  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi All

Just to let you know, I am taking some pencils, small note pads; hair bands and scrunchies for the children, I read somewhere that this was really appreciated. I have about 10 off each so they won't take up much room.

See you soon

Pattie 🙂

Hi all,

I still have not recieved my passport and visa back and now it appears it may have been lost in the post. I am now having to go to my nearest passport office to get a new one fast-tracked. Hopefully I'll see you all Wednesday, if my passport comes through in time!

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Laura

How strange; that is exactly what happened to mine back in September; I had to get a fastrack as well in Newport; Wales and then got everything couriered to Just You. They did manage to get it through quickly so I have everything crossed for you and look forward to seeing you on Wednesday. Think positive

Pattie 🙂