John - halesowen
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi. Anybody going on this trip in February 2011? Has anybody been on this trip got any tips. How much currency to take? what's the food like? optional excursions? ta John
  • (Member)
Hi John

If you click on the item referring to Egypt March 2011 Linjay has lots of tips re money etc for trips to Egypt which I think you will find helpful.

I am going on the Pyramids & Nile Cruise on 2 Nov. and really looking forward to it. Hope you have a good holiday in Feb.


John - halesowen
(Member) (Topic Starter)
thanks Sue

I did the Egypt and Nile cruise in April and loved every minute. Hope you have a good time too,


  • (Member)
Hi John,

I did this trip in September and it was brilliant. 30 of us and all I can remember is the laughter, competitions to see who could get the most desserts on their plates etc. we had so much fun.i believe Wadi Rum is now included, our extras were a cruise on the Nile-well worth it, and sound and light show that was cancelled due to the staging of Aida at the Sphinx. Didn't know till it was too late.I took £300 each for both Egypt and Jordan and did not use my credit card at all. Food is very generous at the hotels and I think we only had to buy dinner twice.Most people spent on bar bills-hotels are quite expensive and never use the mini bar!Have fun- you will love it.Jan.

John - halesowen
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Jan

thanks for taking time to respond to my post. Sounds like a fantastic holiday. thanks for all the advise - most helpful

John x