  • (Newbie) (Topic Starter)
(Newbie) (Topic Starter)
Hi JY community- Ive just booked today onto this amazing sounding trip - very comprehensive and inclusive of so many of my bucket list ticks to do I hope! I wonder if anyone else is going or has been and can offer handy hints or tips to help me get the best out of the trip please? I did my first solo trip to Lake Garda in July [with another company]so that got me over the 'first time solo traveller nerves' issue!



Debbie Peters
I did a similar trip with JY ... quite a few years ago, but also in May.  Make sure you take warm clothing for San Francisco because it can be quite chilly!    
  • (Newbie) (Topic Starter)
(Newbie) (Topic Starter)
Thanks for the tip Debbie-being from Yorkshire don’t mind wearing my coat 🙂 but was wondering whether to postpone to Sep to be honest with all the flood damage meaning the propsed tour route might have to change! Don’t have to pay in full for a little while so will keep monitoring. Thanks again.