats next to the escalators then? Can't believe how quickly this has come around so I hope it doesn't fly by too fast when we are away. Be sure to drop me another line before Monday! Looking forward to meeting you too.Best regards, Anne

Hi Anne!

Almost upon us now.

This is to confirm that we meet about 12 noon on Monday. Make it at the escalator (Ground floor level) I WILL be have on the hat as indicated and wearing a light blue jogging suit and denim waistcoat. (That's my 'handbag'. I'll be seated so height does not matter. Hope you're not too disappointed face to face. Exact time dependent on transfer from carpark to airport.

Stay cool and 'have a nice day'.

Bill A.

Looking forward to meeting you and of course the holiday itself.