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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Just wanted to say what a great time I had on the New York Trip in March.  Although it was cold it was dry most of the time. Damien our Tour Guide was great.  He met us at Heathrow and helped us book in and drop our cases. We then went to the private lounge and breakfast was laid on.  We also met a lot of our other travellers there so that broke the ice. We were mostly on the plane together.  United Airways were great (plenty of leg room) with lots of food and drinks both tea and coffee/water  or alcoholic, and we were soon through Newark Airport and onto the coach.  Damien was with us all the way. At Springhill Suite hotel we had to wait a bit for our room and then Damien took us as a group to Tony's restaurant off Times Square.  Where we had a lovely Italian meal.  Some people made their own way back but otherwise we came back as a Group.  The Hotel was lovely with our own rooms.  Very spacious with en suite and comfy beds. Sofa, hairdryer, desk, fridge, safe and coffee machine.  No kettle if you like to take one. 

The next day we had the orientation tour by coach from the hotel up 5th Ave, looking at all the sites. The Rockafeller Building, Trump Tower, St Patricks cathedral and up around Central park by coach.  We stopped at Chelsea market and the flat line.  Then to Ground Zero. Some then did the helicopter flight and others went back with our other Tour Guide Lori.  We went back from the helicopter with Damien by metro. I had lunch in Macey's very near hotel. You can see The Empire State from Hotel one block away. In the evening we did the coach trip to The Rockafeller Building saw the skating. Out to Brooklyn to look at the sky line of New York then up the Empire State late at night. Much quieter then. Some walked back or waited for Damien to come back with them.  I stopped at a Diner for a hot chocolate and then to hotel. Some other ladies joined me as they were heading back to the hotel. Seems safe area at night. 

The following day Lori took us by metro to Central park. We saw the John Lennon memorial and had coffee by the boating lake then 4 of us had a carriage drive the others went back with Damien or walked on with Lori. We took the time to visit The Rockafeller building, look into St Patrick's Cathedral and Trump Tower, though we could not go in.  In the evening Damien suggested we go for a drink in the German bar near the hotel. The hotel has no bar.  Then 9 of us went to Ellen's diner but there was a long wait to ended up in TGI Fridays and walked back. Hotel got us taxi's to Ellen's.  Although we could have walked. 

The final day we were taken on a 3 hour cruise around Manhattan Island then to Grand Central for lunch and on the Airport. Again good flight with United airways with evening meal and drinks and breakfast in the morning. Not too long a flight about 7 hours. At Heathrow when we got to the baggage carousel Damien had our bags off and ready to pick up. 

Felt very sad to be leaving everyone.  Everyone had been so friendly. Large group of 35 but all so nice. Definitely would do a Just You holiday again.  So well organised. Don't be afraid to travel alone.  You are well looked after. This was my first trip. If Anthony, Alan, Sophie, Wendy or Jenny read this just want to say hello. Hope we might again some time in the future on another Just You holiday. Thanks for making it so enjoyable.  Plus all my other fellow travellers. Also Damien and Lori for looking after us all so well. I had always wanted to go to NY and it did not disappoint.

  • (Member)
Hi Gerry,

I'm delighted to hear you had such a great time in New York and your first JY trip, hopefully many more will follow!  I've never been to NY and really hope to get there one day.



  • (Member)
Hi Gerry.  Thanks for posting.  Sounds like you had great time and I am glad you enjoyed your first JY trip.  Where to next?

Best wishes

Hi Gerry,

Sounds like a fantastic trip. I love New York there is so much to see and do. Would love to go back one day and see the Ground Zero Memorial and visit Hamleys Toy store again.


Hi Gerry,

it sounds like your trip was very similar to ours with a few small differences (I went in Sept 2016).  Glad you enjoyed it.  We had Lori also but a different tour manager who didn't come back to Heathrow with us.  Sounds like your airline was better, we went with Virgin and it was very cramped I think next time it's a Virgin flight I might pay for an upgrade although couldn't fault the service from Virgin just the seats.  I'm definitely planning on going back to New York and wish I could have gone when the ice skating was at the Rockafeller.

By the way we found a roof bar in the hotel next door (to the left as you look at the one we stay in), we felt the German bar was a bit over priced so didn't go in there for anybody going in the future or planning to go back...some of our group noticed it whilst up the Empire State Building and you're allowed in even if your not a guest!

I hope you book another trip, I'm booked for Arizona in October and I'm already looking for next year!!


Hi everyone!  Just popping in to agree with Gerry that we had a fantastic long weekend in New York.  Many thanks to Damien, Lori and everyone on the trip for making it so great.  Highlights for me were the night tour especially the views from the Jersey shore and the Empire State Building, the Ground Zero visit and the daylight view from the Rockefeller Building.  

My only big negative - the hotel.  Location was excellent and bedrooms were great. But most of us had to wait 3 hours to access our rooms after an early UK start and long flight.  Also, the breakfast room was too small for the hotel's capacity, and we had to use paper plates, plastic cutlery and paper cups for tea/coffee  :huh: ! And - contrary to the information on the Just You website - no bar!  Disappointing ...

But as I say, a fantastic holiday overall!

All the best to everyone, maybe see you again on a Just You trip!


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello Wendy - nice to hear from you. Yes you are right about the long wait for hotel room when we got there. But I did like the hotel.  I think the eating area would be ok in the summer as there was an outside bit but it was closed when we were there as too cold to eat out.  Maybe see you on another trip. Will have to see.

I don't know if we said but we did not get into Ellen's as there was a 2 hour queue so ended up in TFI Fridays but it was nice if expensive.

First and foremost I must emphasise that this is overall a great holiday and I would recommend it - and indeed I have recommended it to friends.

But I am very disappointed with the response to my Customer Satisfaction Questionnaire.

Most of my responses were very positive but I did add additional notes about the few things that I felt were not up to JU standard e.g. the 3 hour wait for rooms, and the use of paper plates/plastic cutlery/paper cups for breakfast.

I have just received a reply to my questionnaire - it's the standardised computerised letter - "I'm delighted that you enjoyed your recent holiday with us ..." etc. etc.  

Yes, overall I did enjoy the holiday but I would have expected some response to my additional comments - but there was none.

Sorry to sound like a moaning minnie but if, as the letter says, JU "use this report (questionnaire) to understand ... what we might do differently or better in the future", surely there should have been some response?



  • (Member)
Hi WendyP

I've done a bit of asking around on this one. So, as you rated the holiday overall above a certain value, the thank-you letter was generated.

All feedback is shared around the business and I understand that the customer care team have addressed your comments in an additional letter that was mailed earlier this week. It was sent on Tuesday, so if you have not yet received this, please let me know.

Kindest regards,


'Julia' wrote:

Hi WendyP

I've done a bit of asking around on this one. So, as you rated the holiday overall above a certain value, the thank-you letter was generated.

All feedback is shared around the business and I understand that the customer care team have addressed your comments in an additional letter that was mailed earlier this week. It was sent on Tuesday, so if you have not yet received this, please let me know.

Kindest regards,


Thanks, Julia.

Yes, I'm pleased to say that today I've had a further response from the Customer Services Manager.  In her letter, she addresses all but one of the points I made in my feedback and on the whole I am happy with her responses.

However, she does not mention or make any response to my comment that we had to use paper plates, plastic cutlery and disposable cups at breakfast.  

I don't want to make this more of a saga than it is already, as I've said many times, this was a great holiday with only a few aspects where I thought JY might welcome feedback to improve the service offered.

My next door neighbour and friend is booked onto the May New York holiday, staying at the same hotel, and she is seriously wondering whether to pack a mug, plate and cutlery in order to eat her breakfast in the manner to which she is accustomed!

I was going to write to the CSM to ask again for her comments on this particular point but perhaps a response can be generated through this site?

It would be great to put this to bed and focus back on the many positive aspects of this super holiday!


  • (Member)
You often get paper cups plates and plastic cutlery in the USA hotels, I have very good friends in Michigan and when staying with then they always have lunch (sandwich crisps etc) off paper plates, which I find weird. Its a American thing, not something I like but when away I go with the flow.

When I come back off tours I send the questionnaire back, but if I have concerns I do a separate letter, which JY have always responded  to it might not always be the answer I would hope, but I have always voice my concerns and JY have acknowledged them 


I made some adverse comments about recent trip with a local guide whose command of English was so poor,  he couldn't understand even basic questions about the country. Not being able to get information about daily life, education,  religion,  etc., detracted from an otherwise good tour. This was especially disappointing as earlier and later groups have sung the praises of their respective guides. The reply I received merely thanked me for my comments which were being taken seriously. Not great customer service.  I would have preferred  that JY had ensured that guide was fluent in English before he was engaged.
  • (Member)
Hi WendyP,

I'm delighted to hear that you have received your response. I have picked up with the team about the comment regarding paper plates, plastic cutlery etc who have explained (and Nixon has also eluded to) that regretfully it is not unusual for hotels in America to use disposable crockery and cutlery, which is something we are not familiar with in the UK. Nevertheless we would hope that customers have a comfortable breakfast experience and as such have liaised with the hotel in this regard.

They have also asked for me to reassure you that, as per the letter you receive, the team welcome all feedback positive or negative as this allows us to make amendments where appropriate.

Kindest regards,


Pat M
  • (Member)
Hi Gerry 133, sounds like you had a great time in the "Big Apple". I'm going in Sept. & am SOOOO looking forward to it. My first time to NY & with J Y, as although I've gone to London & Manchester on my own several times & loved it, I think I need a helping hand when it comes to New York! Happy future travels with J Y. x Pat M
  • (Member)
Hello Gerry and Wendy,

Thank you for the comprehensive reviews. I have had previous experience of paper/plastic plates at the Convention Centre Hotel , New Orleans. Too far out of town which was awkward to us single women traveling at night to get to see Jazz and Blues in the clubs around Bourbon Street. I see that JY have taken our hints and they now use the Sheraton Hotel near Canal Street. The hotel at Moniga was also changed for the Magnificent Lake Garda due to distance, bad road junction and same food.

Last went to New York with my family December 2006. Ground Zero was a hole in the ground, never did go into St Patricks although we did go into Trump Tower 🙂 Looks like I will have to do this trip as well 😉 


'Julia' wrote:

Hi WendyP,

I'm delighted to hear that you have received your response. I have picked up with the team about the comment regarding paper plates, plastic cutlery etc who have explained (and Nixon has also eluded to) that regretfully it is not unusual for hotels in America to use disposable crockery and cutlery, which is something we are not familiar with in the UK. Nevertheless we would hope that customers have a comfortable breakfast experience and as such have liaised with the hotel in this regard.

They have also asked for me to reassure you that, as per the letter you receive, the team welcome all feedback positive or negative as this allows us to make amendments where appropriate.

Kindest regards,


Thanks again, Julia, for this helpful update.

I'm now reassured that my feedback has registered with JY and hopefully, where possible, improvements will be made.

To anyone considering this holiday, I'd recommend it highly as a great way of being introduced to the amazing city that is New York.

Happy travelling to all!


  • (Member)

Personally I would not worry too much about paper cups, plates and plastic cutlery. Surely Just You can't do anything about this if it is the hotel policy?



'Jaya' wrote:


Personally I would not worry too much about paper cups, plates and plastic cutlery.  Surely Just You can't do anything about this if it is the hotel policy?  



Hi Jaya!

This has turned into a bit of a saga and as I keep saying the main thing was - it was a fantastic holiday!

But as a first-time customer of Just You and a first-time visitor to New York, I was surprised and a bit disappointed to be eating my breakfast perched on a wooden stool, in the reception area (breakfast room overspill), with a paper plate on my lap and trying to cut a sausage with a plastic knife and fork!  

Other people in the group felt the same, maybe they didn't bother to mention it in their feedback but I thought it was something JY should be aware of.

It's been interesting to hear that it's quite common in NY, I've spoken to other people who have not experienced this but now at least my friend who is going on the same holiday at the end of this month will be prepared!

I know JY can't do anything about hotels' policy on this matter but maybe they could tell people in advance, I don't know. 

Anyway, I plan for this to be my last word on the matter!

Happy travelling!


  • (Member)
My own view on polystyrene coffee cups, plastic plates and cutlery is that it smacks of being 'cheap and nasty'. As for Just You not being able to do anything about about using hotels of a standard that use proper plates and cutlery! Considering the cost of holidays now, it doesn't seem too much to ask for or expect.

I agree that the use of plastic appears to be more common in the USA, in fact I had experience of this in the Holiday Inn at Fort Worth a couple of years ago - surely the worst hotel that I have ever stayed in on a JY holiday. Everyone complained about it at the time and I'm pleased to say that, looking at the current itinerary, that hotel appears to have been dropped.


I absolutely agree Mike.