Silver Surfer
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi has anyone been there and when is the best time to go ?
I went in September 2022, it was lovely, we had lots of interesting trips, particularly up the mountain road with all the hairpin bends! The weather was generally good although not hot and we did have a bit of snow one day. There's a lovely cafe that does fabulous cake and real hot chocolate not far from the hotel, we went there on most days when we returned from trips out. Kranjska Gora is a lovely little place and I felt quite safe walking around there, whether on my own or with other members of the group. The hotel was good, food good too with lots of choice.
Rhian H
Hi there, I've just booked to do this trip in September. It'll be the first trip away since losing my mum a few months ago, so it will be odd for many reasons. It will be my third JustYou trip and have 2 others already booked.  

The cake and hot chocolate sound a must ! 

Hi Rhian,

Sorry to hear about your mum. I went to Salzburg with JY the first Christmas after losing my mum (wanted to be anywhere but at home) so know what you mean about it feeling odd.


Rhian H
Thanks Andy,  I've booked to go to Vienna for Christmas.  Our Christmas just gone was terrible and New Year worse.  Bit like you I wanted to be anywhere else than home alone. Well home alone would have been ok but I doubt rest of family would agree so better to be out of the way.