(Member) (Topic Starter)
This was a new trip and for that it went pretty well despite the loss of the hotel for the 4th night and the tour operator who was excellent cheerful lady managed to find us another hotel to take us all in single rooms - not so good as the hotel at Westport in minor ways but did very well. IN fact for a short trip I found the hotel much better quality than I thought with even self service breakfast was excellent at Westport and the dinner too with 3 courses with quite a lot of choices in each course. The food was good quality for a hotel taking in groups.

The second hotel was more impersonal and food not so good but for a last minute choice worked well. TV better t han the other one although not uch time for TV!

It was a very friendly and easy g roup and for my first solo holiday with this company I was very impressed and the tour manager and driver/guide worked very hard especially as the first coach had a problem with the air conditioning essential when it was very hot for the west of Ireland.

I think the trip needed 4 days as we had a foreshortened trip to the Burren despite the showery day and also needed more time for that and the Cliffs of Moher. The first two days on Achill Island and Connemara worked very well but lunch for all the days needed a bit more thought and whether we were seeing scenery or coffee/craft shops.

I knew the area and it was good we had a little flexibility and so visits to have a coffee/icecream was a group choice so I did not have much choice to linger at a preferrred beach or elsewhere. WE got a lot of history from our driver/guide who was very good and we were looked after on the very hot walks v ery well. I am just not sure whether a trip to a large country house is right for a basically a walking/scenic trip. WE completely missed out on the fantastic Connemara mountains where we could have gone whilst the weather was .clear and sunny - I think the rest of the group did not know they existed and perhaps a vote of choice should have been offered. With a larger group there are bound to be those not interested in the scenery or only wantingn to march.

There was time to enjoy the evening however going out for a drink or a walk or just sitting in the bar of the excellent hotel or chatting in the comfortable foyer. We were near enough to walk to excellent pubs and authentic Irish ones with live music so that aspect of socialising was very good.

The boat and coach were also excellent and comfortable and I think the tour idea is very good but needs a bit of tweaking perhaps after the first year when customer reactions may have been analysed. If some tourist a ttractiions like Galway city are included I think an extra day is needed to make sure there is plenty of time to see the wonderful scenery.

  • (Member)
Hi I'm from Ireland so I was very interested to read your review! I'm glad you enjoyed the tour - you obviously love the west and know it well! I've been there a couple of times and it is a great part of the country. It's a pity the group missed out on seeing the mountain scenery and, having looked at the itinerary, I agree an extra day and a visit to Galway city would add to the tour. I hope JY take note of your comments!

Best wishes,


  • (Member)
I'd love to do a holiday like that sometime although I'm more of a 4 mile walker rather than a 7 miler. The scenery looks beautiful and far from the madding crowd.

A few years ago we stayed in Killarney area and absolutely loved it despite the monsoon we had one day while in the middle of a country park!

I'm glad that everything worked out well in the end with the accommodation. That must have been a bit of a nightmare for the Tour Manager.

Mick W
Sort of area and holiday that would suit me but would like to see it tweaked somewhat to be at least a couple of days longer.
Would love to see this beautiful part of Ireland, but not sure I could cope with all the walking. Although reasonably fit, I am definitely a fair weather walker, and would hate to hold hardier mortals back.. I hope JY consider a similar but less strenuous itinerary in the future. Here's hoping for 2017.
This was my first ever holiday with my Assistance Dog, Aster. The first holiday I have been able to take for over 15 years because of health problems; without Aster I could not have gone. Being able to take Aster with me has been wonderful. Aster was welcomed everywhere we went. Min, our Tour Manager and Shane, our Tour Guide/Coach Driver were wonderful with her. Aster was her usual charming self and behaved beautifully, getting lots of attention everywhere we went. Min and Shane were really helpful in advising me when it was safe to leave her off her lead and as there were a lot of livestock on the walking routes this was really important. As it turned out Aster completely ignored the sheep and cattle so was able to be off her lead and had a wonderful time. She fell in love with Shane and spent her time running between us, to make sure I was OK and then running back to join Shane leading the group. She really had a wonderful well deserved holiday.

The hotels we stayed at were great. Food was excellent, accommodation was really good and most important for me was the fact that at each of them there were wonderful areas where I was able to take Aster for walks early morning and late evening (dog toileting is obviously an issue that has to be considered).

If you have an Assistance Dog that enjoys good walks I would recommend this holiday.

The walks are not too challenging, only a few miles a day, in stunning scenery. But then Aster and I live on the Pembrokeshire Coast Path and walk about 5 miles a day so perhaps we are more than a little bit spoilt from the walking point of view.

Many, Many thanks to Arthur, who brought me and Aster home from Holyhead. Diolch yn fawr iawn.