  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello all,

I've just joined Just You and am a bit wary of taking my first

holiday as part of a group. Anyone else out there from Ireland

who are thinking of travelling this year with JY. Looking at China or somewhere similar.

Thanks - Jo.

Hi Joe, I'm also from Ireland and I'm just back from my first 'Just You' holiday - I went to the USA on the 'National Parks, Canyons and Little Bighorn' tour. I can highly recommend 'Just You' - super itinerary, a great group of people and a wonderful tour leader - Ann Murray. Like you, I was nervous at first but I needn't have worried - after a day or two it felt like we all knew each other for years. So my advice to you would be to just go for it.

Good luck,


'traveljoe' wrote:

Hello all,

I've just joined Just You and am a bit wary of taking my first

holiday as part of a group. Anyone else out there from Ireland

who are thinking of travelling this year with JY. Looking at China or somewhere similar.

Thanks - Jo.

  • (Member)
Hi Jo, welcome! I'm from Co. Wexford and have been on two JY hols, with two more booked! I was delighted to discover JY and have found everyone to be really friendly and the holidays are very well organised. Just two bits of advice - JY won't organise connecting flights from Dublin, so I travel from Belfast to join the main tour group (connecting flights booked by JY). The advantage of this is that if flights are delayed or cancelled, it's then JY's responsibility to sort out new flights, whereas if you book flights yourself from Dublin or wherever, then it's up to you to sort them out if there is a delay or cancellation, or pay for new flights. Also, if you're booking a holiday that requires a visa you are better off organising it yourself, as otherwise you would have to send your passport to them and there could be complications with the relevant embassy if they are trying to get a visa for a non-UK passport for a non-UK resident! Other than that, go for it and you will have a fantastic holiday with great people!
'traveljoe' wrote:

Hello all,

I've just joined Just You and am a bit wary of taking my first

holiday as part of a group. Anyone else out there from Ireland

who are thinking of travelling this year with JY. Looking at China or somewhere similar.

Thanks - Jo.

Hi Jo

I've just come back from China which was my first trip with Just You, and also first trip on my own. Firstly it was an amazing trip, and a great group of people. Go for it, you will not be disappointed.
