  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Ollie,

I'm interested in the above trip and wondered if you or anyone out there can give me any further info about it such as:- Currency, how much spending money, vaccinations, humidity, flights from Manchester to Heathrow? etc

Regards, Pat

  • (Member)
Hi Pat

I can help with some of your questions - hopefully other readers will offer some suggestions about the rest!

Currency: £1 = about 110 Kenyan Shillings

Spending money: It's difficult to say, as you could get by without spending very much or you could spend wildly! It's worth bearing in mind that there are a few optional excursions, which you may decide to do.

- Half Day city tour of Mombasa (about £33)

- Full Day trip to Tamarind & Haller Park (about £72)

- Dolphin Dhow trip (about £87)

Vaccinations: You should talk to your GP or NHS Direct about this subject, as they will know much more about the subject than I do! However, a good starting point is to visit the NHS website at

Humidity: This isn't as much of an issue in Kenya as you might expect. You'll probably find it a little higher near the coast, although the sea breezes help reduce the effect.

Manchester-Heathrow flights: BA and bmi are your best bets for connecting flights. Have a look at their websites for the latest fares.

I hope this helps.

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor