  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
I am going on this tour with the add-on Zambian tour. One of the optional excursions is a bush walk, early morning I assume. Before deciding whether it is suitable for me, I would like to know more about it, like how long does it last, what do you do you if you need to go the toilet etc. (I know the answer is probably obvious  😉 but still would like to ask!) Any information would be appreciated. 


  • (Member)
Hi Dyuti

I did the Bush walk and it is not very long - I think a couple of hours. You use the toilets before you start and those of us who did the Bush walk did not need the toilet till we were back where we started. If my memory serves me right, we were back at the hotel just in time to have breakfast before the restaurant closed - i.e. just before 10:00. We were given boxed breakfast, but we all left it in the hotel room as there was no point in carrying it with us. You may be luckier and see more wildlife if they have had rains and the water holes are full! Make sure you have comfortable shoes and you are advised to wear long trousers though the rangers were wearing shorts! I guess they are used to being 'scratched' by grasses and thorny shrubs. Bush walk is entirely a different experienced. I would say go for it.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Jaya' wrote:

Hi Dyuti

I did the Bush walk and it is not very long - I think a couple of hours.  You use the toilets before you start and those of us who did the Bush walk did not need the toilet till we were back where we started.  If my memory serves me right, we were back at the hotel just in time to have breakfast before the restaurant closed - i.e. just before 10:00.  We were given boxed breakfast, but we all left it in the hotel room as there was no point in carrying it with us.  You may be luckier and see more wildlife if they have had rains and the water holes are full!  Make sure you have comfortable shoes and you are advised to wear long trousers though the rangers were wearing shorts!  I guess they are used  to being 'scratched' by grasses and thorny shrubs.  Bush walk is entirely a different experienced.  I would say go for it.


Thanks Jaya, a couple of hours without the toilet should be fine. I really don't want to miss the

opportunity to go for a walk about in the wild. I assume it may be bit cold at that time of the morning. Thanks for the tip about the trousers and not taking the packed brkfst.


  • (Member)
You do need a fleece to start with as you are picked up in a Jeep and it can get a bit chilly. During the walk, it got warmer once the sun was out. Not sure what the weather will be like in November, but I think hotter as we were there at the beginning of the Spring weather. Have a lovely time and write a review on your return as it will be nice to know what you thought of the trip and if you did anything different. I think this was the first time Bush Walk was offered as an optional excursion by Just You. The rangers told us that they are becoming very popular.

Kind regards


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Jaya' wrote:

You do need a fleece to start with as you are picked up in a Jeep and it can get a bit chilly.  During the walk, it got warmer once the sun was out.  Not sure what the weather will be like in November, but I think hotter as we were there at the beginning of the Spring weather.  Have a lovely time and write a review on your return as it will be nice to know what you thought of the trip and if you did anything different.  I think this was the first time Bush Walk was offered as an optional excursion by Just You.  The rangers told us that they are becoming very popular.

Kind regards


Thanks Jaya, for reminding about the fleece. The weather in Cape Town and Jo'burg is around 25C and in Livingston 35C. 


  • (Member)
Hi Dyuti

Yes, Livingstone was a lot warmer than South Africa.
