  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
.... that if you have Type O Blood, you are more likely to be bitten by mosquitoes than any other blood type and that wearing dark colors makes you stand out to them.

I found these facts amazing... unfortunately I only discovered them after getting eaten alive in a pub garden last night grrrr I always carry mosquito repellant when on holiday but never dreamed I'd get bitten in the UK. From now on I'm not leaving home without it as the itching is driving me nuts!

Kezzer :s

  • (Member)
Hi Kerry

Thanks for the info - although I've blood type A and always wear light colours and get bitten to pieces!! I get really sick of applying DEET on holiday but I suppose it's the price you gotta pay to see the exotic locations of the world!

Perhaps I'm just unlucky...



  • (Member)
'Kezzer46' wrote:

.... that if you have Type O Blood, you are more likely to be bitten by mosquitoes than any other blood type and that wearing dark colors makes you stand out to them.

I found these facts amazing... unfortunately I only discovered them after getting eaten alive in a pub garden last night grrrr I always carry mosquito repellant when on holiday but never dreamed I'd get bitten in the UK. From now on I'm not leaving home without it as the itching is driving me nuts!

Kezzer :s

HI Zezzer

If you lived in, or visited, the West Coast of Scotland you would know only too well about getting bitten in the UK.


I get bitten everywhere. Even with repellent!
  • (Member)
It does not matter what I do I am eaten alive, I wear bands have sprays in room, spray my self from head to toe...the little blighters! Just feast me...the worst was on Kenyan Safari. They got infected, we had a paramedic on out tour group who sorted me out!


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thank You - I'm now feeling much better about being the target of a mosquito's desire... seems they have rather loose morals and eat anyone 🙂


  • (Member)

Being a Scot on the West Coast, the only thing that seems to work is Smidge - you can get it in Tescos - unless of course they only sell it in Scotland. Good luck!

PS No I don't work for either company!


Thanks. Will keep an eye out for Smidge!! :thumbup:
  • (Member)
It is amazing how mosquitos are attracted to some people and not others. If only one knew the secret!


Puer aeternus
'Jaya' wrote:

It is amazing how mosquitos are attracted to some people and not others. If only one knew the secret!


It's all to do with Karma, the more naughty you were in your previous life, the more you get bitten in this one, payback. :(

Myself of course having led such virtuous lives past and present, never get bitten. :angel:

  • (Member)
Of course, I believe everything you say Puer Aeternus!! In fact you should be bitten more than others since you are a bit naughty in this life!


Puer aeternus
'Jaya' wrote:

Of course, I believe everything you say Puer Aeternus!! In fact you should be bitten more than others since you are a bit naughty in this life!



LOL! Trust me, I rarely get bitten. of course, naughty in a nice way! that's what makes life fun. 🙂

  • (Member)
Hi Puer Aeternus

I totally agree - we have to make life fun and being a little naughty in a nice way is the way to go! I too rarely get bitten and here's hoping it carries on...!


I will be on the Sept.14th trip to Canada and New England, Do I have to worry about being bitten by mosquitoes?.

I'm a first timer with JY. and worried about everything!

'Puer wrote:

'Jaya' wrote:

It is amazing how mosquitos are attracted to some people and not others. If only one knew the secret!


It's all to do with Karma, the more naughty you were in your previous life, the more you get bitten in this one, payback. :(

Myself of course having led such virtuous lives past and present, never get bitten. :angel:

Hi Puer, virtuous? Are you sure about that? What have you been up to to this year, it seems ages since Toscana. I went to Apulia in the spring, loved it, and have already booked Costa de la Luz. Best wishes , Margaret

Puer aeternus
Hi Margaret,

yes it is a lifetime since Tuscany! apart from a week in Dorset in July, my main break is going to be Sydney over Christmas and NY December - January, for 4 weeks, independant travel, to see family and friends. no following a herd around this time! Waiting for the new Brochure to arrive for my next Just You holiday!

'Puer wrote:

Hi Margaret,

yes it is a lifetime since Tuscany! apart from a week in Dorset in July, my main break is going to be Sydney over Christmas and NY December - January, for 4 weeks, independant travel, to see family and friends. no following a herd around this time! Waiting for the new Brochure to arrive for my next Just You holiday!

Sounds like you've got it all sorted. It's good to have family strategically placed around the world. Mine are in Vancouver, Sydney, Andalucia. Oh yes, and Basingstoke - well you can't win them all I suppose.

I've heard eating Marmite can help reduce ones attractiveness to Mosqitoes

Also it's something to do with the oxygen/carbon monoxide levels in your blood that attracts them.

As Jaya said/ who know their secret likes/dislikes. I just take every precaution and hope for the best. 😃

Breaking news!!! Mosquitos HATE vitimin B. So allegedly taking good vit B supplement helps stop the pesky things nibbling on us. ( vit B oozes from every pore on our bodies..... Nice)
'Princi' wrote:

Breaking news!!! Mosquitos HATE vitimin B. So allegedly taking good vit B supplement helps stop the pesky things nibbling on us. ( vit B oozes from every pore on our bodies..... Nice)

Thanks for the tip!