  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
This trip was better than the first departure in May because of the great feedback given to Customer Services by Hils! Thanks Hils.

There were 13 on our trip, 10 ladies and 3 gents,led by Jennie our lovely, helpful, friendly TM.

On this trip there was water on all our coaches, the cost being 10 Yuan for 3 bottles.

The itinerary in Tibet had been reversed, too, 3 days in Lhasa to acclimatize before our road trip.

So although there were a few cases of mild altitude problems on the holiday, there were no serious problems. Diamox was taken by a few people just to help a bit. In fact from the health point of view most of us were fine. Uhmm! couple of minor tummy bugs.


Chengdu was hot and sunny, but on returning there for  our last day it was cooler and a bit rainy.

Tibet was warm and sunny but chilly in the evenings. Certainly no need for the thermals or gloves that I took.

Guilin and Yangshuo very hot and humid, sub tropical climate.

Hotels and food.

Standards varied, the hotels all being mainly OK although the hotel in Lhasa could do with a bit of refurb...but let's not forget where we were.

The food in Tibet was fairly poor by our standards and there were certainly a few inedible meat dishes within some of the meals. Apparently the yak meat tasted OK, not that I tried it!

The Sichuan  food was fine. However, had we got totally fed up with Chinese food there were ample Burger Kings, Starbucks, Costas and KFC's around.


Dare I mention them. Definitely not. Just when you think they can't get any worse,they do.

Best plan on Jennie's advice go "au natural". During our 3 days of travel around Tibet, Jennie asked the bus driver to stop frequently. So behind haybales, one person per bale if you please, behind boulders, behind walls or ladies to the front of the bus, gents to the back. So much fresher than the loos. Once we got used to it, it wasn't a problem.

Three holidays in one.


Obvious highlight were the pandas.

The cultural and face changing show that our local guide Alice suggested as another optional was fantastic.


Culture rather than comfort here. Potala Palace in Lhasa is impressive. Although a couple of people on the trip decided not to climb to the top to see inside the rooms, I did make it. One evening we walked to the square where the Palace is to see it illuminated, the square being busy with people also watching the dancing fountains, also illuminated. Very atmospheric.

Scenery  on the 3 days of travelling in Tibet was great, especially on the first day when we travelled over a  high mountain pass to the beautiful Yamdrok Lake and then on to a glacier.

I thought the barren Himalayas were quite foreboding, but majestic.

We visited a few monasteries with guided tours. If you want to learn all about the history of Buddhism this trip is  for you. Seeing how monks debate at the Sera monastery is unique, really unusual debating method.

Guilin and Yangshuo.

If Guilin is beautiful, the most beautiful part of Guilin is the Li river. Our transfer from Guilin to Yangshuo was by a four hour cruise along the Li river.

Mountains (limestone karsts) rise up from the ground whilst the River Li flows around the foot of them like a silk ribbon flying in the wind.

Then Yangshuo is equally beautiful.

The mountains here are, in contrast to the Himalayas, covered in lush vegetation.

The Liu Sanjie Impression Show, being the brain child of the famous Chinese film director Zang Yi Mou, is a show which takes place on the Li River with the karst mountains as a backdrop, a most beautiful natural ampitheatre. The show has 600 actors and I thoroughly enjoyed it after eventually getting into the theatre. I do know though at least one of our group who wasn't so enamoured by it.

The last day in Yangshuo included cookery school. Three of the group decided to opt out and kept the day free.

I wasn't keen to do the cookery but in the end I did it and quite enjoyed it (we did get some help with the cooking). The resulting meal was edible fortunately as it was our lunch.

So all-in-all an extremely varied adventure, which I feel certain that we all enjoyed.


Hi Di

Thanks for review sounds like it was quite an adventure though too many monasteries and yukki food lol for me, good to hear of Burger Kings and KFC's coming to us fussy eaters rescue and the scenery I bet was stunning

all the best


  • (Member)
Hi Di,

Excellent review! I'm so glad that JY listened to my suggestions and changed the itinerary which obviously did help you acclimatize. Also, I wish that we had had the opportunity to go "au naturale" as the loos were horrendous!! You missed out on a treat with the yak meat (I've had it before) - yak cheese is nice too! I agree that we all got fed up with Chinese food - and I eat everything and anything!

I would certainly recommend this tour for everyone - it is fascinating.



  • (Member)
Hi Di,

Many thanks for this fantastic, honest and most helpful review of what was obviously a most memorable tour!  I have been considering going on this tour at some stage, so you have given me a lot of food for thought.  I'm really glad you enjoyed it and that JY listened to Hils (and I'm sure some others as well) and changed the itinerary around.



Hi Di (shorter hair)

So glad you made it to China and Tibet. Pleased to read your review of the revised trip - it sounds like you had a great time! 

I am currently in the Rockies - in Banff - moving on to Jasper in a couple of hours - having a morning cuppa in front of my lovely log effect gas fire! Sadly the weather has let us down a bit - no helicopter ride, no Banff gondola - but then we have had the full winter experience with snow in the Rockies!!!!! The thermal undies have been useful here..........

Best get that case out and down to breakfast.


The longer haired one  🙂

  • (Member)
Hi Di

I was wondering how you got on, I am pleased everything went okay. Sounds like it was a very different and interesting trip. Look forward to seeing some photos when you have the time - no rush!

Best regards


Angie S
Hi Di,

Lovely reading your review which has brought back so many good memories. The tour is definitely 3 distinct stages and I loved everyone one of them but Tibet has really stuck with me. 

The food for me was better than I expected although the Chinese food did get repetitive and you could almost predict what you were going to get. 

I must admit I did go "au naturale" once on this trip when we hit the road one day after Hils and Di had given a toilet report at an early morning monastery visit... OK too much information I know!

Glad you enjoyed and that all went well. Sounds like you coped with the altitude a whole lot better than us.


Angie S
I meant to say Di, please tell me my forum profile picture means something to you.  People will think I'm nuts!


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello Everyone

Thank you very much for your kind comments.

Obviously I didn't mention all the highlights, Longshen rice terraces were scenic, walking round Banyan Lake in the evening was great watching various groups doing their dances. Quite a lovely party/holiday atomosphere. That was just to mention a couple more.

Had started a reply to you all individually but deleted it by accident unless half a post suddenly appears, sorry about that.

Best wishes

Di (shorter hair)

  • (Member)
Hi Di

Glad you enjoyed the trip despite some reservations you had before the trip. Hopefully I will get a chance to do this trip one of these days.



  • (Member)
'Angie S' wrote:

I meant to say Di, please tell me my forum profile picture means something to you.  People will think I'm nuts!


Is this the one I took of you Angie!?


Julie White
Thanks for the review Dina,

Sounds an amazing trip and a wonderful experience

Regards Julie

Angie S

It sure is the photo you took!!

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Angie

I know exactly where you got your headgear from. Those beautiful head "wreaths" worn by men and women, young and old were on sale near the lake, by our lunch time stop. Heck! I think it was in Chengdu somewhere, almost forgotten already.

Angie, yours looks as if it suits you, looks nice. None of group tried any on or bought any, not even the artificial ones.

By the way, have already put a comment about your headgear in a post about Iran. Hope you have a great time there.

Best wishes


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Julie

It was an amazing trip. 

We were fortunate that our itinerary in Tibet was reversed and the altitude was reasonably OK for us all.

However, I wasn't really in holiday mode because my aunt passed away the day before I embarked on this tour, so I nearly cancelled at the last minute. Fortunately my daughter and son did some of the necessities funeral wise and told me to go. So we have had the funeral today which gave me a week to finalize the arrangements for it when I returned home.

I think that you are going to Chile in October, if I have this correct, hope you have a great time.

Best wishes


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Jaya

This was a very interesting tour, which I would have enjoyed more in different circumstances obviously.

Is this going to be on your bucket list now?

I hope the situation in Burma improves before our trip.

Best wishes


Julie White
Hi Dina,

Sorry to hear about your aunt passing away. Hopefully the funeral went well.

Yes I am off to Chile on the 9th October. Getting really exciting now especially as I am doing the add onto the Easter Island's.

I will try and write a review when I return.

Warm regards Julie

  • (Member)
Hi Di

Yes this tour is definitely going to be on my bucket list though not sure when I will be able to do it. We have a long time to go before Burma and am sure the situation will improve. I doubt if we will be visiting any of the trouble spots, but fingers and toes crossed as I am already looking forward to this trip.



Jennie Whalley
'Dina' wrote:

This trip was better than the first departure in May because of the great feedback given to Customer Services by Hils! Thanks Hils.

There were 13 on our trip, 10 ladies and 3 gents,led by Jennie our lovely, helpful, friendly TM.

On this trip there was water on all our coaches, the cost being 10 Yuan for 3 bottles.

The itinerary in Tibet had been reversed, too, 3 days in Lhasa to acclimatize before our road trip.

So although there were a few cases of mild altitude problems on the holiday, there were no serious problems. Diamox was taken by a few people just to help a bit. In fact from the health point of view most of us were fine. Uhmm! couple of minor tummy bugs.


Chengdu was hot and sunny, but on returning there for  our last day it was cooler and a bit rainy.

Tibet was warm and sunny but chilly in the evenings. Certainly no need for the thermals or gloves that I took.

Guilin and Yangshuo very hot and humid, sub tropical climate.

Hotels and food.

Standards varied, the hotels all being mainly OK although the hotel in Lhasa could do with a bit of refurb...but let's not forget where we were.

The food in Tibet was fairly poor by our standards and there were certainly a few inedible meat dishes within some of the meals. Apparently the yak meat tasted OK, not that I tried it!

The Sichuan  food was fine. However, had we got totally fed up with Chinese food there were ample Burger Kings, Starbucks, Costas and KFC's around.


Dare I mention them. Definitely not. Just when you think they can't get any worse,they do.

Best plan on Jennie's advice go "au natural". During our 3 days of travel around Tibet, Jennie asked the bus driver to stop frequently. So behind haybales, one person per bale if you please, behind boulders, behind walls or ladies to the front of the bus, gents to the back. So much fresher than the loos. Once we got used to it, it wasn't a problem.

Three holidays in one.


Obvious highlight were the pandas.

The cultural and face changing show that our local guide Alice suggested as another optional was fantastic.


Culture rather than comfort here. Potala Palace in Lhasa is impressive. Although a couple of people on the trip decided not to climb to the top to see inside the rooms, I did make it. One evening we walked to the square where the Palace is to see it illuminated, the square being busy with people also watching the dancing fountains, also illuminated. Very atmospheric.

Scenery  on the 3 days of travelling in Tibet was great, especially on the first day when we travelled over a  high mountain pass to the beautiful Yamdrok Lake and then on to a glacier.

I thought the barren Himalayas were quite foreboding, but majestic.

We visited a few monasteries with guided tours. If you want to learn all about the history of Buddhism this trip is  for you. Seeing how monks debate at the Sera monastery is unique, really unusual debating method.

Guilin and Yangshuo.

If Guilin is beautiful, the most beautiful part of Guilin is the Li river. Our transfer from Guilin to Yangshuo was by a four hour cruise along the Li river.

Mountains (limestone karsts) rise up from the ground whilst the River Li flows around the foot of them like a silk ribbon flying in the wind.

Then Yangshuo is equally beautiful.

The mountains here are, in contrast to the Himalayas, covered in lush vegetation.

The Liu Sanjie Impression Show, being the brain child of the famous Chinese film director Zang Yi Mou, is a show which takes place on the Li River with the karst mountains as a backdrop, a most beautiful natural ampitheatre. The show has 600 actors and I thoroughly enjoyed it after eventually getting into the theatre. I do know though at least one of our group who wasn't so enamoured by it.

The last day in Yangshuo included cookery school. Three of the group decided to opt out and kept the day free.

I wasn't keen to do the cookery but in the end I did it and quite enjoyed it (we did get some help with the cooking). The resulting meal was edible fortunately as it was our lunch.

So all-in-all an extremely varied adventure, which I feel certain that we all enjoyed.


Jennie Whalley
'Hi Di,  wrote:

This trip was better than the first departure in May because of the great feedback given to Customer Services by Hils! Thanks Hils.

There were 13 on our trip, 10 ladies and 3 gents,led by Jennie our lovely, helpful, friendly TM.

On this trip there was water on all our coaches, the cost being 10 Yuan for 3 bottles.

The itinerary in Tibet had been reversed, too, 3 days in Lhasa to acclimatize before our road trip.

So although there were a few cases of mild altitude problems on the holiday, there were no serious problems. Diamox was taken by a few people just to help a bit. In fact from the health point of view most of us were fine. Uhmm! couple of minor tummy bugs.


Chengdu was hot and sunny, but on returning there for  our last day it was cooler and a bit rainy.

Tibet was warm and sunny but chilly in the evenings. Certainly no need for the thermals or gloves that I took.

Guilin and Yangshuo very hot and humid, sub tropical climate.

Hotels and food.

Standards varied, the hotels all being mainly OK although the hotel in Lhasa could do with a bit of refurb...but let's not forget where we were.

The food in Tibet was fairly poor by our standards and there were certainly a few inedible meat dishes within some of the meals. Apparently the yak meat tasted OK, not that I tried it!

The Sichuan  food was fine. However, had we got totally fed up with Chinese food there were ample Burger Kings, Starbucks, Costas and KFC's around.


Dare I mention them. Definitely not. Just when you think they can't get any worse,they do.

Best plan on Jennie's advice go "au natural". During our 3 days of travel around Tibet, Jennie asked the bus driver to stop frequently. So behind haybales, one person per bale if you please, behind boulders, behind walls or ladies to the front of the bus, gents to the back. So much fresher than the loos. Once we got used to it, it wasn't a problem.

Three holidays in one.


Obvious highlight were the pandas.

The cultural and face changing show that our local guide Alice suggested as another optional was fantastic.


Culture rather than comfort here. Potala Palace in Lhasa is impressive. Although a couple of people on the trip decided not to climb to the top to see inside the rooms, I did make it. One evening we walked to the square where the Palace is to see it illuminated, the square being busy with people also watching the dancing fountains, also illuminated. Very atmospheric.

Scenery  on the 3 days of travelling in Tibet was great, especially on the first day when we travelled over a  high mountain pass to the beautiful Yamdrok Lake and then on to a glacier.

I thought the barren Himalayas were quite foreboding, but majestic.

We visited a few monasteries with guided tours. If you want to learn all about the history of Buddhism this trip is  for you. Seeing how monks debate at the Sera monastery is unique, really unusual debating method.

Guilin and Yangshuo.

If Guilin is beautiful, the most beautiful part of Guilin is the Li river. Our transfer from Guilin to Yangshuo was by a four hour cruise along the Li river.

Mountains (limestone karsts) rise up from the ground whilst the River Li flows around the foot of them like a silk ribbon flying in the wind.

Then Yangshuo is equally beautiful.

The mountains here are, in contrast to the Himalayas, covered in lush vegetation.

The Liu Sanjie Impression Show, being the brain child of the famous Chinese film director Zang Yi Mou, is a show which takes place on the Li River with the karst mountains as a backdrop, a most beautiful natural ampitheatre. The show has 600 actors and I thoroughly enjoyed it after eventually getting into the theatre. I do know though at least one of our group who wasn't so enamoured by it.

The last day in Yangshuo included cookery school. Three of the group decided to opt out and kept the day free.

I wasn't keen to do the cookery but in the end I did it and quite enjoyed it (we did get some help with the cooking). The resulting meal was edible fortunately as it was our lunch.

So all-in-all an extremely varied adventure, which I feel certain that we all enjoyed.
