  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

Lovely Tour Manager. As everyone said: nerves about touring and going solo disappeared within the first few hours ... I was clearly in capable hands. Even before I met her, the JY Luggage Labels had connected me to my first fellow traveller. 29 of us in all and a friendly, like minded bunch.

As for Jordan: what a fantastic trip. Just by the end of the first day I had stood on the land that Moses stood and then floated in the Dead Sea. Little Petra would have been a highlight in itself, even if we hadn't been to Petra the next day. And the climb up to the Monastery ... not to everyone's taste ... but enough of us to share the stunning views. Wadi Rum ... amazing, and thanks to our guides that week, I saw it from camel back! Aqaba; a day of luxury.

Only problem .... how do I find a trip that is half as good for next Spring? Yes! I am raring to go again! :thumbup:


  • (Member)
Hi MaryD(ee)

I'm so pleased to hear that you have had a great holiday!

If you have any photos that you would be happy for us to share on our Social Media channels and then link to on the community please send them into us (

Kindest regards,


  • (Member)

So glad you had a great time, now you are like so many of us who come back from a tour, we can't wait to get another one booked...hope you have fun looking at what else is on offer. I have my 10th tour booked for 2014


Angie S
I didn't know of the Monastery at Petra before. Thanks to your review I looked into and it looks truly awesome. I will make sure I make the effort to see this when I visit Jordan next April with JY!
  • (Member)
Hi Mary

I am so pleased you enjoyed Jordan - I did say that you will! When I was there nobody from our group went up to the Monastery. You certainly were brave to do so.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Jaya' wrote:

Hi Mary

I am so pleased you enjoyed Jordan - I did say that you will! When I was there nobody from our group went up to the Monastery. You certainly were brave to do so.


Not brave at all .... it's just a staircase (Staircase to Heaven?) ... choice of tea tents at the top .... indeed choice of peaks labelled "the best view" .... not to mention Bedouin stalls every 100m of the ascent (and descent where they try and sell twice over!

You can do it by donkey .... but I favoured the safety of my own feet.

Maybe Portugal next???? and then India next autumn (with my son)


  • (Member)
Hi Mary

I am sure you will enjoy Portugal.


  • (Member)
Hi Jaya,

Have you booked a holiday for next year yet? Hope you're doing well...

All the best,


  • (Member)

So glad you had a great time. Some on our trip went up to the Monastery, I had my first camel ride back to the Treasury, sat with a mint tea watching the other tourists wondering what was so great when they had missed the sun coming up over the facade of the Treasury- truly a magical spectacle :)


  • (Member)
Hi Bob

Yes I have booked two short haul trips for this year. I was advised by my consultant to put the long haul trips on hold, especially the ones where vaccinations were needed. I was thinking of South Africa in September, but will have to wait till 2015. I am doing Discover Italy and Croatia in June and Calabria end August/September. Would have loved to do Costa Rica and Nicaragua but will have to put this on hold as well.


  • (Member)
Hi Jaya,

I think you've picked two terrific holidays and I hope you have a wonderful time! As you know I've done S Africa and I'd strongly recommend it as the holiday of a lifetime, especially if you do the Zambia add-on. Very much looking forward to Costa Rica and Nicaragua next month, I'll write up a review when I get back!

Take care,


  • (Member)
Hi Bob

I always enjoy reading your reviews. I am definitely going to do the Zambia add-on when I go to South Africa. I decided to go to South Africa and do the Zambia add on after reading your review. All being well I will do this trip next September.

All the best


  • (Member)
Hi Jaya, I'm delighted to hear that - many thanks for your kind words and fingers crossed all goes well for you. Although it's more than two years since I did the tour and the itinerary has changed since then, I'd be very happy to answer any queries you may have. There were so many highlights on that tour, it was just amazing. Apologies to MaryDee for hijacking her thread on Jordan - another tour that is on my wish list!



  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'BGray' wrote:

Hi Jaya, I'm delighted to hear that - many thanks for your kind words and fingers crossed all goes well for you. Although it's more than two years since I did the tour and the itinerary has changed since then, I'd be very happy to answer any queries you may have. There were so many highlights on that tour, it was just amazing. Apologies to MaryDee for hijacking her thread on Jordan - another tour that is on my wish list!



That's OK ... have been kept away from the Forum doing other stuff. Amongst which arranging 3 weeks Nepal & India with no2 son (with VJV) and have just booked Sorrento and Bay of Naples (dep Jul2) with Just You. All less than 9 m0ths since I said I was nervous about travelling (well still got nervous making the booking, but am planning on getting over that!)


  • (Member)
Dear All

Just returned from Jordan and I can say all of the above from MaryD is true.

The hotels were lovely and of a good standard, with good service and amazing food - no one went short!

I loved Jurash and Petra - we did the Monastery too and although it was tiring, it was well worth every moment and the laughs we shared along the way.

Aqaba was beautiful - with a lovely walk along the beach to round things off.

A superb holiday - highly recommended.

Many of our fellow travellers disappeared quickly, so if anyone would like to get in touch with me (Vina!) my details are *****************************.com

Best wishes, vina x

Note: this post has been edited to remove personal information. If you would like to get in touch with Vina, please post a response to this thread and we can share contact details away from the community.

  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'vina' wrote:

Dear All

Just returned from Jordan and I can say all of the above from MaryD is true.

The hotels were lovely and of a good standard, with good service and amazing food - no one went short!

I loved Jurash and Petra - we did the Monastery too and although it was tiring, it was well worth every moment and the laughs we shared along the way.

Aqaba was beautiful - with a lovely walk along the beach to round things off.

A superb holiday - highly recommended.

Many of our fellow travellers disappeared quickly, so if anyone would like to get in touch with me (Vina!) my details are *****************************.com

Best wishes, vina x

Note: this post has been edited to remove personal information. If you would like to get in touch with Vina, please post a response to this thread and we can share contact details away from the community.

Glad you enjoyed it too!

Now I am getting ready for my second trip, in July. Sorrento, Capri and to the top of Vesuvius!

  • (Member)
Hi Vina

So glad to know that you enjoyed your Jordan trip. I would love to go back one day, but there are so many other places I want to visit. The list keeps on growing....!



  • (Member)
Hello Vina

It was an outstanding holiday and I’m certain all of our companions would echo your thoughts.

Perhaps Julia would be kind enough to pass on to you my contact details.........


  • (Member)
Hi Maurice,

I have forwarded on your email on to Vina as requested.

Kindest regards,


'MaryDee' wrote:


Lovely Tour Manager. As everyone said: nerves about touring and going solo disappeared within the first few hours ... I was clearly in capable hands. Even before I met her, the JY Luggage Labels had connected me to my first fellow traveller. 29 of us in all and a friendly, like minded bunch.

As for Jordan: what a fantastic trip. Just by the end of the first day I had stood on the land that Moses stood and then floated in the Dead Sea. Little Petra would have been a highlight in itself, even if we hadn't been to Petra the next day. And the climb up to the Monastery ... not to everyone's taste ... but enough of us to share the stunning views. Wadi Rum ... amazing, and thanks to our guides that week, I saw it from camel back! Aqaba; a day of luxury.

Only problem .... how do I find a trip that is half as good for next Spring? Yes! I am raring to go again! :thumbup:


Non, not a problem. I say the same thing after each JY holiday. Just about to embark on my 4th one.