  • (Member)
Hi Alex, sorry but I read an article a while back that de-bunked that as a myth! It's hard to win with the mossies but I think using DEET is the only way forward - Yvette our TM on the Namibia tour reckoned that the Boots DEET spray was more effective than the Jungle formula one.



  • (Member)
Hi again Alex, I meant to add that when I did the India tour in March 2012, I only saw mosquitoes once - when we stopped off at a house in the countryside to see how they farm. There were puddles of still water with mozzies flying around - thankfully I didn't get bitten though! So hopefully you'll be ok but I would bring DEET spray with you just in case.

All the best,


  • (Member)
To date I have never used any sprays to keep the mozzies away, but I will take a spray with me when I do the Mexico, Guatemala and Belize trip just in case. Usually they stay away from me as they do not like my blood and hope they keep on staying away. If I go for the DEET, then I think I will either buy a roll on or lotion as do not fancy breathing in the spray as have heard it is quite strong.


  • (Member)
I have tried so many things over so many years and the little darlings still feast on me......they LOVE my blood unfortunately
Having had to contend with mosquitos for the last 35 years (Greece) I can wholeheartedly recommend "Mosquito Milk". Comes in a roll-on, contains 20% deet & 0.9% plant oils & has quite a pleasant smell. Only needs striping on so is quite economical in use. But hard to come by as it seems to be manufactured by a small UK company. Try "Chemist Direct" website or maybe your pharmacist can order it. I don't think I've ever seen it on shelves. However, I would also recommend always having Antishan ready for immediate application just in case a mossie or 2 get through.


'BGray' wrote:

Hi Alex, sorry but I read an article a while back that de-bunked that as a myth! It's hard to win with the mossies but I think using DEET is the only way forward - Yvette our TM on the Namibia tour reckoned that the Boots DEET spray was more effective than the Jungle formula one.



Hi Bob

I would not rely on vit B alone, always use either citronella ( natural remedy) and or DEET which is a bit harsh on the skin, thanks for the info. I'll take spray with me. The one time I did not was Rome and I managed to get bitten. Not Mosquitos but some type of fly that came out at dusk. Itchy as heck.

Also my practice nurse said Vicks vapour rub on the ankles helps keep them away.

The mozzies always target me. I'm must be like a beacon to them. The most effective repellent I have found it the Boots tropical wipes. I used to choke when I used the spray and would inevitably miss a bit! The wipes seem to have solved it for me, so Jaya they may be worth trying.
  • (Member)
Hi LeeLee

Thanks for the tip. I will try the wipes as I definitely do not want to try the spray. So it is wipes, roll on or lotion fo me!


A skin friendly way to avoid bites.

A dear friend gave me citronella essential oil and a spray bottle for India.

When I arrived I put 5 drop and filled the 50ml spray bottle with mineral water. Spritz myself morning and reapplied during the day on arms, neck and ankles. ( just avoid the face)

I did not get one bite, also the cool water and smell made me feel refreshed.

We also used it to freshen up the coach which was smelling a bit stuffy one morning.

I too am prone to Mosquito bites, if they want to bite they will find me, however the last couple of years I have discovered a soap made at the Tobermory Soap shop called Buzz Off, they make it for the Midges on the Isle of Mull. I now use this followed by Avon Skin So Soft and voila not had 1 bite in the two years I have used them.
  • (Member)
The Vitamin B1 tabs and eating lots of Marmite has been around for a while, fortunately eating Marmite is a pleasure to me. Couple of tips as said earlier, Boots anti mossi is the best but you need 50% Deet. you can get roll ons which still need spreading, sprays which make the bathroom floor sticky and gets up your nose. I use the sachets which come in boxes of 15 and are simple and effective to apply. Im lucky that I don't attract too many but when I went up the Amazon with JY a few years ago I made every precaution, wrist bands which kept falling off, Mountain Warehouse anti mossi impregnated shirts and to top it all I applied some 100% Deet which I got off the internet but it melted my watch strap so didn't use that any more. in fact I was so hot by the time I got ready I had to have another shower. after that I didn't even apply anything and I was fine. Last little tale, I was away once and there was a lady who was trying the Marmite route but unfortunately she was not aware you are supposed eat and she had rubbed it on her arms and legs, we could all smell the marmite but at least she didn't get bitten
  • (Member)

Your marmite tale about the lady made me chuckle! Things people do to make sure they don't get bitten....


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
I might try the marmite thinging tonight. Last night whilst asleep some little pesky creature came into my room and i have about 9 bites... the itching is driving me nuts... I'm even itchy in places I wasn't bitten.