  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
I am booked on the above trip May4th. 

Please can you say how many ladies and Men are booked on this trip and the age range. 

this is my third JY trip, really looking forward to it. 

thank you


Just You
  • (Administration)
Hi Julia

We hope you have a wonderful time. Unfortunately we are unable to share exact numbers and breakdowns but we expect this to be fully booked. Have a great time and if there's anything else we can help with let us know.

Best wishes,

Just You

  • (Guest)
Hi, I'm thinking of booking this trip but am quite nervous as it will be my first solo trip having lost my husband early last year. Would this be a good first trip?

many thanks


Just You
  • (Administration)

Hi there

Thanks for getting in touch and sorry for your loss at what must be a difficult time. It is natural to feel nervous but definitely take a look around some of the threads on this forum to help put your mind at ease. The Croatian Island Explorer seems to be quite popular with those new to solo travelling, as it’s a more relaxed tour it’s a nice way to ease yourself into it all. And I’m sure other lovely community members on the forum will be able to share their thoughts too. I’d recommend looking at our TrustPilot reviews too to help give you a sense of Just You and what to expect.

As a lot of people say after their first trip, just book it, you won’t regret it! So we hope to welcome you on a tour very soon!

Best wishes,

Just You


  • (Guest)

I have just booked this trip today. It is my first solo holiday so I am a little nervous but decided that unless I try it I won't know. I have been on ocean cruises and a river cruise previously but always with my husband or a friend. I lost my husband last year and although I have holidayed with family since haven't dared to travel alone. I'm hoping after this first trip it will get easier. I'm looking forward to the holiday although a little apprehensive.



  • (Newbie)
Hi Julia

i am booked on the same trip flying from Heathrow. This is my first solo trip so am a bit nervous but looking forward to it. Look forward to meeting you.


Originally Posted by: Guest 


I have just booked this trip today. It is my first solo holiday so I am a little nervous but decided that unless I try it I won't know. I have been on ocean cruises and a river cruise previously but always with my husband or a friend. I lost my husband last year and although I have holidayed with family since haven't dared to travel alone. I'm hoping after this first trip it will get easier. I'm looking forward to the holiday although a little apprehensive.



I remember my mum after my dad died felt very much the same. She had never travelled alone, either with her parents or friends before getting married, or with my dad (and later me) after getting married. 

It took her about three years to take the plunge and have a week in Spain - then after that there was no stopping her! South Africa, Namibia, Kenya, cruises; you name it, she went there! You won't regret it!